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Merge pull request #447 from TimLariviere/shell-properties
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Add missing properties to Shell related controls
  • Loading branch information
TimLariviere authored Jun 12, 2019
2 parents 42bca0e + 2cde3cf commit b6afe30
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Showing 4 changed files with 247 additions and 23 deletions.
135 changes: 129 additions & 6 deletions src/Fabulous.Core/ViewConverters.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ type ViewElementCell() =
modelOpt <- None
| None -> ()

type ItemViewElementCell() =
type ContentViewElement() =
inherit ContentView()

let mutable listElementOpt : IItemListElement option = None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,10 +179,10 @@ type CustomListView() =
inherit ListView(ItemTemplate=DataTemplate(typeof<ViewElementCell>))

type CustomCollectionListView() =
inherit CollectionView(ItemTemplate=DataTemplate(typeof<ItemViewElementCell>))
inherit CollectionView(ItemTemplate=DataTemplate(typeof<ContentViewElement>))

type CustomCarouselView() =
inherit CarouselView(ItemTemplate=DataTemplate(typeof<ItemViewElementCell>))
inherit CarouselView(ItemTemplate=DataTemplate(typeof<ContentViewElement>))

/// A custom control for the ListViewGrouped view element
type CustomGroupListView() =
Expand All @@ -200,6 +200,18 @@ type CustomContentPage() as self =
base.OnSizeAllocated(width, height)
sizeAllocated.Trigger(width, height)

/// A custom SearchHandler which exposes the overridable methods OnQueryChanged, OnQueryConfirmed and OnItemSelected as events
type CustomSearchHandler() =
inherit SearchHandler(ItemTemplate=DataTemplate(typeof<ContentViewElement>))

member val QueryChanged = ignore with get, set
member val QueryConfirmed = ignore with get, set
member val ItemSelected: obj -> unit = ignore with get, set

override this.OnQueryChanged(oldValue, newValue) = this.QueryChanged (oldValue, newValue)
override this.OnQueryConfirmed() = this.QueryConfirmed ()
override this.OnItemSelected(item) = this.ItemSelected item

module Converters =
open System.Collections.ObjectModel
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,6 +464,12 @@ module Converters =
updateCollectionGeneric ( seqToArray prevCollOpt) ( seqToArray collOpt) targetColl ListElementData (fun _ _ _ -> ()) canReuseChild (fun _ curr target -> target.Key <- curr)

/// Update the items in a SearchHandler control, given previous and current view elements
let updateSearchHandlerItems (prevCollOpt: seq<'T> voption) (collOpt: seq<'T> voption) (target: Xamarin.Forms.SearchHandler) =
let targetColl = List<ItemListElementData>()
updateCollectionGeneric ( seqToArray prevCollOpt) ( seqToArray collOpt) targetColl ItemListElementData (fun _ _ _ -> ()) canReuseChild (fun _ curr target -> target.Key <- curr)
target.ItemsSource <- targetColl

/// Update the items in a CollectionView control, given previous and current view elements
let internal updateCollectionViewItems (prevCollOpt: seq<'T> voption) (collOpt: seq<'T> voption) (target: Xamarin.Forms.CollectionView) =
let targetColl =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -771,7 +789,17 @@ module Converters =
| :? ShellItem as shellItem -> shellItem
| child -> failwithf "%s is not compatible with the type ShellItem" (child.GetType().Name)

updateCollectionGeneric prevCollOpt collOpt target.Items create (fun _ _ _ -> ()) (fun _ _ -> true) updateChild
let update prevViewElement (currViewElement: ViewElement) (target: ShellItem) =
let realTarget =
match currViewElement.TargetType with
| t when t = typeof<ShellContent> -> target.Items.[0].Items.[0] :> Element
| t when t = typeof<TemplatedPage> -> target.Items.[0].Items.[0] :> Element
| t when t = typeof<ShellSection> -> target.Items.[0] :> Element
| t when t = typeof<MenuItem> -> target.GetType().GetProperty("MenuItem").GetValue(target) :?> Element // MenuShellItem is marked as internal
| _ -> target :> Element
updateChild prevViewElement currViewElement realTarget

updateCollectionGeneric prevCollOpt collOpt target.Items create (fun _ _ _ -> ()) (fun _ _ -> true) update

/// Update the menu items of a ShellContent, given previous and current view elements
let internal updateMenuItemsShellContent (prevCollOpt: ViewElement array voption) (collOpt: ViewElement array voption) (target: Xamarin.Forms.ShellContent) =
Expand All @@ -789,7 +817,15 @@ module Converters =
| :? ShellSection as shellSection -> shellSection
| child -> failwithf "%s is not compatible with the type ShellSection" (child.GetType().Name)

updateCollectionGeneric prevCollOpt collOpt target.Items create (fun _ _ _ -> ()) (fun _ _ -> true) updateChild
let update prevViewElement (currViewElement: ViewElement) (target: ShellSection) =
let realTarget =
match currViewElement.TargetType with
| t when t = typeof<ShellContent> -> target.Items.[0] :> BaseShellItem
| t when t = typeof<TemplatedPage> -> target.Items.[0] :> BaseShellItem
| _ -> target :> BaseShellItem
updateChild prevViewElement currViewElement realTarget

updateCollectionGeneric prevCollOpt collOpt target.Items create (fun _ _ _ -> ()) (fun _ _ -> true) update

/// Update the items of a ShellSection, given previous and current view elements
let internal updateShellSectionItems (prevCollOpt: ViewElement array voption) (collOpt: ViewElement array voption) (target: Xamarin.Forms.ShellSection) =
Expand All @@ -815,7 +851,7 @@ module Converters =
| _, ValueSome newVal -> target.SetValue(Xamarin.Forms.SearchHandler.SelectedItemProperty, newVal)

/// Update the IsCheckedProperty of a BaseShellItem, given previous and current IsChecked
let internal updateIsCecked prevValue currValue (target: Xamarin.Forms.BaseShellItem) =
let internal updateIsChecked prevValue currValue (target: Xamarin.Forms.BaseShellItem) =
match prevValue, currValue with
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| ValueSome prevVal, ValueSome newVal when prevVal = newVal -> ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -917,3 +953,90 @@ module Converters =
let items = (sender :?> Xamarin.Forms.ListView).ItemsSource :?> System.Collections.Generic.IList<ListGroupData>
tryFindGroupedListViewItemIndex items item
| _ -> None

let internal updateShellSearchHandler prevValueOpt (currValueOpt: ViewElement voption) target =
match prevValueOpt, currValueOpt with
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue when prevValue = currValue -> ()
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue ->
let searchHandler = Shell.GetSearchHandler(target)
currValue.UpdateIncremental(prevValue, searchHandler)
| ValueNone, ValueSome currValue -> Shell.SetSearchHandler(target, currValue.Create() :?> Xamarin.Forms.SearchHandler)
| ValueSome _, ValueNone -> Shell.SetSearchHandler(target, null)

let internal updateShellBackgroundColor prevValueOpt currValueOpt target =
match prevValueOpt, currValueOpt with
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue when prevValue = currValue -> ()
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| _, ValueSome currValue -> Shell.SetBackgroundColor(target, currValue)
| ValueSome _, ValueNone -> Shell.SetBackgroundColor(target, Color.Default)

let internal updateShellForegroundColor prevValueOpt currValueOpt target =
match prevValueOpt, currValueOpt with
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue when prevValue = currValue -> ()
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| _, ValueSome currValue -> Shell.SetForegroundColor(target, currValue)
| ValueSome _, ValueNone -> Shell.SetForegroundColor(target, Color.Default)

let internal updateShellTitleColor prevValueOpt currValueOpt target =
match prevValueOpt, currValueOpt with
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue when prevValue = currValue -> ()
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| _, ValueSome currValue -> Shell.SetTitleColor(target, currValue)
| ValueSome _, ValueNone -> Shell.SetTitleColor(target, Color.Default)

let internal updateShellDisabledColor prevValueOpt currValueOpt target =
match prevValueOpt, currValueOpt with
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue when prevValue = currValue -> ()
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| _, ValueSome currValue -> Shell.SetDisabledColor(target, currValue)
| ValueSome _, ValueNone -> Shell.SetDisabledColor(target, Color.Default)

let internal updateShellUnselectedColor prevValueOpt currValueOpt target =
match prevValueOpt, currValueOpt with
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue when prevValue = currValue -> ()
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| _, ValueSome currValue -> Shell.SetUnselectedColor(target, currValue)
| ValueSome _, ValueNone -> Shell.SetUnselectedColor(target, Color.Default)

let internal updateShellTabBarBackgroundColor prevValueOpt currValueOpt target =
match prevValueOpt, currValueOpt with
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue when prevValue = currValue -> ()
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| _, ValueSome currValue -> Shell.SetTabBarBackgroundColor(target, currValue)
| ValueSome _, ValueNone -> Shell.SetTabBarBackgroundColor(target, Color.Default)

let internal updateShellTabBarForegroundColor prevValueOpt currValueOpt target =
match prevValueOpt, currValueOpt with
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue when prevValue = currValue -> ()
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| _, ValueSome currValue -> Shell.SetTabBarForegroundColor(target, currValue)
| ValueSome _, ValueNone -> Shell.SetTabBarForegroundColor(target, Color.Default)

let internal updateShellBackButtonBehavior prevValueOpt (currValueOpt: ViewElement voption) target =
match prevValueOpt, currValueOpt with
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue when prevValue = currValue -> ()
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| _, ValueSome currValue -> Shell.SetBackButtonBehavior(target, currValue.Create() :?> BackButtonBehavior)
| ValueSome _, ValueNone -> Shell.SetBackButtonBehavior(target, null)

let internal updateShellTitleView prevValueOpt (currValueOpt: ViewElement voption) target =
match prevValueOpt, currValueOpt with
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue when prevValue = currValue -> ()
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| _, ValueSome currValue -> Shell.SetTitleView(target, currValue.Create() :?> View)
| ValueSome _, ValueNone -> Shell.SetTitleView(target, null)

let internal updateShellFlyoutBehavior prevValueOpt currValueOpt target =
match prevValueOpt, currValueOpt with
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue when prevValue = currValue -> ()
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| _, ValueSome currValue -> Shell.SetFlyoutBehavior(target, currValue)
| ValueSome _, ValueNone -> Shell.SetFlyoutBehavior(target, FlyoutBehavior.Flyout)

let internal updateShellTabBarIsVisible prevValueOpt currValueOpt target =
match prevValueOpt, currValueOpt with
| ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome currValue when prevValue = currValue -> ()
| ValueNone, ValueNone -> ()
| _, ValueSome currValue -> Shell.SetTabBarIsVisible(target, currValue)
| ValueSome _, ValueNone -> Shell.SetTabBarIsVisible(target, true)
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion tools/Generator/CodeGenerator.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ module CodeGenerator =
match m with
| "ElementCreated" ->
w.printfn " let ElementCreatedAttribKey : AttributeKey<(obj -> unit)> = AttributeKey<(obj -> unit)>(\"ElementCreated\")"
| "SearchHandlerItemSelected" -> // AttributeKey<_> incorrectly generalizes obj to 'a
w.printfn " let SearchHandlerItemSelectedAttribKey : AttributeKey<(obj -> unit)> = AttributeKey<(obj -> unit)>(\"SearchHandlerItemSelected\")"
| _ ->
w.printfn " let %sAttribKey : AttributeKey<_> = AttributeKey<_>(\"%s\")" m m
w.printfn ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,7 +166,8 @@ module CodeGenerator =
match m.BoundType with

// Check if the type of the member is in the model, if so issue recursive calls to "Create" and "UpdateIncremental"
| Some boundType when (tryFindType data.KnownTypes boundType.FullName).IsSome && not hasApply ->
// ModelType = "ViewElement" is also accepted because some properties (like FlyoutHeader) are typed object by default (thus disabling control reuse in the generator)
| Some boundType when ((tryFindType data.KnownTypes boundType.FullName).IsSome || m.ModelType = "ViewElement") && not hasApply ->
w.printfn " match prev%sOpt, curr%sOpt with" m.UniqueName m.UniqueName
w.printfn " // For structured objects, dependsOn on reference equality"
w.printfn " | ValueSome prevValue, ValueSome newValue when identical prevValue newValue -> ()"
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion tools/Generator/Resolvers.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,10 @@ module Resolvers =

let getModelType (this : MemberBinding, bindings : Bindings, memberResolutions, hierarchy : seq<TypeReference * TypeDefinition>) =
match this.ModelType with
| NotNullOrWhitespace s -> s
| NotNullOrWhitespace s ->
match (bindings.Types |> Seq.tryFind (fun x -> x.Name = s)) with
| None -> s
| Some _ -> "ViewElement"
| _ ->
match tryGetBoundType memberResolutions this with
| None -> failwithf "no type for %s" this.Name
Expand Down

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