ezplatform-richtext changes between v1.1.5 and v1.1.6
- EZP-31293: Custom CSS classes label is missing (#101)
- EZP-31321: Replace zero-width space with literal placeholder in ezembed(inline) elements (#88)
- EZP-30129: Text pasted from MS Word doesn't keep bold/italic formatting (#93)
- EZP-29958: Creating paragraph longer than 32766 bytes in RichText Editor will fail with Solr Error (#95)
- EZP-30033: Pasting content from external editor into RichText makes content impossible to publish (#94)
- EZP-30130: Text pasted from MS Word to RichText doesn't keep newlines (#100)
- EZP-30222: Tables copied from MS Word contain unwanted entities while converting to RichText (#106)
- EZP-31272: Anchors having name attribute break RTE validation after copying from external sources (#107)