1.4.0 (2015-10-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Use Google's InstanceID API #188
Closed issues:
- How to handle a re-installed app? #203
- interactive push notifications? #266
- Empty registrationId Android #265
- Run callback when clicking of notification body #261
- Android BUILD FAILED #251
- Re-register #250
- how to work in background ? #249
- installing plugin #244
- No Sound and vibration #242
- Unable to build apk #241
- still having problems with build. #239
- Registering on iOS 9 #238
- Custom sound repeated multiple times on Android #237
- Android: status bar notification is not shown #236
- Multiple Push Notifications - phonegap build #234
- error: cannot find symbol String token = InstanceID.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).getToken(senderID, GCM); #231
- Problem using "ledColor" and "VibrationPattern" #229
- Notificaction event receive, but not notification showing on android #228
- Events for registration not being fired #227
- 'registration' event not firing on windows phone #224
- Can i subscribe to a topic in using plugin? #219
- GCMIntentService.java:472: error: cannot find symbol iconColor #217
- Push Plugin registering on iOS 9 Devices but not showing Notification #216
- Receiving a notification "outside app" while in it? #213
- iOS push not working for device tokens when spaces removed #212
- Error: Plugin PushPlugin failed to install. #210
- Build error #205
- Android push.on('registration', cb) fires correctly on device, but not in emulator. #204
- 1.3.0 version not compatible with "crosswalk" by PGB #199
- How to get data on didReceiveNotification Background Process #198
- PushNotification is not defined in some devices #196
- not getting notifications on the Android device #195
- Installation Errors #186
- IOS: on registration fired twice #185
- Build failed with exit code 8 #184
- iOS: Not able to schedule local notification after adding the plugin #183
- How to show multiple notifications individually in android? #181
- iOS init option type #180
- Building for Android is a quest #179
- How do i tell if the user open the app by tapping the notification? #176
- IOS custom push sound when app is in background #175
- Hi guys please post full working procedure, I'm not able to get registration id also. Please help #174
- Has anyone tested this plugin on windows? #173
1.3.0 (2015-09-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- How to use GCM 3.0 with this plugin? #127
- Android: possibility to send a notification with a title and without message #122
- Enhancement - Led, Vibration Pattern, Priority on Android #105
Fixed bugs:
- It is using in gcm data.additionalData ? #126
- iOS notification from cold boot #117
- Notification LED is not working #97
Closed issues:
- Know which version is used in build service #151
- Registration is not working in IOS9 #150
- build fail on android #149
- iconColor does not set icon background on Android #146
- Prevent windows toast notification when in foreground #145
- How to implement push notification for ios with this plug-in? #143
- After installing this plugin I can't build on Android #141
- version 1.2.3 #134
- New inbox style on android #131
- impossible to install the phonegap-plugin-push Error #130
- Hello, i am developing a cordova app which requires push notifications to be sent to users android phone, so i tried using this new phonegap push plugin as old one is deprecated, and it keeps giving me an error in console: Uncaught ReferenceError: module is not defined --- Line 154 Push.js and i dont have much experience with cordova, so can anyone assist me ? #128
- INVALID_REGISTRATION when http post request with to IOS #123
- Andriod :More than 2 notifications in status bar it is not works. #121
- Release notes for 1.2.x #119
- Google cloud messaging GCM - Push Notification not being sent (Server Side) #110
1.2.3 (2015-09-08)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Notification doesn't show the app icon #112
- Notification doesn't show the app icon #111
- Issue with plugin facebook connect #107
- Cordova Support #99
- Uncaught ReferenceError: cordova is not defined, http://localhost:8100/lib/push.js, Line: 7 #98
- Notifications never received on Android #96
- How know the way the app was launched #95
- Android, example doesn't work when it goes into background #94
- Utilizing push plugin #91
1.2.2 (2015-08-31)
Closed issues:
- PushPlugin notification icon is too big #88
1.2.1 (2015-08-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Question about GCM Notifications and data in the message payload #87
Fixed bugs:
- Notification callback for pushes without a message #80
Closed issues:
- Android: No notification displayed on device. Notification event never called. #86
- it seem no wp8 version for now #56
1.2.0 (2015-08-25)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Pushes being deleted from notification bar when cold start #67
Closed issues:
- oficial push plugin and windows and wp8 compatibility #71
- On Android, GCMIntentService.onError() doesn't get passed to the JavaScript "error" event #65
- Android: add property to vibrate phone on received notification #61
- push.on => "registration" will trigger twice times that only in iOS #57
1.1.1 (2015-07-27)
1.1.0 (2015-07-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- iOS doesn't add foreground key #41
- Android: Notification icon problem #20
- iOS badge number #18
- How i can set icons for push notifications in status bar and push view in android #14
- Support Win8.1 + Phone 8.1 Universal Apps (WNS), drop support for WP8.0 (MPNS) #13
Fixed bugs:
- iOS only reads out "aps" payload #29
- Event not fired when in background #24
- Custom notification sound in background mode? #17
Closed issues:
- iOS only receives first notification in foreground #42
- Cannot register on iOS #30
- Fix Android paths in src folder #23
- PushNotification not defined #21
- Error trying to remove the plugin #19
- Handling multiple notifications on Android devices #12
- PGB (build.phonegap.com) problem #11
- reporting location via gcm #6
Merged pull requests:
- Updating Readme to document toast capable setting #47 (rakatyal)
- fix issue #41 #44 (Deminetix)
- fix issue #42 #43 (Deminetix)
- Adding hyperlinks to README #40 (rakatyal)
- Updating Readme #37 (rakatyal)
- Adding windows support to plugin #36 (rakatyal)
- Raghav/update #35 (rakatyal)
- Adding behavior for different notification types #28 (rakatyal)
- Initial commit to add support for windows universal platform #15 (rakatyal)
1.0.1 (2015-06-08)
Closed issues:
1.0.0 (2015-06-05)
Closed issues:
- Update code using enabledRemoteNotificationTypes because it is “not supported in iOS 8” #8
- Register method not working #4
- Publish plugin to npm #3
- Update example to use new API #2
- Lowercase Example/ directory #1
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator