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copy gnuplotlib from euslib/jsk.l
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k-okada committed Aug 24, 2015
1 parent e7ca4ef commit f432412
Showing 1 changed file with 286 additions and 0 deletions.
286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions irteus/gnuplotlib.l
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
;;; $Id$
;;; Copyright (c) 1987- JSK, The University of Tokyo. All Rights Reserved.
;;; This software is a collection of EusLisp code for robot applications,
;;; which has been developed by the JSK Laboratory for the IRT project.
;;; For more information on EusLisp and its application to the robotics,
;;; please refer to the following papers.
;;; Toshihiro Matsui
;;; Multithread object-oriented language euslisp for parallel and
;;; asynchronous programming in robotics
;;; Workshop on Concurrent Object-based Systems,
;;; IEEE 6th Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 1994
;;; Permission to use this software for educational, research
;;; and non-profit purposes, without fee, and without a written
;;; agreement is hereby granted to all researchers working on
;;; the IRT project at the University of Tokyo, provided that the
;;; above copyright notice remains intact.

(defclass gnuplot
:super propertied-object
:slots (strm data data-length last-command debug)

(defmethod gnuplot
(:init (host &key (clear t) ((:debug _debug)))
(setq strm
((string= (unix:gethostname) host)
(piped-fork "gnuplot"))
"rsh" host
(format nil "(setenv DISPLAY ~A:0 ; cd ~A ; gnuplot)"
(unix:gethostname) (pwd)))
(setq data-length 10)
(if clear (send self :clear))
(setq debug _debug)
(if (fboundp 'x::query-window-title-list)
(let ((bef (x::query-window-title-list)) aft dif)
(format strm "clear~%")
(while (not dif)
(setq aft (x::query-window-title-list))
(setq dif (set-difference aft bef :test #'(lambda (a b) (= (cdr a) (cdr b))))))
(setf (get self :win-id) (cdr (car dif)))
(format strm "clear~%"))
(format strm "clear~%")
;; (send *G* :draw #f(0 1 2 3 4 5) #f(5 4 3 2 1 0) :xrange '(0 10) :yrange '(0 10) :title '("data1" "data2"))
(:draw (&rest vs)
(setq last-command vs)
(if debug (warn ";; :draw ~S~%" vs))
(let (str range xrange yrange title (clear nil) (line-width 1) (direction :right) (xscale 1.0) (xoffset 0.0) (type :lines))
(dotimes (i (length vs))
(if (eq (elt vs i) :range) (setq range (elt vs (1+ i))))
(if (eq (elt vs i) :xrange) (setq xrange (elt vs (1+ i))))
(if (eq (elt vs i) :yrange) (setq yrange (elt vs (1+ i))))
(if (eq (elt vs i) :title) (setq title (elt vs (1+ i))))
(if (eq (elt vs i) :clear) (setq clear (elt vs (1+ i))))
(if (eq (elt vs i) :line-width) (setq line-width (elt vs (1+ i))))
(if (eq (elt vs i) :direction) (setq direction (elt vs (1+ i))))
(if (eq (elt vs i) :xscale) (setq xscale (elt vs (1+ i))))
(if (eq (elt vs i) :xoffset) (setq xoffset (elt vs (1+ i))))
(if (eq (elt vs i) :type) (setq type (elt vs (1+ i))))
(setq vs (remove :range vs))
(setq vs (remove range vs :test #'equal))
(setq vs (remove :xrange vs))
(setq vs (remove xrange vs :test #'equal))
(setq vs (remove :yrange vs))
(setq vs (remove yrange vs :test #'equal))
(setq vs (remove :title vs))
(setq vs (remove title vs :test #'equal))
(setq vs (remove :clear vs))
(setq vs (remove clear vs :test #'equal))
(setq vs (remove :line-width vs))
(setq vs (remove line-width vs :test #'equal))
(setq vs (remove :direction vs))
(setq vs (remove direction vs :test #'equal))
(setq vs (remove :xscale vs))
(setq vs (remove xscale vs :test #'equal))
(setq vs (remove :xoffset vs))
(setq vs (remove xoffset vs :test #'equal))
(setq vs (remove :type vs))
(setq vs (remove type vs :test #'equal))
(if clear (send self :clear))
(case type
(:lines ;; default
(format strm "plot ")
(if (setq range (or range xrange))
(format strm "[~A:~A]" (first range) (second range))
(format strm "[]"))
(if yrange (format strm "[~A:~A]" (first yrange) (second yrange)))
(format strm " '-'")
(if title (format strm " title \"~A\"" (pop title)))
(format strm " w lp lw ~A" line-width)
(dolist (v (cdr vs))
(format strm ", '-'")
(if title (format strm " title \"~A\"" (pop title)))
(format strm " w lp lw ~A" line-width)
(format strm "~%")
(dolist (v vs)
(dotimes (i (length v))
(if (eq direction :left)
(format strm "~A ~A~%" (+ (* i xscale) xoffset) (elt v (1- (- (length v) i))))
(format strm "~A ~A~%" (+ (* i xscale) xoffset) (elt v i))))
(format strm "e~%"))
(format strm "set pm3d map~%")
(format strm "unset ztics~%")
(if yrange (format strm "set cbrange [~A:~A]~%" (elt yrange 0) (elt yrange 1))
(format strm "set autoscale cb~%"))
(format strm "splot '-' with pm3d~%")

(dotimes (i (length (car vs)))
(dotimes (ii 2)
(dotimes (j (length vs))
(dotimes (jj 2)
(let ((x (+ (* (+ i ii) xscale) xoffset))
(y (+ j jj)) ;; 0 1 1 2 2 3 ...
(z (if (eq direction :left) (elt (elt vs j) (1- (- (length (car vs)) i))) (elt (elt vs j) i)))
(format strm "~A ~A ~A~%" x y z)
(format strm "~%")

(format strm "e~%")
(t (warn "unknown type ~A~%" type))
(:save (f &key (type "postscript eps color \"Times-Roman\" 24"))
(format strm "set terminal ~A~%" type)
(format strm "set output ~s~%" f)
(if last-command (send-lexpr self :draw last-command)
(format strm "replot~%"))
(format strm "set output~%")
(format strm "set terminal x11~%")
(if last-command (send-lexpr self :draw last-command)
(format strm "replot~%"))
(:replot () (format strm "replot~%"))
(:reset () (format strm "reset~%"))
(:command (msg) (format strm "~A~%" msg))
(:quit () (format strm "quit~%"))

(defun gnuplot (&key (host (unix:gethostname)))
(instance gnuplot :init host))

;; plot function for 2d or 3d plot
;; argument
;; ordinate-list ;; list of data for ordinate axis
;; 2D = (list (list y00 y01 ... y0n), ... (list ym0 ym1 ... ymn))
;; 3D = (list (list z00 z01 ... z0n), ... (list zm0 zm1 ... zmn))
;; abscissa-list ;; list of data for abscissa axes
;; 2D = (list x0 x1 ... xn)
;; 3D = (list xylist0 ... xylistn) ;; xylist = (list x y)
;; keylist ;; list of data's key
(defun user::graph-view
&optional (abscissa-list (let ((idx -1)) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (incf idx)) (make-list (length (car ordinate-list)))))) ;; range function
&key (title "Graph") (xlabel "X") (ylabel "Y") (zlabel "Z")
(dump-graph nil) (graph-fname (format nil "~A.eps" (substitute #\_ (elt " " 0) title)))
;;(mode "points")
(mode "lines")
keylist xrange yrange zrange
x11 additional-func
no-dump ((:graph-instance gp) (if (boundp 'user::*gp*) user::*gp* (setq user::*gp* (gnuplot))))
(fname (format nil "data~A" (sys::address gp))))
(labels ((gen-range-string
(if range (format nil "[~A:~A]" (car range) (cadr range)) "[]"))
(2d-or-3d (r-2d r-3d) (if (atom (car abscissa-list)) (eval r-2d) (eval r-3d))))
(unless keylist (setq keylist (let ((idx -1)) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (incf idx)) (make-list (length ordinate-list))))))
;; dump dat file
(unless no-dump
(f (format nil "/tmp/~A.dat" fname) :direction :output)
(format f (2d-or-3d "# x vals..~%" "# x y vals..~%"))
(dotimes (i (length abscissa-list))
(if (atom (car abscissa-list))
(format f "~A " (elt abscissa-list i))
(format f "~A ~A " (elt (elt abscissa-list i) 0) (elt (elt abscissa-list i) 1)))
;;(dolist (d ordinate-list) (format f "~A " (elt d i)))
(dolist (d ordinate-list)
(if (< i (length d))
(format f "~A " (elt d i))))
(format f "~%")

;; plot
(mapcar #'(lambda (d1 d2)
(send gp :command (format nil "set ~A \"~A\"" d1 d2)))
'(user::title user::xlabel user::ylabel user::zlabel)
(list title xlabel ylabel zlabel))
(if additional-func (funcall additional-func))
(dotimes (i (length ordinate-list))
(send gp :command
(format nil "~A \"/tmp/~A.dat\" using ~A title \"~A\" with ~A"
(0 (apply #'format
(list nil
(2d-or-3d "plot ~A ~A" "splot ~A ~A ~A")
(gen-range-string xrange)
(gen-range-string yrange)
(2d-or-3d nil (gen-range-string zrange)))))
(t "replot"))
(format nil "~A:~A" (2d-or-3d "1" "1:2") (+ i (2d-or-3d 2 3)))
(elt keylist i)
(if x11 (send gp :command "set terminal X11"))
(when dump-graph
(unix:usleep 200000)
(send gp :save graph-fname)
(unix:usleep 200000))

;; examples
(defun test-gnuplot-0 ()
(unless (boundp '*gp*) (setq *gp* (gnuplot)))
(let ((leng 360))
(send *gp* :proc-length leng)
(mapcar #'(lambda (s-data c-data)
(send *gp* :proc-one (float-vector s-data c-data)
:direction :left
:title (list "sin(x)" "cos(x)")))
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (sin (deg2rad x))) (range leng))
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cos (deg2rad x))) (range leng)))
;; examples for graph-view
(defun test2d-plot ()
(graph-view (list (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (sin (deg2rad x))) (range 360)))
(range 360)
:xrange '(0 360) :yrange '(-2 2)
:ylabel "sin(x)" :title "plot sin test")
(defun all-combination (lst)
(reduce #'(lambda (prev target)
(if (eq prev :nil)
(mapcar #'list target))
(let ((ret nil))
(dolist (ta target)
(dolist (p prev)
(push (append p (list ta)) ret))
lst :initial-value :nil))
(defun test3d-plot ()
(let ((xy-list (all-combination (list (range 100) (range 100)))))
(graph-view (list (gaussian-frequency-function
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (concatenate float-vector x)) xy-list)))
:title "plot gauss test")

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