Model | Architecture | Params |
vit-nano | Vision Transformer + ConvNet | 3.049.665 |
vit-micro | Vision Transformer + ConvNet | 6.576.777 |
vit-tiny | Vision Transformer + ConvNet | 14.518.713 |
vit-small | Vision Transformer + ConvNet | 25.563.369 |
unet | U-Net | 10.103.933 |
unet++ | U-Net++ | 10.479.187 |
- 2693 multispectral PlanetScope satellite images (4096x4096x4, ~650 GB)
- 4 channels per image (R, G, B, NIR)
- 505.724 patches (256x256) after preprocessing
- 16.933.743 GEDI labels after preprocessing
To install the required packages to a virtual environment and activate it, run:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp .env.sample .env
For merging the output files into one, you need to install GDAL:
brew install gdal
python [preprocessing|train|evaluate|run].py
python run.py
cd output
ls *.tif > merge_list.txt
gdal_merge.py -o output.tif --optfile merge_list.txt -co COMPRESS=LZW -co BIGTIFF=YES -n 0 -a_nodata 0