Releases: eliasdoehne/stellaris-dashboard
Rendering fixes and new file parser
What's Changed
- Add end to end test on real save by @chennin in #99
- Read more keys from localisation files by @chennin in #101
- Fix country borders by @eliasdoehne in #105
- Rust save parser by @eliasdoehne in #97
- Bump bzip2 from 0.4.3 to 0.4.4 in /stellarisdashboard/parsing/rust_parser by @dependabot in #106
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #106
Full Changelog: v4.4...v5.0
Fix name rendering and other improvements
What's Changed
- Add option for production WSGI server by @chennin in #85
- Add Cython language level to tokenizer.pyx by @chennin in #87
- Update SciPy to 1.9.3 by @chennin in #89
- Handle new 3.6 templates: %ADJECTIVE%, %ADJ%, and %LEADER_2%. Fixes #90 by @chennin in #91
- Change empire name in exported timelapse to medium white on black for readability by @chennin in #93
- Update libraries and python version by @eliasdoehne in #96
- Fix budget graphs with mixed contributions by @eliasdoehne in #95
Full Changelog: v4.3...v4.4
Bug fixes and map improvements
- Fix a bug where duplicate keys in the save file result in an unexpected non-numeric result
- Make IP passed to flask configurable
- Fix log levels
- Fix a bug related to processing war data
- Draw an outline around each country in the galaxy maps (interactive and exported timelapses)
Based on limited testing, it should work with Stellaris 3.6, please open an issue if you have any problems
Bug Fixes
Fix a few bugs:
- Handle missing leader names
- Don't crash when there are multiple starbases in the same system (this can happen in the Overlord DLC because orbital rings work like starbases)
There could currently be an issue with the windows build where the worker threads get stuck, if you experience this please try restarting the dashboard a few times or set the number of threads to 1 in the settings page. I will take a look at this soon.
Galaxy Map Timelapse Export
This release allows exporting a timelapse animation of the galaxy as a gif file (or as individual frames).
It also adds some optional additional graphs for the total resource income and expenses of each country (as opposed to net income), for details how to enable this, refer to this Readme
The release should be compatible with save files and databases created for the previous release. If you notice any bugs, please open a new issue or discussion in the Steam workshop.
Fixes for Stellaris 3.4
Fixes the dashboard for Stellaris 3.4. Not compatible with earlier versions of Stellaris or databases from earlier dashboard versions.
If names don't show up correctly in the dashboard, please check the instructions here:
Market Price Graphs
Adds graphs for each resource's buy and sell price on the internal and galactic market. Both markets are shown in the same graph, together with an indicator along the x-axis which market was available at any given time.
Unfortunately, the market fee cannot be extracted from the save file so the default 30% are assumed. As a workaround, you can enter your actual market fee values in the configuration file with the date when they took effect as explained in the readme to get the correct values. The graphs can have gaps or look like constant flat lines if there were no trades.
The release is not compatible with earlier versions of the dashboard, so you have to start a new game, or use the parse_saves executable to re-read your save files.
As always, please let me know any bugs or problems!
Fix Planet and System Names
- Bugfixes related to planet and system names.
- Update libraries used by the dashboard
Fix encoding errors
Fixes some errors related to encoding of save files.
It will now try to read save files with the Windows-1252 mentioned in the Europa Universalis wiki but if that causes an error, it will retry with utf-8 while ignoring further errors which should hopefully cover most cases.
Please let me know in case of any more bugs (with a github issue or in a steam discussion topic)
Fixes some reported bugs, as well as the old issue that the parser failed for deeply nested objects created by some other mods.
Please report any bugs by creating a new topic in the steam discussion or opening an issue on github.