22 commits
to master
since this release
Change log
- Updated to 2022-05-28 RetroArch distribution (1.10.3 version).
- New official core:
- lutro_libretro.so: Lua Engine (Lutro)
- Core previously taken from Poligraf compilation which have now become official:
- gme_libretro.so: Game Music Emu
- Two packages are offered for each firmware type (stock/ROGUE or ODbeta) with cores from RetroArch's nightly builds and from Poligraf's compilation:
If you want to update your Adam installation, use the last one (RA_ODBeta_Installer_v2022-05-28.opk
) and check only the first option (Unistall previous wrappers
) on installer.
WARNING: The DosBOX core of the official distribution is included in the OPKs, but it has been less compatible since a few versions. If you start having problems, extract the file dosbox_pure_libretro.so from a previous distribution (for example the one from 2021-10-13 included in previous releases as a separated file it is known to work well) and replace it in ~/.retroarch/cores