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This repository offers a bash script to build an installer from the files of the official RetroArch distribution for the different variants of the Anbernic RG350 and RG280 consoles. The generated OPK will install the RetroArch framework files in their precise locations, to which it will add a series of independent OPK launchers or wrappers for the different cores, so as to facilitate the integration of RetroArch in frontends such as GMenu2X or SimpleMenu.

Installed RetroArch cores

In addition to the cores from the official distribution, the script also includes the cores compiled by the user Poligraf. Its repository is integrated as a git submodule of this one.

Below is the full list of cores that are included in the final generated OPK installers:

Source Core System Need files Supported extensions Observations
Official 2048 false
Official Sinclair ZX81 true p, tzx, t81
Official Atari 5200 true bin, a52 Needs BIOS: 5200.rom (md5: 281f20ea4320404ec820fb7ec0693b38)
Official Anarch false
Official Arduboy true hex, arduboy
Official Arduboy true hex
Official Elektronika - BK-0010/BK-0011 true bin Needs BIOS (model BK-0010): bk/BASIC10.ROM (md5: 3fa774326d75410a065659aea80252f0), bk/FOCAL10.ROM (md5: 5737f972e8638831ab71e9139abae052), bk/MONIT10.ROM (md5: 95f8c41c6abf7640e35a6a03cecebd01). Unsupported video mode on stock/ROGUE.
Official SEGA Outrun true game, 88 Needs game files and a dummy file with .game extension
Official ChaiLove true chai, chailove Framework to make 2D games in Lua. Only ODbeta
Official Dinothawr true game Needs game files
Official DOSBox true zip, dosz, exe, com, bat, iso, cue, ins, img, ima, vhd, m3u, m3u8
Official Wolfenstein 3D true wl6,n3d,sod,sdm,wl1,pk3,exe Needs "BIOS": ecwolf.pk3 (md5: d68107770b3ba230d10aa27472a7617b). Only ODbeta
Official CPS1 true zip
Official CPS2 true zip
Official Neo Geo true zip
Official Nintendo NES true fds, nes, unif, unf Disk System needs BIOS: disksys.rom (md5: ca30b50f880eb660a320674ed365ef7a)
Official Fairchild ChannelF true bin, chf Needs BIOS: sl31253.bin (md5: ac9804d4c0e9d07e33472e3726ed15c3), sl31254.bin (md5: da98f4bb3242ab80d76629021bb27585), sl90025.bin (md5: 95d339631d867c8f1d15a5f2ec26069d)
Poligraf Sinclair ZX Spectrum true tzx, tap, z80, rzx, scl, trd, dsk
Official GB/GBC true gb, gbc, dmg BIOS optional: gb_bios.bin (md5: 32fbbd84168d3482956eb3c5051637f5), gbc_bios.bin (md5: dbfce9db9deaa2567f6a84fde55f9680)
Official GB/GBC true gb, dmg, gbc, cgb, sgb
Official ColecoVision true col,cv,bin,rom Needs BIOS: colecovision.rom (md5: 2c66f5911e5b42b8ebe113403548eee7)
Official SG-1000, GG, MD true sms, gg, sg, bin, rom
Official SG-1000, MS, GG, MD, SEGA CD true mdx, md, smd, gen, bin, cue, iso, sms, bms, gg, sg, 68k, chd, m3u SEGA CD needs BIOS: bios_CD_E.bin, bios_CD_U.bin, bios_CD_J.bin
Official SG-1000, MS, GG, MD, SEGA CD true mdx, md, smd, gen, bin, cue, iso, sms, bms, gg, sg, 68k, chd, m3u SEGA CD needs BIOS: bios_CD_E.bin, bios_CD_U.bin, bios_CD_J.bin
Official Game Music Emu true ay, gbs, gym, hes, kss, nsf, nsfe, sap, spc, vgm, vgz, zip
Official Pong false
Official GBA true gba, bin BIOS optional: gba_bios.bin (md5: a860e8c0b6d573d191e4ec7db1b1e4f6)
Official Nintendo Game&Watch true mgw Unsupported video mode in some games on stock/ROGUE, but pressing some controls it runs sometimes
Official LYNX true lnx, o Needs BIOS: lynxboot.img (md5: fcd403db69f54290b51035d82f835e7b)
Official CHIP-8 true ch8, sc8, xo8
Official Jump 'n Bump true dat
Official MAME2003 true zip
Official MAME2003 true zip
Official PCE, PCE CD true pce, cue, ccd, chd, toc, m3u PCE CD needs BIOS: syscard3.pce (md5: 38179df8f4ac870017db21ebcbf53114)
Official WS true ws, wsc, pc2
Official GBA true gb, gbc, gba BIOS optional: gba_bios.bin (md5: a860e8c0b6d573d191e4ec7db1b1e4f6)
Official MAC true dsk,img,zip,hvf,cmd Needs BIOS: MacII.ROM (md5: 66223be1497460f1e60885eeb35e03cc)
Official MrBoom false Withdrawn in the last compilations. Parameterization is maintained in case it returns.
Official Palm true prc, pqa, img, pdb, zip Needs BIOS: palmos41-en-m515.rom (md5: 83cb1d1c76e568b916dc2e7c0bf669f6). Needs a stick to manage the stylus, so doesn't run on RG280V.
Official Texas Instruments TI-83 true 8xp, 8xk, 8xg Needs BIOS: ti83se.rom (md5: c6ff8204c5c81b7be34614dbbd690c8b) or ti83plus.rom (md5: 8011181f810b5ec4e9d6a03f0e14257a) or ti83.rom (md5: d4448d09bbfde687c04f9e3310e023ab)
Official Cave Story true exe Needs game files
Official Magnavox Odyssey2, Phillips Videopac+ true bin Needs BIOS: o2rom.bin (md5: 562d5ebf9e030a40d6fabfc2f33139fd)
Official MS, MD, SEGA CD, SEGA 32X true bin, gen, smd, md, 32x, chd, cue, iso, sms, 68k, m3u SEGA CD needs BIOS: bios_CD_U.bin (md5: 2efd74e3232ff260e371b99f84024f7f), bios_CD_E.bin (md5: e66fa1dc5820d254611fdcdba0662372), bios_CD_J.bin (md5: 278a9397d192149e84e820ac621a8edd)
Official PocketCDG true cdg
Official POKEMINI true min Needs BIOS: bios.min (md5: 1e4fb124a3a886865acb574f388c803d)
Official Watara Supervision true bin, sv
Official DOOM true wad, iwad, pwad Needs game files
Official Atari 7800 true a78, bin BIOS optional: 7800 BIOS (U).rom (md5: 0763f1ffb006ddbe32e52d497ee848ae)
Official NEC PC-88 true d88,u88,m3u Needs BIOS: quasi88/n88.rom, quasi88/n88_0.rom
Official NES true nes
Official NGP true ngp, ngc, ngpc, npc
Official PICO-8 true png, p8
Official ScummVM true <see long list in core_info/>
Official SNES true smc, fig, sfc, gd3, gd7, dx2, bsx, swc
Official SNES true smc, fig, sfc, gd3, gd7, dx2, bsx, swc
Official Atari 2600 true a26, bin
Official Tamagotchi P1 true b, bin, rom
Official TIC-80 true tic
Official QUAKE true pak Needs game files
Official MicroW8 true uw8, wasm
Official VaporSpec true vaporbin
Official C64 true d64, d71, d80, d81, d82, g64, g41, x64, t64, tap, prg, p00, crt, bin, zip, gz, d6z, d7z, d8z, g6z, g4z, x6z, cmd, m3u, vfl, vsf, nib, nbz, d2m, d4m
Official QUAKE2 true pak Needs game files
Official QUAKE2 Ground Zero true pak Needs game files
Official QUAKE2 The Reckoning true pak Needs game files
Official QUAKE2 Zaero true pak Needs game files
Official WASM-4 true wasm
Official Sharp X1 true dx1,zip,2d,2hd,tfd,d88,88d,hdm,xdf,dup,tap,cmd Needs BIOS: xmil/IPLROM.X1 (md5: eeeea1cd29c6e0e8b094790ae969bfa7), xmil/IPLROM.X1T (md5: 851e4a5936f17d13f8c39a980cf00d77)
Official Rick Dangerous true zip
Poligraf Atari 5200 true xfd, atr, cdm, cas, bin, a52, zip, atx, car, com, xex Needs BIOS to emulate Atari5200: 5200.rom (md5: 281f20ea4320404ec820fb7ec0693b38)
Poligraf MSX, MSX2 true rom,ri,mx1,mx2,col,dsk,cas,sg,sc,m3u Needs BIOS in .retroarch/system/Machines
Poligraf Amstrad CPC true dsk, sna, zip, tap, cdt, voc, cpr, m3u
Poligraf Amstrad CPC true dsk,sna,kcr
Poligraf MSX, MSX2 true rom,mx1,mx2,dsk,cas Needs BIOS: MSX.ROM (md5: 364a1a579fe5cb8dba54519bcfcdac0d), MSX2.ROM (md5: ec3a01c91f24fbddcbcab0ad301bc9ef), MSX2EXT.ROM (md5: 2183c2aff17cf4297bdb496de78c2e8a), MSX2P.ROM (md5: 847cc025ffae665487940ff2639540e5), MSX2PEXT.ROM (md5: 7c8243c71d8f143b2531f01afa6a05dc). Unsupported video mode en RG280/ODBeta.
Poligraf Commodore 64 true d64,t64,x64,p00,lnx,zip
Poligraf Atari ST true st, msa, zip, stx, dim, ipf, m3u Needs BIOS: tos.img (md5: c1c57ce48e8ee4135885cee9e63a68a2).Difficult configuration because of unsupported video mode. Achieved some success with ODBeta, but not with stock/ROGUE.
Poligraf LowRes NX true nx
Poligraf Nintendo Virtual Boy true vb, vboy, bin Poor performance
Poligraf NEC PC-98 true d98,zip,98d,fdi,fdd,2hd,tfd,d88,88d,hdm,xdf,dup,cmd,hdi,thd,nhd,hdd I couldn't get it to work. May be it needs some BIOS.
Poligraf PlayStation true bin,cue,img,mdf,pbp,toc,cbn,m3u,ccd,chd Poor performance
Poligraf Commodore Amiga true adf, adz, dms, fdi, ipf, hdf, hdz, lha, slave, info, cue, ccd, nrg, mds, iso, chd, uae, m3u, zip, 7z, rp9 Needs BIOS: kick34005.A500 (md5: 82a21c1890cae844b3df741f2762d48d)
Poligraf Flashback true map, aba, seq, lev Needs game files. I couldn't get it to work.
Poligraf Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup true crawlrc Needs game files and an empty file game.crawlrc (instructions here). Unsupported video mode on RG280/stock/ROGUE, reboots on beta.
Poligraf Thomson - MO/TO true fd, sap, k7, m7, m5, rom Difficult configuration because of unsupported video mode. Achieved some success with MO5 model on ODBeta, but not on stock/ROGUE.
Poligraf Uzebox true uze Poor performance
Poligraf Vectrex true bin,vec

OPKs parameterization

The OPKs to launch the different cores are automatically generated from the configuration made in a CSV file. A couple of sample CSV files are included in the repository. One with the parameterization of the OPKs corresponding to the official cores (official.csv) and another for the cores compiled by Poligraf (poligraf.csv).

WARNING: The CSV file uses a pipe (|) as a column separator, not a comma (,). The first row of the file is ignored, so it can be used to identify the columns. The file must contain 8 columns in the following order and meaning:

  1. Label that will be displayed by GMenu2X. For example Nintendo GB.
  2. OPK filename without the OPK extension. The string retroarch_rg350_ will prepend the filename. For example, if in this column we put GB, the resulting OPK filename will be retroarch_rg350_GB.opk.
  3. Name of the PNG file (without extension) that will be used as the icon in the OPK. The corresponding icon must exist in the icons subdirectory of the repository. For example, if we put gb in this column, we must make sure that the icons/gb.png file exists, which will be copied into the OPK during the installer building process.
  4. In this column we indicate with true or false if the generated OPK will show the file explorer to select the ROM or game file when launched from GMenu2X. It will correspond to the column Need files in the table from the previous paragraph. Normally this column is true except in cores that correspond to game ports like Mr.Boom.
  5. Filename corresponding to the RA core to be used (with the extension .so included in this case). For example We will take it from the Core column of the table from the previous paragraph.
  6. Core descriptor. It is used to differentiate between different launchers based on the same system. For example to distinguish the GenesisPlus and Picodrive cores of the SEGA MD system.
  7. Extensions supported by the core separated by commas (,). These extensions are the ones that will be filtered by GMenu2X when displaying the file explorer (only works on ROGUE). They should match or be a subset of those indicated in the Supported extensions column of the table in the previous paragraph. For example for normal Game Boy (not color) we will put gb, gz, zip, 7z.
  8. Directory where the system ROMs are located. It will be the one shown by default when opening the OPK with GMenu2X. For example /media/sdcard/roms/GB/.

Script usage

The script is designed to be used on Linux with bash. The procedure to use it is as follows:

  1. Install some requirements:

    $ sudo apt install git wget p7zip-full tar sed squashfs-tools
  2. Download repository with submodules (IMPORTANT don't forget the --recurse-submodules option):

    $ git clone --recurse-submodules
  3. Create the CSV file with the parameterization that we like. We can use as template one of the two files included as an example in the repository (official.csv and poligraf.csv). It is important to bear in mind that the column separator is a pipe (|) and not a comma (,) as usual in this kind of files.

  4. Set the parameter CONF_CSV at the beginning of the script with the name of the previous CSV file (without extension).

  5. Put the date of the RetroArch distribution from which you want to build the installer in the v file. Naturally if the date is in the future, the script will fail.

  6. Execute the script:

    $ cd RG350_auto_ra_installer
    $ ./

As a result of the execution (and if there are no errors), two files will appear in the releases directory, one to be used in stock/ROGUE systems and the other for OD Beta (unless we have disabled the generation of any of them by means of the BUILD_STOCK and/or BUILD_ODBETA parameters at the beginning of the script).

Built OPKs usage

When launched, it asks for two options that are disabled by default:

Installing options

  • Uninstall previous wrappers: Remove OPK launchers (wrappers) installed previously.
  • Install config: To install basic configurations for most cores (basically the ones collected by RetroGameCorps in their guide). The recommendation is to install the configurations the first time and not to install them in subsequent installations to avoid losing the personal settings made on it.

Options are marked by selecting them with the Up/Down controls and pressing X. To install, select the <OK> button with the Left/Right controls and press Start. For some reason, the program starts with a black screen on OD Beta. Press any of the directional controls to make the screen light up.

The OPK with the installer can be obtained in the releases of this repository.


If the Install config option defined above is used, among other things like video settings for most cores, the following controls will be adjusted globally:

Function Shortcut
Pause Select + A
Reset Select + B
RetroArch menu Select + X
Fast forward Select + Y
Save savestate Select + R1
Load savestate Select + L1
Swap disk Select + R2
Open CD tray Select + L2
Exit game Select + Start
Change savestate slot Select + ←→
Change volume Select + ↑↓

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