[Issue 4362 ] - Upgrade Hibernate Validator to 6.1.0.Final
[Issue 4458 ] - ApacheConnector force the useSystemProperties flag to false
[Pull 4375 ] - Fixed #3801 - inject cdi into custom validator
[Pull 4414 ] - Use standard pom.xml structure in tests/integration/microprofile
[Pull 4415 ] - Use request scope ClientProperties.READ_TIMEOUT in Jetty && Netty
[Pull 4419 ] - Allow to use HeaderDelegateProvider to parse the response MediaType
[Pull 4425 ] - Updated GF, Jetty, Mimepull, Moxy, Yasson dependencies
[Pull 4426 ] - Support jdk15
[Pull 4429 ] - Make sure the RX invoker gets ExecutorService from Provider
[Pull 4431 ] - Adopt ASM 8.0
[Pull 4432 ] - Upgraded bean validation to 6.1.2.Final
[Pull 4438 ] - Fix jersey examples
[Pull 4441 ] - Fix some build warnings and a multithread warning, when building with…
[Pull 4442 ] - JerseyInvocation should override toString()
[Pull 4447 ] - feat: allow json-jackson to auto-discover modules
[Pull 4450 ] - When no JAX-B RI on CP warn and disable WADL
[Pull 4453 ] - jersey-2031
[Pull 4459 ] - Activate useSystemProperties into ApacheConnector (#4458 )
[Pull 4460 ] - Offer the Client (partial) response in ProcessingException.
[Pull 4461 ] - Allow the user for overriding the default Viewable MediaType
[Pull 4466 ] - Updated NOTICE files and regarding legal information
[Pull 4467 ] - Be able to use invocation interceptor for multiple requests
[Pull 4469 ] - ClientDestroyTest fix
[Pull 4471 ] - Run tests with JDK11 in servlet-2.5-mvc-1
[Pull 4472 ] - Set additional security features on SecureSaxParserFactory.
[Pull 4473 ] - Execute tests in servlet-2.5-mvc-3
[Pull 4475 ] - Set Bundle-ActivationPolicy on core-common module
[Pull 4477 ] - Connector to Helidon 2 Web Client
[Pull 4482 ] - javadoc fix for helidon connector
[Pull 4483 ] - Moved localization messages to a proper folder
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