This is a collection of R scripts to allow the execution of the scPred cell-type classification method.
The simplest way to install package is to use conda. It is recommended to install into clean environment to avoid dependency conflicts.
conda create -n scpred-cli
conda activate scpred-cli
conda install scpred-cli
To run post-install tests, you will need to install bats testing system into the environment you created:
conda install bats
Then, run
Currently wrapped scPred functions are described below. Each script has usage instructions available via --help, consult function documentation in scPred for further details.
Input to the workflow will be a serialized single-cell experiment object. A test dataset can be downloaded by running the following script.
Select principal components that will be used as features for training the model.
--input-object < Path to the input object of scPred or seurat class in .rds format >\
--prediction-column < Name of the metadata column that contains training labels >\
--correction method < Multiple testing correction method. Default: fdr >\
--significance-threshold < Significance threshold for principal components explaining class identity >\
--reduction-parameter < Name of reduction in Seurat objet to be used to determine the feature space. Default: "pca" >\
--output-path < Path for the modified scPred object in .rds format >
Use principal component-projected data and selected features to train a specified classification model.
--input-object < Path to the input object of scPred or seurat class in .rds format >\
--train-idf <Path to the training data IDF file (optional)>\
--model < Model type used for training. Must be one of the models supported by Caret package >\
--resample-method < Resampling method used for model fit evaluation >\
--iter-num < umber of resampling iterations. Default: 5 >\
--allow-parallel < Should parallel processing be allowed? Default: TRUE >\
--num-cores < For parallel processing, how many cores should be used? >\
--tune-length < An integer denoting the amount of granularity in the tuning parameter grid >\
--metric < Performance metric to be used to select best model >\
--preprocess < A string vector that defines a pre-processing of the predictor data >\
--reclassify < Cell types to reclassify using a different model >\
--output-path < Path for the output scPred object in .rds format >\
--get-scpred < Should scpred object be extracted from Seurat object after model training? Default: FALSE >\
--train-probs-plot < Path for training probabilities plot in .png format >
Make cell type predictions using trained model this script can be used both for evaluation of model performance on test data and obtaining predictions on new data.
--input-object < Path to the input object of scPred or seurat class in .rds format >\
--pred-data < Path to the input prediction object in .rds format >\
--normalise-data < Should the predicted expression data be normalised? Default: False >\
--normalisation-method < If --normalise-data specified, what normalisation method to use? Default: LogNormalize
NB: normalisation method must be identical to that used for reference data >\
--scale-factor < If --normalise-data specified, what scale factor should be applied? >\
--threshold-level < Classification threshold value >\
--output-path < Output path for values predicted by the model in text format >\
--plot-path < Output path for prediction probabilities histograms in .png format >\
This script allows to get predicted labels in a standardised format, simplifying downstream analyses.
--predictions-object <Path to the predictions object in .rds format>\
--get-scores <Boolean: should the prediction scores be included? default: FALSE>\
--classifier <Path to the classifier object in .rds format>\
--output-table <Path to the final output file in text format>\