This is a collection of R scripts to allow workflow-driven execution of differnt steps of the scmap workflow.
Currently wrapped scmap functions are described below. Each script has usage insructions available via --help, consult function documentation in scmap for further details.
This script makes the necessary changes to the SCE object required by the scmap workflow, including 'un-sparsing' and log-normalising the expression matrix.
scmap-preprocess-sce.R --input-object <path to the SCE object>\
--output-sce-object <path to the updated SCE object in .rds format>
Input to the workflow will be a serialised single-cell experiment object. You can generate one for testing (derived from the package-provided test data) like:
scmap-make-test-data.R --output-object-file <output SingleCellExperiment in .rds format>
scmap-select-features.R --input-object-file <input SingleCellExperiment in .rds format> \
--n-features <number features to use> --output-object-file <output SingleCellExperiment in .rds format> \
--output-plot-file <optional file name in .png format, for feature selection plot>
Here we generate a summary representation of each cluster in the indexed dataset:
scmap-index-cluster.R --input-object-file <input SingleCellExperiment in .rds format> \
--cluster-col <column name where cell types are stored> \
--train-id <Training dataset ID (optional)> \
--remove-mat <Should expression data be removed from the index? >\
--output-object-file <output SingleCellExperiment in .rds format> \
--output-plot-file <optional file name in .png format, for heatmap-style index visualisation>
In this step we find the cluster medoid of the index dataset closest to the cells of a query:
scmap-scmap-cluster.R -i <cluster-indexed SingleCellExperiment in .rds format> \
-p <query SingleCellExperiment in .rds format> --threshold <cluster similarity threshold> \
--output-text-file <csv-format file to store results> \
--output-object-file <output SingleCellExperiment in .rds format>
Here we generate a cell-wise index:
scmap-index-cell.R --input-object-file <input SingleCellExperiment in .rds format> \
--train-id <Training dataset ID (optional)> \
--number-chunks <number of chunks into which the expr matrix is split> \
--remove-mat <Should expression data be removed from the index? >\
--number-clusters <number of clusters per group for k-means clustering> \
--output-object-file <output SingleCellExperiment in .rds format>
For each cell in a query dataset, search for the nearest neighbours by cosine distance within a collection of reference datasets
Here we find the nearest 'n' neighbours in an index dataset for the cells of a query dataset. Optionally (when --cluster-col is set and corresponds to a column in the index dataset's colData()), generate a cluster identity for query cells via the cluster inenties in the index:
scmap-scmap-cell.R -i $index_cell_sce -p <input SingleCellExperiment in .rds format> \
--number-nearest-neighbours <number nearest neighbours> \
--cluster-col <column name where cell types are stored> \
--output-object-file <output SingleCellExperiment in .rds format> \
--output-clusters-text-file <file to store optional cluster identities> \
--closest-cells-text-file <csv file to store closest cells> \
--closest-cells-similarities-text-file <csv file to store similarity values>
--predictions-file <Path to the predictions file in text format>\
--output-table <Path to the final output file in text format>\
--include-scores <Boolean: Should prediction scores be included in output? Default: FALSE>\
--tool <What tool produced output? (scmap-cell or scmap-cluster)>\
--index <Path to the index object in .rds format (Optional; required to add dataset of origin to output table)>\
--sim-col-name <Column name of similarity scores>