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cell-types-analysis Anaconda-Server Badge

A suite of scripts for analysis of scRNA-seq cell type classification tool outputs. These scripts can be used both for evaluating the existing methods by running pipelines on labelled data and for analysing predicted labels for novel data sets.


The package is installed via EBI Gene Expression Group conda channel:

conda install -c bioconda cell-types-analysis

Use script to make sure installation was successful.

Run <script_name>.R --help to see help for corresponding script.


Tool evaluation scenario

For each tool, a list of statistics is generated. The following metrics are used:

  • percentage of unlabelled cells
  • change in the percentage of unlabelled cells in predicted labels vs reference labels
  • proportion of exact matches between predicted and reference labels (exact matching)
  • average proportion of shared words between reference and predicted labels (partial matching)
  • accuracy & median F1-score
  • average semantic similarity between predicted and reference labels
  • combined score: combination of the above metrics expressed as a single number. This score is then used as a 'weight' for labels predicted by corresponding tool in production scenario.

As a result, a table with a set of metrics per each tool is produced. Run get_tool_performance_table.R to generate this table.

Note: code calculating accuracy and median F1-score was adapted from the following study.

For a subset of statistics, empirical distribution function can be estimated and then used to determine the p-values of computed scores. To create empirical distribution and assign p-values to the scores, run get_empirical_dist.R and get_tool_pvals.R, respectively.

A common output format across tools is assumed - a tab-separated table with 3 columns: cell id (or barcode), predicted labels, and corresponding prediction scores (e.g. p-values or distance metrics). In cases when scores cannot be retrieved, this column can be omitted. Outputs from multiple tools must be stored in a single directory, with file names prefixed by tool name, e.g. toolX_output.tsv. A reference table is required, with the following compulsory columns: cell ids, reference labels, and corresponding cell ontology terms. See the example snippet below:

cell_id predicted_label score
ERR2632411 memory B cell 0.8
ERR2632412 memory B cell 0.8
ERR2632413 memory B cell 0.8

Example output tables can be found here.


In order to keep track of information about tool and training dataset which produced given table, add metadata fields to the top of the file in the following format:

# tool <tool> 
# dataset <dataset> 

Production scenario (novel data)

In production scenario, we are interested in getting as accurate predictions for novel data as possible. To do so, we run a host of pre-trained classifiers against an incoming data set. Then, we aggregate predictions on a single tool basis and select top ones based on corresponding scores (combine_tool_outputs.R).

See output file snippet below:

cell_id label_1 label_2 dataset_1 dataset_2 score_1 score_2
ERR2632411 memory B cell memory B cell E-MTAB-6386 OTHER-DATASET 0.8 0.9
ERR2632412 memory B cell memory B cell E-MTAB-6386 OTHER-DATASET 0.8 0.9

This is followed by a second filtering step where predictions across different tools are analysed for consistency and semantic similarity (get_consensus_output.R). Output file snippet:

cell_id label_1 label_2 label_3 weighted.score_1 weighted.score_2 weighted.score_3 agreement_rate unlab_rate mean_sem_sim dataset_1 dataset_2 dataset_3
ERR2632411 memory B cell NA NA NA NA NA 1 0 0.297727360113896 E-MTAB-6386; OTHER-DATASET NA NA
ERR2632412 memory B cell NA NA NA NA NA 1 0 0.297727360113896 E-MTAB-6386; OTHER-DATASET NA NA

NA values are introduced when there are fewer then 3 unique labels - this is caused by either high agreement across tools or poor labelling rate. See the unlab_rate field for more information.

Example output tables can be found here.


build_cell_ontology_dict.R: create a mapping between labels and ontology terms

          --input-dir <path to the directory with condensed SDRF files>\
          --condensed-sdrf <Boolean: is the provided SDRF file in a condensed form? Default: TRUE>\
          --barcode-col-name <Name of the barcode column in SDRF files (must be identical across all files)>\
          --cell-label-col-name <Name of the cell label column in SDRF files (must be identical across all files)>\
          --cell-ontology-col-name <Name of the cell ontology terms column in SDRF files (must be identical across all files)>\
          --output-dict-path <Output path for serialised object containing the dictionary>

Note: SDRF files are a common standard for reporting single-cell experiment metadata. See this link for official documentation. Condensed SDRF is essentially the same table in 'long' format - this script can be used to condense SDRF file and annotate labels to cell ontology terms via Zooma if necessary.

get_tool_performance_table.R: create a table of metrics for the analysed tools

          --input-dir <path to directory with standardised tab-separated output files from analysed methods>\
          --ref-file <path to tab-delimited file with reference cell type labels>\
          --exclustions <path to yaml file with unlabelled cells or excluded terms>\ 
          --num-cores <number of cores to run the process on>\
          --ontology-graph <path to the Cell Ontology graph object>\
          --lab-cl-mapping <path to label - CL terms dictionary in .rds format>\
          --barcode-col-ref <name of the cell id field in reference file>\
          --barcode-col-pred <name of the cell id field in predictions file>\
          --label-column-ref <name of label column in reference file>\
          --label-column-pred <name of label column in prediction file>\
          --semantic-sim-metric <semantic similarity scoring method>\   
          --include-sem-siml <boolean: should the semantic similarity be included in combined score calculation?>\ 
          --output-path <path to tab-delimited output table>

Note that semantic similarity scoring method must be supported by the Onassis package. To see a list of available methods, run listSimilarities()$pairwiseMeasures or refer to Onassis documentation.

get_empirical_dist.R: generate empirical cumulative distributions for a set of relevant statistics

          --input-ref-file <path to tab-delimited file with reference labels>\
          --label-column-ref <name of label column in reference file>\
          --lab-cl-mapping <path to label - CL terms dictionary in .rds format>\
          --num-iterations <number of sampling iterations to construct empirical distribution>\
          --num-cores <number of cores to run simulations>\
          --ontology-graph <path to the Cell Ontology graph object>\
          --semantic-sim-metric <semantic similarity scoring method>\  
          --output-path <path to serialised output object in .rds format>

get_tool_pvals.R: get empirical p-values from generated distributions

          --input-table <path to table of tool statistics produced by get_tool_performance_table.R>\
          --emp-dist-list <path to serialised list of empirical distributions in .rds format>\
          --output-table <path to tab-delimited output table with added p-values> 

combine_tool_outputs.R: aggregate predictions from multiple classifiers (for a single tool)

          --input-dir <Path to the directory with standardised output .tsv files from multiple classifiers>\
          --top-labels-num <Number of top labels to keep>\
          --exclustions <path to yaml file with unlabelled cells or excluded terms>\ 
          --scores <Boolean: Are prediction scores available for the given method? Default: FALSE>\
          --output-table <Path to the output table in text format>

get_consensus_output.R: Get most likely labels across all tools

          --input-dir <Path to the directory with standardised .tsv files from multiple methods>
          --tool-table <Path to the tool evaluation table in text format>\
          --num-cores <Number of cores to run the process>\
          --cl-dictionary <Path to the mapping between labels and CL terms in .rds format>\
          --exclustions <path to yaml file with unlabelled cells or excluded terms>\ 
          --ontology-graph <Path to the ontology graph in .obo or .xml format>\
          --semantic-sim-metric <Semantic similarity scoring method>\
          --true-labels <path to file with true labels>\
          --include-sem-siml <boolean: should the semantic similarity be included in combined score calculation?>\
          --return-ontology-labels <Should the summary table contain cell ontology ids for the top labels? Default: TRUE>\
          --return-json <Should the summary table be written as a json file (as well as tsv)? Default: TRUE>\
          --summary-table-output-path <Path to the output table with top labels and per-cell metrics in .tsv format>
          --raw-table-output-path <Path to the output table with all labels in .tsv format>

downsample_cells.R: To avoid memory overflow, reduce number of cells in over-represented cell types

          --expression-data <10x-type directory with expression data>\
          --metadata <metadata file with cell id - cell type mapping>\
          --cell-id-field <name of cell id field in metadata file>\
          --cell-type-field <name of cell type field in metadata file>\
          --output-dir <directory to which outputs are returned>\
          --metadata-upd <path for filtered metadata file>

check_labels.R: Remove non-alphanumeric characters from labels in metadata files

          --input-file <Path to input metadata file in .tsv format>\
          --label-field <Name of label field in metadata file>\
          --condensed <Is the provided metadata file in condensed format? Default: False>\
          --attribute-type-col-num <Position of the attribute type field in condensed metadata file. Default: 5>\
          --variable-col-num <Number of the label field in condensed metadata file. Default: 6>\
          --avoid-lowercase <Should setting the labels to lowercase be skipped? Default: False>\
          --output-path <Output for updated file>


A component in cell type prediction methods analysis workflow.







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