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Default Explained config.yml

Dominic Feliton edited this page Dec 26, 2024 · 38 revisions

WorldwideChat Main Configuration (v1.20.0)


# Change the prefix that appears next to messages sent by this plugin.
# Conventional color codes are supported.
# Default is "WWC" or "Default" to use the built-in prefix.
prefixName: WWC
# Enable or disable bStats.
# Default is "true" for enable.
# Change this value to "false" to disable bStats :(.
enablebStats: true
# Change plugin language.
# Default is "en" for English.
# All possible language codes:
# af, sq, am, ar, hy, az, bn, bs, bg, ca, zh, zh-TW, hr, cs, da, fa-AF, ga, nl, en, et, fa, tl, fi, fr, fr-CA, ka, de, el, gu, ht, ha, he, hi, hu, is,
# id, it, ja, kn, kk, ko, lv, lt, mk, mr, ms, ml, mt, mn, no, fa, pa, ps, pl, pt, pt-PT, ro, ru, sr, si, sk, sl, so, es, es-MX, sw, sv, tl, ta, te, th,
# tr, uk, ur, uz, vi, cy
pluginLang: en
# The delay between each check for updates from the plugin's github repo.
# Must be a minimum of 10 seconds so that you don't kill your server with update requests.
# Default is 86400 (seconds), or 1 day.
updateCheckerDelay: 86400
# The delay between each user data save, so that writes/reads to the filesystem are limited.
# Must be a minimum of 10 seconds so that you don't accidentally write excess data to your filesystem.
# Default is 7200, or every 2 hours.
syncUserDataDelay: 7200
# The time given to asynchronous tasks before they are aborted.
# Specific async tasks such as translations are given less time.
# This also controls timeout times of storage options such as MongoDB and SQL.
# This option should generally not be modified unless you are debugging a problem with the plugin.
# Must be a minimum of 7 seconds or more.
# Default is 10 seconds.
fatalAsyncTaskTimeout: 10
# Internal debug mode mostly used for an easier time with this plugin's development.
# Can also be requested to be enabled if a developer needs more information about a crash/problem.
# Besides these two specific use cases, this option should NEVER be set to true.
# Default is "false" for disabled.
enableDebugMode: false
# Syncs the localization of a new user's Minecraft client to WorldwideChat's /wwcl.
# Also detects if a user switches Minecraft localizations and adjusts accordingly.
# Default is "true" for enabled.
syncUserLocalization: true
# Enables sound effects in various WorldwideChat menus including /wwct, /wwcl, and /wwcr.
# Default is "true" for enabled. Set to false to disable all sound effects.
enableSounds: true


# Enable or disable SQL with the current settings.
# Set to true to enable, and false to disable.
# Default is "false" for disabled.
useSQL: false
# The SQL hostname to use when attempting to connect.
# Default is "localhost".
sqlHostname: localhost
# The SQL port to use when attempting to connect.
# Default is 3306.
sqlPort: 3306
# The SQL database name to use when attempting to connect.
# Default is "cooldatabase".
sqlDatabaseName: cooldatabase
# The SQL username to use when attempting to connect.
# Default is "root".
sqlUsername: root
# The SQL password to use when attempting to connect.
# Default is "root".
sqlPassword: root
# Toggle whether to use SSL when attempting to connect to SQL.
# Set to true to enable, and false to disable.
# Default is false.
sqlUseSSL: false
# The list of additional arguments to use when attempting to connect to SQL.
# The format for each argument is KEY=VALUE.
# Must be in proper list format, such as:
# sqlOptionalArgs:
# - enableCoolFeatures=true
# - whoIsJoe=noIdea
# Default is [].
sqlOptionalArgs: []
# Enable or disable MongoDB with the current settings.
# Set to true to enable, and false to disable.
# Default is "false" for disabled.
useMongoDB: false
# The MongoDB hostname to use when attempting to connect.
# Default is "localhost".
mongoHostname: localhost
# The MongoDB port to use when attempting to connect.
# Default is 27017.
# The MongoDB database name to use when attempting to connect.
# Default is "cooldatabase".
mongoDatabaseName: cooldatabase
# The MongoDB username to use when attempting to connect.
# Default is "admin".
mongoUsername: admin
# The MongoDB password to use when attempting to connect.
# Default is "password".
mongoPassword: password
# The list of additional arguments to use when attempting to connect to MongoDB.
# The format for each argument is KEY=VALUE.
# Must be in proper list format, such as:
# mongoOptionalArgs:
# - enableCoolFeatures=true
# - whoIsJoe=noIdea
# Default is [].
mongoOptionalArgs: []


# Send chat notification on user login if they are still actively translating.
# Set to true to enable, and false to disable.
# Default is "true" for enable.
sendTranslationChat: true
# Send chat notification if there is an update available to the plugin.
# If the user is not OP or doesn't have the "worldwidechat.chatupdate" permission,
# this message won't send whether this option is enabled or disabled.
# Set to true to enable, and false to disable.
# Default is "true" for enable.
sendPluginUpdateChat: true
# Incoming chat translations will have original messages attached as hover text.
# Set to true to enable this behavior, and false to disable it.
# Default is "true" for enable.
sendIncomingHoverTextChat: true
# Outgoing chat translations will have original messages attached as hover text.
# Set to true to enable this behavior, and false to disable it.
# Keep in mind that this will ONLY WORK if separateChatChannel.force is set to true.
# Default is "true" for enable.
sendOutgoingHoverTextChat: true
# Enables the blacklist (blacklist.yml), meaning that any translations with words in this blacklist will be blocked.
# Default is "false" for disable.
enableBlacklist: false
# Enables Vault support with plugins such as LuckPerms.
# This will not work if you don't have Vault + a compatible permissions plugin installed.
# Default is "true" for enable.
useVault: true
# Sets the event priority of the chat listener used by WorldwideChat.
# This usually comes in handy when you have a conflicting chat plugin.
# Default is "HIGHEST". Valid values are [LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST, MONITOR]. LOWEST means WorldwideChat runs BEFORE any other plugin, whereas MONITOR means it runs AFTER every other plugin.
chatListenerPriority: HIGHEST
# The section for the separate chat channel that WorldwideChat emulates.
# By default this is only used for incoming messages (/wwctci).
  # The icon used by WorldwideChat to show that this message was translated. It appears to the left of all messages sent by the plugin.
  # Default is "globe", or a purple tinted globe emoticon. Color codes are supported.
  icon: globe
  # The format used by WorldwideChat to show that this message was translated.
  # These three variables are included by default: {prefix}, {username}, {suffix}.
  # You can also use {local:localNameFromWWC} to use any localization that this plugin provides.
  # Prefix/suffix only work if you have Vault installed. Color codes are supported.
  # To use custom PlaceholderAPI variables, add them with percentages/%% instead of curly braces.
  # The default is "{prefix}{username}{suffix}:".
  format: "{prefix}{username}{suffix}:"
  # The hover format attached by WorldwideChat onto incoming/outgoing translations.
  # Same rules apply as format. Color codes are supported, default variables + Vault + PlaceholderAPI, etc.
  # Keep in mind that this will only take effect if either outgoing or incoming chat hover text is enabled.
  # The default is "&o{local:wwcOrigHover}:".
  hoverFormat: "&o{local:wwcOrigHover}:"
  # Forces any and all translation messages to be sent via WorldwideChat's channel exclusively.
  # Outgoing and incoming messages will always be formatted. This also means that sendOutgoingHoverTextChat will function.
  # This should guarantee compatibility with other chat plugins, but the downside is that these plugins will not be able to see messages sent by WorldwideChat.
  # Use this if you 1) prefer uniformity between outgoing/incoming message formats or 2) if chatListenerPriority and useVault do not fix compatibility with your respective chat plugin.
  # Default is "false" for disable.
  force: false


# Amazon Translate Configuration: Change to true to enable and fill out the required information below.
# An alternative to both IBM Watson and Google Translate.
# useAmazonTranslate is default "false," meaning it is not used.
# Set to "true" to use it, but make sure every other translator is set to false.
useAmazonTranslate: false
amazonAccessKey: amazon_translate_key_goes_here
amazonSecretKey: amazon_translate_secret_goes_here
amazonRegion: amazon_region_goes_here
# For amazonRegion, choose the region closest to your server and type the corresponding code.
# EX: If you are closest to US East (Ohio), you would type (us-east-2) without the parenthesis after amazonRegion.
# Azure Translate Configuration: Change to true to enable and fill out the required information below.
# Microsoft's competitor to Amazon/Watson/Google Translate. Accurate with a notably low ping.
# Has a nice free tier!
# Set to "true" to use it, but make sure every other translator is set to false.
useAzureTranslate: false
azureRegion: azure_region_goes_here
azureAPIKey: azure_key_goes_here
# Example of valid Azure region: westus2. This will be given to you by Azure.
# More valid regions:
# ChatGPT Configuration: Change to true to enable and fill out the required information below.
# The most popular LLM that can understand tone/parse multiple languages at once with ease.
# Set to "true" to use it, but make sure that every other translator is set to false.
useChatGPT: false
chatGPTAPIKey: chatgpt_key_goes_here
chatGPTModel: gpt-4o-2024-08-06
chatGPTURL: ""
# Here is an actively updated list of valid models:
# PLEASE NOTE that the model you pick must support Structured Outputs:
# DeepL Translate Configuration: Change to true to enable and fill out the required information below.
# A free translation API that is often considered more accurate in some cases than many other popular translation services.
# Set to "true" to use it, but make sure every other translator is set to false.
useDeepLTranslate: false
deepLAPIKey: deepl_key_goes_here
# Google Translate Configuration: Change to true to enable and fill out the required information below.
# Has a more restrictive "free" plan compared to Watson, but may be more accurate.
# useGoogleTranslate is default "false," meaning it is not used.
# Set to "true" to use it, but make sure every other translator is set to false.
useGoogleTranslate: false
googleTranslateAPIKey: google_translate_key_goes_here
# Libre Translate Configuration: Change to true to enable and fill out the required information below.
# An open-sourced alternative to cloud-based translation services; you can either use a free online instance of Libre or use your own
# Set to "true" to use it, but make sure every other translator is set to false.
# If you do not need an API key, make sure that libreAPIKey is set to none.
useLibreTranslate: false
libreAPIKey: none
libreURL: libre_url_goes_here
# Example of valid libreURL value:
# Ollama Translate Configuration: Change to true to enable and fill out the required information below.
# A free LLM provider that can be ran on your own hardware. A great alternative to Libre Translate.
useOllama: false
ollamaURL: ollama_url_goes_here
ollamaModel: finalend/hermes-3-llama-3.1:8b
# Generally, it is advised that you stick to the above model or its 70B/405B versions if you have more performant hardware.
# This is because it supports strict JSON outputs which is very inconsistent with the default llama-3.1.
# This default value may be changed as more capable models come along. This model runs well on my M1 Pro MBP with 16GB of RAM.
# If you're not using an Apple arm-powered device, you should definitely look into getting an NVIDIA GPU.
# As for the URL, the default one that Ollama uses is http://localhost:11434. Please make sure to include "http://"!
# Systran Translate Configuration: Change to true to enable and fill out the required information below.
# An independent company that competes with Amazon/Watson/Azure/Google/etc. Accurate but may have a higher ping.
# Has a full-access 14-day free trial with no credit card required.
# Set to "true" to use it, but make sure every other translator is set to false.
useSystranTranslate: false
systranAPIKey: systran_key_goes_here
# Set the number of phrases to be stored in the "translation cache."
# This cache will store your X most translated phrases. This is a good idea if:
# Your ping times to a translation server are trash OR you have a fast machine with plenty of resources + RAM.
# Set to 0 to disable this feature, in case you think it is negatively affecting your performance.
# I would not recommend setting this above a couple thousand, especially if you have less performant hardware.
# The default is 100.
translatorCacheSize: 100
# Global rate limit the translator, in seconds (no decimals.)
# Unlike the "worldwidechat.ratelimit.####" permission per player, this will apply server-wide.
# To whitelist people from all rate limits including this one, give them the permission "worldwidechat.ratelimit.exempt"
# The default is 0, or disabled.
rateLimit: 0
# Defines how long a message can be in characters. Anything longer will not be translated.
# This applies server-wide.
# The default is 255, or 255 chars.
messageCharLimit: 255
# Maximum number of fatal errors your translation service can encounter before WWC disables itself.
# This is helpful if an API key expires while the plugin is still running, connection is poor, etc...
# The default is 5.
errorLimit: 5
# List of phrases to check for when your selected translator encounters an error.
# If an error contains one of these phrases, the error will simply be ignored and the original text will be sent to the user (untranslated).
# Adding "*" to this list will cause WorldwideChat to ignore all translator errors.
# To report ALL translator errors, set this value to [].
# The default list includes the three phrases below.
- "confidence"
- "same as target"
- "detect the source language"
# Enable the persistent cache.
# This means that all cache content will persist after a reload.
# You can clear this manually or with /wwcd cache clear.
# The default value is false.
enablePersistentCache: false
# The End! For now...:)
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