Releases: dklollol/Olsen-Framework-Arma-3
Update 3.3.3
- self-interact option for PiP display from AI driver's perspective
- option to enable AI drivers module for all tracked vehicles
- timeout after which AI driver in empty vehicle is deleted (2 minutes)
- start in parachute module will use prettier RHS parachutes
- reduced chances of players getting stuck in AO limit
- fixed VDV loadout
- JIP module ignores HC/Zeus
- ACRE doesn't spam HC RPT
- End Screen will always show up properly
- AI drivers can be properly added on the fly now
Update 3.3.2
- self actions module - cutting grass, looking at someone's map and checking own team color
- new, better way of defining item groups in gearscripts
- option to enable inventory overfilling in gearscripts
- added settings for ACE cookoof and forcing terrain quality to settings.sqf
- ACEX killtracker, which displays units damaged and killed by a player (accounting for ACE medical)
- option for marker control to delete marker after mission start
- unflip option for AI drivers module (shows up when vehicle is flipped)
- #endMission chat command for admins
- added FNC_enableAIDriver function for admins (available by default)
- more examples for endConditions
- text formatting examples to briefing
- spectators can understand all languages
- AI drivers module improvements
- killer info now displays kill distance
- running setup timer module in SP doesn't prevent other modules from loading after it
- start text module displays time properly
- dying to jip deny doesn't count towards casualties
- untrackUnit function doesn't throw an error
- earplugs module
- in-game briefing module (will be replaced with something better at some point)
3.3.1 Hotifx
- Artillery support module by Sacher
- AI attack module by Sacher
- soft AO module by Starfox64
- debug console is no longer enabled for logged-in admins
- shot count module was improved
- ace medical settings module was improved
- debug messages display only for 3 minutes now
- scripterrors in some gearscripts
- some casualties were counted multiple times
- end screen now fits on ultra wide monitors
Update 3.3.0
- 1989 VDV and US Army loadouts (by SgtDeadly12)
- killer name is now displayed after pressing K
- TinfoiHate's modules:
- AI Behaviour
- AI Link
- Ambient animation
- Ambient effects
- Medical settings
- Shot count
- Plank module
- In-game briefing utilities module
- message informing about broken end conditions made more clear
- unified naming convention for modules
- setup timer module will display a message and turn off when ran in SP
- voice curve in ACRE setup now has same voice levels as default one
- disconnected units are now counted properly
- new improved setup timer with client and server clocks synchronized
3.2.0 Beta
- building replacement module that allows replacement of some CUP buildings with their JBAD counterparts
- new classname checking system that prevents mission from immediately being terminated if wrong gear classname is detected
- new overhauled ACRE settings module
- EG spectator now allows for muting dead players
- UI for EG spectator can now be completely hidden with ctrl+H
- added cover map module
- added AI drivers module
- option for random parameters
- dusk/dawn setting for parameters (works for any map and any date)
- new death effect
- default loadout for BAF (thanks gibfender!)
- added option for toggling removal of default facewear
- added function for counting all units in a team (FNC_CountTeam)
- end screen would freeze player's controls in some occasions
- setup timer is now synced properly
- jip module wouldn't work for civilians
Hotfix to 3.1.1
hotfix to preInitFunctions problem.
Bugfix update 3.1.1
After last framework update radio scramble module stopped working. This guide will show you how to fix it.
Download the latest version of the framework from github
Github link:
Direct link: -
Locate the following folders in /modules/ and replace them with updated folders from new version of framework.
(Please check your settings.sqf for each module to ensure they are as you want them.)3.1.1 update brought some improvements to the framework, so it's good idea to replace other files that were changed.
Github list: 3.1.0...master
Thank you all.
Update 3.1.0
- Module deleting bodies of disconnected players.
- Documentation for functions.
- Team start colors module.
- Vanilla EG spectator, now set as default.
- Updated modules: capturezone, hostage, parameters, auto track assets, anti-nd.
- gearscript rewritten into modular format, allowing for easier sharing of gearscripts.
- Event driven unit counting.
- Changed modules enabled by default.
- Removed mission settings that can be set in Eden.
Update 3.0.5
- jip module (see jip/settings.sqf)
- PRC343 start_on_radio_channel blocks information
- voiper_spectate now uses ace_spectate
- jip_teleport module
Update 3.0.4
- Gear Export Script
- Gear Builder Mission
- Anti ND Module