All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
5.6.8 (2024-03-13)
- adjust mapbox access token usage (#1150) (eb7c531)
- location of observation should not change from GPS when editing (#1145) (48b7534), closes #1144
5.6.7 (2023-10-30)
5.6.6 (2023-10-24)
5.6.5 (2023-08-31)
5.6.4 (2023-08-29)
5.6.3 (2023-06-29)
5.6.2 (2023-05-25)
- fix sharing of observation on Android 12+ (4de6820)
5.6.1 (2023-03-08)
5.6.0 (2023-01-16)
5.5.0 (2022-11-17)
- Bump react-native version to fix build failures (#1040) (1c7ff1e)
- fix build issues caused by jcenter shutdown (#1035) (caf9e19)
- Only show languages with translated strings (#1042) (cbe22f2)
5.4.7 (2022-06-22)
- fix bugsnag call in osm error handler (cd0204c)
5.4.6 (2022-06-20)
- add error listener to kappa-osm instances (42053be)
5.4.5 (2022-06-15)
- intl: Sinhala, Tamil & Ogiek + improved es, pt, vi, th (f3fcc87)
- use correct icon names in sync screen (5d11b92)
5.4.4 (2022-05-03)
5.4.3 (2022-04-25)
- ensure all devices get 32-bit and 64-bit ABIs from the Play Store (#951) (fd7af49)
- only support light theme (#947) (b85f623)
5.4.2 (2022-03-17)
- fix inability to scroll in various settings screens (25dbefd)
5.4.1 (2022-03-15)
- fix regression in release apk build size (2285c5e)
5.4.0 (2022-01-27)
- Add Create Project flow (#846) (978bb61)
- Added Security to Setting and App Passocde Splash Screen (#879) (0099d78)
- Show alert after successfully importing config (#864) (8ea87e8)
- Support custom colors for observations (#885) (7ab50e4)
- Add optional directional arrow to map (#881) (794d21e)
- Enable photo deletion when creating an observation (#886) (ad2f571)
- Do not surface Practice Mode in config details in settings (#852) (9903e4b)
- Enable navigation to Experiments screen (#853) (f742eea)
- Update ObservationView to fix issues from observation types refactor (#880) (b90f842)
5.3.2 (2021-11-04)
- Add missing Portuguese and Spanish translations (092859e)
5.3.1 (2021-10-26)
- Do not surface Practice Mode in config details in settings (#852) (5f89f46)
- Enable navigation to Experiments screen (#853) (7d6fe03)
5.3.0 (2021-09-27)
- Add support for manual coordinate entry with dd and dms formats (#632, #641) (b56d39b)
- Add experimental support for peer-to-peer updates (#595) (871fce8), closes digidem/mapeo-mobile#521 #561 #577 #586 #596 #612
- translations: New Japanese translations (76%) + fixes to Dutch (fa2e117)
- Setting to choose coordinate display format (#526) (567fcce)
- Show alert dialog when Mapeo is updated (#555) (e67f780)
- Updated translations for default configuration (vi, srn) (c267a99)
- Add "Sranan Tongo" as an option in the language settings screen (9161b15)
- Add missing moduleResolution to tsconfig (7e092a5)
- Fix crash bug in UpgradeManager and minor fixes (#671) (724cc15), closes #611
- Fix custom config import (#726) (6ed8eae)
- Fix icons with same name not changing when config changes (#722) (533e913)
- fix merging of settings state in settings context (#711) (6314d6c)
- Internationalize labels on "About Mapeo" screen (#560) (727aa3e)
- Migrate settings when new settings are added (#687) (793911c)
- Autofocus text fields in Observation Details flow (#734) (d1fd137)
5.2.1 (2021-08-04)
- Fix Portuguese translations for default config (aeb3d60)
5.2.0 (2021-04-06)
- Add Dutch translations (5b66715)
- Add French translations (bc28822)
- Add Sranan Tongo translations (3b88b99)
- Updated default config with translations (923b6a0)
- Updated translations (vi, es, po) (#498) (5873ce2)
- Fix cutoff of text on OnePlus6T phone #502 (#511) (a386c96), closes /
- Fix import config button crash (#512) (6093c3e)
- Fix Portuguese (Brazilian) translations (178fb12)
- Localize "Import Config" button (#510) (53c5655)
- Show "discard edits" not "discard observation" when cancelling edit (#472) (211d855), closes #381
- Update Thai and Nepali translations (be8dc75)
- Update Thai, Khmer & Vietnamese translations (f54c5d8)
- Write preset tags to observations (#514) (ab5e3b8)
5.1.0 (2020-09-30)
- Add "About Mapeo" page in settings screen with app version (#471) (77602d1)
- Add minimal offline map so that points still show if no custom map (#448) (f7c32b2)
- Add translations (es, vi, th) (#435) (dcd9cb4), closes #457
- Brazilian Portuguese translations (#394) (d1f7f65)
- Device name (shown on sync screen) remains the same across app restarts (#369) (f6dbfa4)
- Do not ship Mapeo for ICCAs assets with Mapeo (keeps the APK size of the main Mapeo release down) (#447) (c7df1fd)
- Translate observation categories & details (#458) (044a8a0)
- Update ICCA intro screens and presets (#377) (54fda5f)
- Show "discard edits" not "discard observation" when cancelling edit (028df97), closes #381
- Update Thai and Nepali translations (be8dc75)
5.0.3 (2020-07-24)
- (Again) try to get the version name correct
5.0.2 (2020-07-23)
- Fix incorrect version name in v5.0.1
- Fix deploy to Google Play
5.0.1 (2020-07-23)
- Disable dev mode in Google Play app bundle (bc7b1e7)
5.0.0 (2020-07-21)
- 🎉 Import configuration files (.mapeosettings) from a new settings screen (562b95a)
- 📏 Add scale bar to map & improve battery usage (#356) (841c031)
- Add Brazilian Portuguese translations (#412) (9748298)
- Add end-to-end tests with Detox (#355) (385b0fd), closes #310
- Add settings screen to change language (independent of device language) (#302) (f3d487b)
- Ask for confirmation when the user presses the back button when editing/creating an observation (281553a)
- Device name remains the same across app restarts (#369) (db79df7)
- New "Mapeo for ICCAs" variant for UNEP WCMC (#346) (2354a4a)
- New translations including Vietnamese (#303) (7df584d)
- Release smaller APK for Arm devices only (#322) (ffbaa23)
- Show "empty state" when user has not yet recorded any observations (eec268b)
- Update to latest React Native & Unimodules (better performance and bug fixes) (4d0123b)
- Use Android default animation for navigation (changes close icon on GPS and Sync screens) (69d7b82)
- 'missing data' error will not cancel large syncs too early (b820ad0)
- add package-lock.json files for front and backend (67e3565)
- Adjust projectKey styling and text (c022422)
- Attempt to fix builds for OPPO phones (fixes #301) (808e900)
- Bundle React-Native code in Universal & Intel build types (1324a8d)
- Do not update user location (blue dot) on map until user moves more than 15 meters (saves battery life) (960776f)
- Don't [silently] throw error if a user cancels a share action (f02c837), closes #344
- Don't render app until saved draft is loaded from storage (f8d7a0b)
- Ensure sync errors are always propagated to frontend. (2ceec76)
- Ensure that presets are not cached after config is changed (d570c04)
- Fix bug when a user edits an existing observation and is returned to the home screen (map) (9751501)
- Fix changing config with new project key (fix sync not working after change) (a47ed38)
- Fix config import failing when there is an existing config (5dbe33e)
- Fix config loading on Samsung devices (d3d6273)
- Fix crash after deleting an observation's description (330fdab)
- Fix crash caused by react-native-v8 patch release fixes #311 (3f8d5c6)
- Fix crash caused by react-native-v8 patch release fixes #311 (66cb216)
- Fix crash during sync progress (updates progress circle library) (699b280)
- Fix crash when presets have empty placeholder field (06887d0)
- Fix observations not rendering when GPS is off (#431) (358ffb6)
- Fix online mapstyle not loading when offline style is removed (84faf09)
- Fix photos rotated incorrectly when the phone is rotated soon after photo capture (86f9b86)
- Fix Portuguese (Brazilian) translations (dbce6d6)
- Fix sync errors by locking discovery swarm to v6.0.0 (657c817)
- Fix translations build script (f21259c)
- get sync to render properly with new mapeo core (1b7ec8e)
- Ignore errors (e.g., ECONNABORTED) that are now caught by the (890205e)
- ignore missing data errors and errors that are stale (dca117d)
- Improve the formatting of Mapeo Alerts fixes #401 (fa60732)
- Move attribution (i) to bottom-right (avoid overlap with scale bar) (eb07da9)
- pass through 'connected' state to peer list (27def8c)
- pull in code from desktop for usePeers state manager (1154045)
- Remove unused picker component (pending coordinate format setting) (0e6514d)
- show a yellow icon when disconnected (cf2178b)
- Show error to user if there is an error importing config (a711ab6)
- show indeterminate state when progress is 1 (875db5f)
- some last fixes for mapeo alerts (f489734)
- Support presets version 3 (only breaks compat with iD, not MM) (03287fb)
- sync on peer device should show progress events on local device (be480be)
- Update Portuguese translations (2d32ca3)
- ObservationView: Fix display of observation icon on inset map (b01c259)
- Update Thai and Nepali translations (7d52832)
- MapView: Improve map performance and device compatibility (1d49511), closes #387
- ObservationView: Speed up initial load of inset map (e129456)
- Sync: Touch up styles of no wifi sync screen (8362831)
- SyncPeer: Make sync button respond immediately to press (a0e4593)
- update-config: Don't import presets if version check fails (174d05b)
- Update to latest Mapbox. Potentially fixes missing map icon. (4589eac)
- When WiFi connection state changes, refresh peer list (42df960)
2.0.0-beta.5 (2020-02-18)
- add package-lock.json files for front and backend (97282ef)
2.0.0-beta.4 (2020-02-07)
- Fix flickering of devices on sync screen (38ff478)
2.0.0-beta.3 (2020-02-06)
- Update to latest React Native & Unimodules (better performance and bug fixes) (bfc37fd)
2.0.0-beta.2 (2020-02-06)
- add missing react-native-screens dep (52fcbe0)
2.0.0-beta.1 (2020-02-06)
- Adjust projectKey styling and text (def66e6)
- Sync: Touch up styles of no wifi sync screen (fc1e375)
- Fix crash after deleting an observation's description (71563e0)
- Fix crash when presets have empty placeholder field (cab5771)
2.0.0-beta.0 (2019-11-26)
- New sync protocol incompatible with Mapeo v1 (dddcecc) v2 of Mapeo Mobile is unable to sync with Mapeo Mobile v1 or Mapeo Desktop v4. You will need to update all devices to Mapeo Mobile v2 and Mapeo Desktop v5 in order to continue syncing.
- Add error messages for incompatible mapeo versions (f41f7ba)
- Encrypt sync with projectKey (6916360)
- Only sync with peers with matching projectKey (39db7a6)
- Enable sync screen to scroll when there are many sync peers (4ee34f6)
- Add photo thumbnails to observation list view (fe74274)
- Don't allow edit of synced obs; show sync symbol on synced obs (4a7a6c7)
- Identify synced observations with a blue bar in list view (d4b394b)
- Show multiple photo thumbnails in observation list view (b30b1b6)
- Only allow deletion of your own observations (21e90b8)
- TextField: Show question hint under label instead of as placeholder (a8c871e)
- SyncModal: Adjust "waiting for sync" to fill entire screen (for devices with large text settings) (ea4d8df)
- After an uncaught error, always restart at the map screen (don't try to return to screen from before crash) (2ea1d15)
- Push share & delete buttons to bottom of screen (6968258)
- Show uncaught error message translated (was only in English before) (7cc4313)
- ObservationDetails: increase size and contrast of question hint text (82ac384)
- Fix right-margin of select-one and select-multiple options & adjust line height (a23e0f2)
- Don't collapse map in observation view when map does not load (d077ece)
- Fix navigation at end of questions pressing "Done" (30e6112)
- Pin react-native-community/art version to fix progress animation crashing app (5e5c4f0)
- Fix manual GPS entry crashes and errors (d11e3fe)
- Don't log debug messages by default (console.log slows down react-native a lot) (93045e8)
- Reduce frequency of sync updates to every 500ms to increase performance (308221b)
- Fix typo causing projectKey sync to fail (105a76c)
- Add ES translations for sync errors (b445078)
2.0.0-alpha.9 (2019-11-25)
- Only allow deletion of your own observations (21e90b8)
- SyncModal: Adjust "waiting for sync" to fill entire screen (for devices with large text settings) (ea4d8df)
- After an uncaught error, always restart at the map screen (don't try to return to screen from before crash) (2ea1d15)
- Push share & delete buttons to bottom of screen (6968258)
- Show uncaught error message translated (was only in English before) (7cc4313)
2.0.0-alpha.8 (2019-11-25)
- TextField: Show question hint under label instead of as placeholder (a8c871e)
- ObservationDetails: increase size and contrast of question hint text (82ac384)
- Fix right-margin of select-one and select-multiple options & adjust line height (a23e0f2)
2.0.0-alpha.7 (2019-11-23)
- Add photo thumbnails to observation list view (fe74274)
- Don't allow edit of synced obs; show sync symbol on synced obs (4a7a6c7)
- Identify synced observations with a blue bar in list view (d4b394b)
- Show multiple photo thumbnails in observation list view (b30b1b6)
- Don't collapse map in observation view when map does not load (d077ece)
- Fix navigation at end of questions pressing "Done" (30e6112)
2.0.0-alpha.6 (2019-11-19)
- Pin react-native-community/art version to fix progress animation crashing app (5e5c4f0)
2.0.0-alpha.5 (2019-11-19)
2.0.0-alpha.4 (2019-11-19)
- Fix manual GPS entry crashes and errors (d11e3fe)
2.0.0-alpha.3 (2019-11-19)
- Don't log debug messages by default (console.log slows down react-native a lot) (93045e8)
- Reduce frequency of sync updates to every 500ms to increase performance (308221b)
2.0.0-alpha.2 (2019-11-19)
- Fix typo causing projectKey sync to fail (105a76c)
2.0.0-alpha.1 (2019-11-19)
- Add ES translations for sync errors (b445078)
2.0.0-alpha.0 (2019-11-19)
- New sync protocol incompatible with Mapeo v1
- Add error messages for incompatible mapeo versions (f41f7ba)
- Encrypt sync with projectKey (6916360)
- Only sync with peers with matching projectKey (39db7a6)
- Enable sync screen to scroll when there are many sync peers (4ee34f6)
- New sync protocol incompatible with Mapeo v1 (dddcecc)
1.2.0-alpha.11 (2019-11-15)
- Fix observations and blue location dot not appearing on map (b1d52ea)
- Show "Add+" button even if map does not load (9c5d737)
1.2.0-alpha.10 (2019-11-14)
- Fix map error when no offline map style is present (a87403b)
1.2.0-alpha.9 (2019-11-12)
- Allow select_one options to be deselected (#263) (d8757a8)
- Corrections to strings & translations (e0213ec)
- Support select-multiple details questions (#262) (87c98fb)
1.2.0-alpha.8 (2019-11-05)
- Allow publishing on Google Play Store by enabling 64-bit builds (4cc4107)
- Fix map not loading (black screen) when device is offline (20038b7)
1.2.0-alpha.7 (2019-10-28)
- Add translation / internationalization (#255) (0cdb954)
- use react-native-v8 instead of JSC (bec5949)
- Fix relative times to avoid long timeout warnings (b48ec3e)
1.2.0-alpha.6 (2019-10-11)
- Do not try to add map layers until style has loaded (a398494)
- Show loading while checking for online/offline style. Prefer offline style over online style. (b3c9727)
- Turn off telemetry on first load (909e670)
1.2.0-alpha.5 (2019-10-03)
- Don't crash when selecting an observation on the map (68326a6)
- Don't disable mapbox telemetry (05ab7d2)
- Fix Manual GPS dialog translations (f2de933)
- Fix Manual GPS screen text (7464812)
- Fix map unexpectedly moving/zooming (eebfa5a)
1.2.0-alpha.4 (2019-09-21)
- Downgrade to kappa-core v3, fix failing sync (5c26a48)
- Show correct icon for desktops in sync (6758ccb)
1.2.0-alpha.3 (2019-09-17)
- Fix all kinds of bugs with editing observations and adding photos (807d75e)
- reset navigation state (0b9f77a)
1.2.0-alpha.2 (2019-09-16)
- photos: Scroll photo thumbnails to latest photo after taking a new photo (10f2d82)
- Don't show keyboard at first when creating a new observation (988a4b5)
- Remove request for storage permissions (#196) (0c3c787)
- Swipe between multiple photos for an observation 🎉 (#199) (9429c2d)
- Add server route for accessing the device id (this is from updates to @mapeo/core and mapeo-server, there are no changes in this repo for this)
1.2.0-alpha.1 (2019-08-07)
- Fix crashes from accelerometer subscription (#189) (957db4d)
- override map style & preset cache so that changes appear after restarting the app (#188) (c425d5d)
- map: Don't animate inset observation map when it first renders (78d3471)
- map: Fix icon placement for inset map on observation view (f9364bb)
- UI: Don't leave a gap when observation description is empty (578fa43)
1.2.0-alpha.0 (2019-08-05)
- Remove react-native-screens (was breaking build) (234cbe5)
1.1.0-beta.8 (2019-07-04)
- Add map and improve UX of observation view (#131) (6299cde)
- update UX for new/edit observation (#154) (c1392e9)
1.1.0-beta.7 (2019-06-25)
- Attempt to fix camera errors by delaying navigation away from camera until photo is taken (7bfc990)
1.1.0-beta.6 (2019-06-21)
- Fix bug in bug reporting... (a9a456b)
1.1.0-beta.5 (2019-06-21)
- pin kappa-osm to v3.0.3 pending update to kappa-core@3 (acb1284)
- typo causing server start crash (ae22022)
1.1.0-beta.4 (2019-06-21)
- Fix map zoom-out when switching back to map screen when not in follow-mode (#147) (372c6fc)
- Fix various crashes and add bugsnag reporting (#148) (d8579a9), closes #134
- update unimodules, should fix some crashes seen in the wild (b211ed2)
- build: pin version of reanimated pending fix of software-mansion/react-native-reanimated#315 (31b0fc4)
1.1.0-beta.3 (2019-06-14)
- Manual GPS: Determine whether the user is using UTM zone letters for latitude bands or hemisphere (9bac3e1)
- Manual GPS: Fix app crash when coords can't be formatted as UTM (dd3c6bd)
1.1.0-beta.2 (2019-06-10)
- Fix occasional crash during startup (b43f87a)
1.1.0-beta.1 (2019-06-07)
- Integrate new mapeo core that de-forks observations (97f46b8)
1.1.0-beta.0 (2019-06-07)
- Manual GPS: Adjust labels, placeholders & formatting (5301720)
- Manual GPS: Fix back button crashing the app (9a87a7e)
- Manual GPS: Put zone number & letter above coordinates (e78a86f)
- touchables for iOS (3584f20)
- Design: Add Expo storybook app for Android & iOS with no dev env (74dd5f3)
- Delete observation button (#124) (095ab41)
1.1.0-alpha.6 (2019-06-05)
- Details: Fix back button closing new observation. Now returns to previous screen. (e12321a)
- Map: Start map at last location if no GPS & don't zoom out when switching to follow location (cbf10bb)
- Improve mapeo core start-up after reload during development (266a7de)
- UI: Keep the splashscreen visible a bit longer whilst app loads (eed5fe2)
- GPS: Manual UTM coordinate entry (#126) (cc96e0b)
- New Observations: Add confirmation before closing new observation (66b49d5)
1.1.0-alpha.5 (2019-06-04)
- Don't block interaction with the app whilst image resizes (df9dfa1)
1.1.0-alpha.4 (2019-06-04)
- New home tab view: Home view remembers camera or map view when returning to it; should fix battery usage when in app is in background & speed up app (8057481)
1.1.0-alpha.3 (2019-06-03)
- photos: Attempt to fix accasional failure of photos by increasing memory for app (bce7328)
- reduce background battery usage by ensuring GPS is turned off in background (ec2de6e)
- photos: fix photo error on old devices due to not reading rotation of phone (80f5943)
- photos: Fix photo errors due to out-of-memory on low-memory devices (52f722d)
- thumbnails: fix thumbnail view (04b4dd0)
- Don't reload app when switching away & returning (0974a83)
- photos: Add scaled photo view 🖼 🙌 (ae09fd3)
- Reduce battery usage by removing animated GPS icon (cb7853b)
1.1.0-alpha.2 (2019-05-31)
- Maps: try to stop map crashes by switching to TextureView option (1858da7)
- 🚀 Share an observation + photos with WhatsApp, email or other Android app (ad69993)
- dates in Spanish (d11bd54)
1.1.0-alpha.1 (2019-05-30)
- DX: fix storybook startup script to it opens the app after install (fa39efc)
- DX: Fix storybook-native builds (c37cbb0)
- Fix app returning to last screen after a force restart (51828e6)
- Fix error when restarting app not at home screen (c1abffc)
1.1.0-alpha.0 (2019-05-23)
- map: "blue dot" user location should always show in the correct location now (d167998)
- sync: stop listening to peer updates when sync modal is closed (48d0a05)
- photo: rotate photo based on device rotation (1ee8815)
1.0.0-beta.3 (2019-05-10)
- camera: improve preview quality (don't create preview from thumbnail!) (c7eb083)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2019-05-10)
category view: fix category icons not appearing on devices with high-density displays (97b9943)
Remove 64bit builds to fix Galaxy S7 issue with Android v7 (#122) (c163efc)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2019-05-09)
- build: Fix application ID for release variant (4c7aaf9)
1.0.0-beta.0 (2019-05-09)
- camera: Timeout with error if photo capture does not complete (61f4926)
- UI: Show "ahorita" instead of "have 4 segundos" until 1 minute. (a61ebcf)
1.0.0-alpha.10 (2019-05-09)
- view observation: Fix details icon so it doesn't look like edit icon (98e0856)
- view observation: remove gray box where map should be (218c812)
- view observation: When a field does not have a label defined in the preset, use the key property as the label (fa0b13f)
- view observation: when a field does not have an answer, show "sin respuesta" in gray (5e98356)
- Edit Observation: Add ability to edit existing observations (5bd1987)
1.0.0-alpha.9 (2019-05-08)
- Change default port to avoid clash with previous version of mapeo mobile (ba98a48)
- photos: Fix photos not appearing on migrated observations (17cedbd)
- sync: Adjust progress accuracy by counting photo as same progress as db item (f08419b)
- sync: Fix sync progress lock-up due to too many updates (161e3c5)
- sync: Fix sync stopping when the phone sleeps or app is in background (b02c805)
- sync: Throttle sync updates to avoid sync screen grinding to a halt (3adedfd)
- sync: Phone will not sleep while the sync screen is open (c7fa73c)
- UX: Show loading indication when observations are loading (e.g. during initial index) (f2824c7)
1.0.0-alpha.8 (2019-05-07)
- category chooser: Fix sorting of presets / categories to respect
field in preset (c0f707b)
1.0.0-alpha.7 (2019-05-04)
- build: remove leftover detox pieces (cf1315b)
1.0.0-alpha.6 (2019-05-04)
- build: build for older (Android v5 and v6) devices using patched nodejs-mobile (f2c2794)
- build: enable cleartext support, fix broken dev env (dde646e)
- create observation: fix keyboard disappearing when observation edit screen appears (7d142e8)
- edit observation: avoid unnecessary re-renders (3a8f228)
- map: Fix custom style not showing (bf55b1b)
- 18n: Translate strings to Spanish (e1afb32)
- map: Add location follow mode & zoom to location on first load (8f7aeaf)
- photos: delete local temp photos after save to server (4aaf9b8)
- photos: save preview sized photos in addition to thumbnails & originals (ed643d9)
1.0.0-alpha.5 (2019-05-01)
- map: Update react-native-mapbox to v7 pre-release (39779dd)
- ObservationView: crash when viewing an observation with empty fields defined in preset (9b69a28)
- map: Offline style falls back to online style (0fe38e5)
- map: press on observation to open details (ca2a6ad)
1.0.0-alpha.4 (2019-05-01)
- Camera: Don't disable shutter after first photo (155bcf0)
- UI: GPS spinner was too big (afd27fa)
- Camera shutted disabled after taking photo (1fb5a3f)
- crash on Android 6.0 on Moto G3 (1b5f7ad)
- use SSID for wifi connectivity (46009bf)
- build: create QA build with debugging turned on (a7e3dad)
- createObservation: Confirmation before saving for weak or no GPS (4af0524)
- UI: Different header title for create vs edit observation (74d986c)
- Add relative dates ("2 minutes ago") (50e9968)
- Add Sync (#119) (a886b2e)
- Add text entry to create observation (1st pass) (ad4e848)
- Basic offline map style functionality (8dbb308)
- format dates (english only for now) (d998a60)
1.0.0-alpha.3 (2019-04-26)
- transform new observations on save (42fb168)
- createObservation: Add default presets for when the user has not included presets (bbea3d8)
1.0.0-alpha.2 (2019-04-26)
- Custom entryFile for different release variants (2386ab9)
1.0.0-alpha.1 (2019-04-25)
- internal: don't unmount the whole camera screen on focus loss (840ebab)
- newObservation: Add save button (new observation is lost after app restart) (92d615f)
- photos: also create preview image (7629cf4)
- Load and save observations and presets from mapeo-core (0c5d686)
- load presets from mapeo core (b4cbef1)
- Turn off react-native-screens - fix touch events not firing (5e44fe6)
- add additional photos to a new observation (d479b2d)
- Add app variants (897a6ff)
- add category chooser screen (bc32096)
- add GPS Modal (8c94493)
- add GPS pill to header (10dd199)
- custom back icon button with bigger touch area (76bb20c)
- Custom routing for New Observation flow (2c5339a)
- custom transitions (db47fe9)
- Edit navigation with close icon (3545744)
- GPS pill + modal improvements (38ff4e2)
- hookup draft observation context (3e5dfd8)
- If position is stale, show searching in UI (0a9d2be)
- persist navigation state (dc2c82d)
- remove transition animations (d6b2b9e)
- rough & ready GPS modal screen (2deacb3)
- save draft observation to async storage (3c4328d)