This Jekyll-based blog was started January 2014, at which time a few items previously stored on Wordpress were transferred here.
The advantage of blogging with Jekyll is mainly that the files are local and can be created in a standard text editor. But there are also disadvantages that become clearer over time:
Anything not in the Wordpress system is a bit hidden from the blogging community.
Using Jekyll is labourious and tricky. I've found that the system is brittle, requiring fiddling from time to time, to keep up with changes in what seems to be a big toolchain. This might not be a problem for people using Ruby from day to day, but it makes me think the pain is not worth the gain.
Enter the assets
directory. Create a file with a name like
and write an entry. It is easiest to pattern this on
existing entries. Then, type make
(using your date and
topic, of course). This will create some files, and at the end you'll see
a message telling you what to do next, namely to go up a directory, type make
and then git add/commit/push. Well, maybe you'll see that message. And maybe
you'll see an error message that will require you to look at the Makefile
(which is just something I hacked together) or your system. Remember to take
your heart medicine before starting to try to debug this.
Visit (perhaps after waiting 10 minutes) to see if it worked.