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Releases: d4rk5h0t/zarb-go


12 May 14:21
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Refactored goreleaser


06 May 11:55
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30612fb update treasury address.
0019262 simplified version module and adding release docker (pactus-project#160)
999e482 separate release pipe commands
7e206dd revert to manuall build versioning
d98f068 removing receipt from store. (pactus-project#141)
54730ba p2p: Drop connection for banned peers (pactus-project#159)
87e38f9 merge checksum test
342be19 merge checksum test
ee01ad1 implemented GetNetworkInfo Resolved (pactus-project#96)
36a92bc grpc api GetTranscation (pactus-project#94)
df8d9dc git releaser in place - replaced bls with prebuilt - updated bls_lib_dir - build for windows,darwin,linux
a452bde gRPC validator RPCs Impelmented (pactus-project#120)
7fa95c7 gRPC APIs Implmented (pactus-project#127)
5b675f4 fix version module disable binary generation
dee76ad fix tests
3fdea66 fix herumi path
abbb9c6 fix docker build issue
deb47a0 fix build_with_bls for docker build
08be4aa clean up
1c56b23 added the grpc get account method (pactus-project#91)
50ee885 added porposal folder and change made in some file from vote to proposal (pactus-project#87)
cb2eb4e added grpc support (pactus-project#85)
e21f831 added bech32 lib, now address uses bech32 for encoding decoding. (pactus-project#102) (pactus-project#110)
078b67d add new sub-command under tx for send transactions. (isssue pactus-project#66)
7703c93 add commit and version flags
6d694b5 add SemVersion Support via Git Tags (pactus-project#119)
ded7c0b Weighting validators based on their stake (pactus-project#65)
fcfc10c Validators in committee can't send bond transaction
7b46a8b Validator set moves properly when new validators join + tests
e1a3f5a Validation off in txpool while syncing the node
93cf5b4 Validating transaction inside txpool
bf9ac7f Validate sortition seed
36f3968 Validate fee for transactions
32d02b4 Validate block version
e3eb544 Validate block time (pactus-project#58)
ac1cce5 V1 (pactus-project#138)
16844ec Using BLAKE2b-256 hash
87837fd Updating libp2p (pactus-project#69)
4e0587e Updating acc/val total counter inside sandbox
8076908 Update wizard
1c17f30 Update vote_set.go
099a410 Update version (pactus-project#31)
dd72b29 Update version
e20fa7f Update tests for validating transaction inside pool
71f0f33 Update tests (pactus-project#63)
1b9d669 Update testnet address
a5dd649 Update testnet (pactus-project#61)
8864488 Update testnet
423098a Update testnet
e35d8a8 Update testnet
b20aecb Update test for bond tx
e099cfa Update sync tests (pactus-project#73)
8f04ca1 Update state merkle tree
315781e Update state logger
92130ed Update sandbox
ecba86b Update round robin alghorithm (pactus-project#90)
b02aba9 Update readme
f68c901 Update pool.go
7854026 Update params in genesis (pactus-project#30)
c1d0d05 Update mintbase transaction
c07bd99 Update libp2p package names (pactus-project#163)
812ea3f Update genesis for testnet-v4
0ded88b Update gRPC
bc89d0a Update docker (pactus-project#39)
ea85152 Update consensus log
02215c7 Update committers to be in order (pactus-project#49)
a5c3075 Update changelog
dbd19fa Update
991bf27 Update
f94b92b Update
27121d1 Update
6578778 Update
5b21f0d Update Makefile (pactus-project#109)
d7b4cdf Update Integration test (pactus-project#52)
6a0c0e9 Update ChangeLog
cd7d549 Update Capnp, gRPC and add tests for gRPC (pactus-project#86)
a175f0e Update Capnp + http (pactus-project#25)
a769196 Update BLS library
db1253d Suggesting the old_label when changing key's auth
748a0d5 Show label for key inspect command (pactus-project#32)
baf7457 Show label for key inspect command
cfc43cb Send RawTx (pactus-project#45)
b10c559 Scheduling to query for proposal, if don't have yet
52c2be2 Save/load committee members (pactus-project#70)
3414b97 Revising consensus (pactus-project#36)
ef7e28e Restore last state info from last saved block (pactus-project#136)
f02bae2 Respond query message even the validator is not in the set (pactus-project#68)
2664b53 Reset batch after writing
ea1ec51 Rename validator_set to committee
236219f Rename TxHash to TxID
b3ea850 Remove unnecessary check
7f5db5a Remove duplicated vote if detected (pactus-project#74)
d9c820c Remove a log
aad19f3 Remove Sanity check from Pending Votes
a97d30d Refactoring transaction receipt
4e83d90 Refactoring transaction
c196f76 Refactoring message and sync module (pactus-project#35)
785d31c Refactoring consensus (pactus-project#124)
ef5f10e Refactoring Syncer pool cache (pactus-project#29)
afa2a83 Refactoring Commit (pactus-project#48)
a765e31 Recalculating genesis state
915a820 Reap all transaction from txpool for proposing a new block (pactus-project#28)
135a697 Query txPool if transaction not found inside the cache
f5888ba Query for proposal if we don't have it at heartbeat time
f5f627a Prevent duplicated round entry (pactus-project#122)
6780005 Prevent double entering to the same round (pactus-project#75)
c7b28f6 Pick random votes from all rounds
988e416 Not broadcasting prepare & precommit votes for previous round (pactus-project#162)
c05a1b1 NetworkInfo API (pactus-project#60)
be7d820 Network lagging and Precommits (pactus-project#21)
3580a6d Move message payload into payload folder
166dbb2 Minor changes on messages and syncer
fcfb9c7 Message Log for consensus (pactus-project#161)
8a19c42 Merge remote-tracking branch 'base/main' into release
a365447 Merge pull request pactus-project#98 from b00f/bond_restriction
d8af416 Merge pull request pactus-project#89 from b00f/sortition_seed
4e6f5ba Merge pull request pactus-project#84 from b00f/send_tx
3fa84dd Merge pull request pactus-project#83 from zarbchain/broadcast_txs
0ae8ca1 Merge pull request pactus-project#81 from qmajid/main
69b0704 Merge pull request pactus-project#80 from b00f/val_stake_issue
01eaea9 Merge pull request pactus-project#76 from b00f/crypto_marshaling
a0db6c9 Merge pull request pactus-project#34 from zarbchain/recal-gen-state
2bb5e88 Merge pull request pactus-project#33 from zarbchain/key-label
e9af7ef Merge pull request pactus-project#27 from zarbchain/transaction-id
984e0f4 Merge pull request pactus-project#23 from zarbchain/state_merkle
508ddcf Merge pull request pactus-project#22 from zarbchain/blake2b
3a1adf0 Merge pull request pactus-project#20 from zarbchain/update-genesis
7e517c9 Merge pull request pactus-project#19 from zarbchain/txpool-validation
ea81d83 Merge pull request pactus-project#18 from zarbchain/tx-refactor
5c9d9a1 Merge branch 'main' into release
5d26a85 Make sandbox more isolate
60b4179 Make docker build faster
5bc8cba Maintain test coverage
6b278e7 Mainnet opt (pactus-project#143)
cfdd613 Last block (pactus-project#72)
c758aeb Joining download topic after start
a99ba19 JSON Marshaller for proof and seed (pactus-project#108)
2a027e5 Integration test (pactus-project#107)
a6d6179 Increase total stake for testing sortition
fe17f08 Improve network module
83ad5b5 Implementing query_votes message (pactus-project#57)
cd884f0 Implemented gRPC ValidatorByNumber & GetValidator APIs (pactus-project#117)
0725fcb Immediately Precommit after receiving enough votes (pactus-project#59)
5b88e78 Ignore queries for the stale proposals
384db99 Ignore null vote after block vote
53aa98a Ignore moving to prior round
d68edfd Gzip message payload (pactus-project#43)
d903f90 Format project before building
b045867 Fixing lagging test for slow environment
a8a5eeb Fix vrf comment
bf034e7 Fix restoring previous state issue
f771f50 Fix rebase issues
07223cc Fix panic on negative max
5447a8d Fix genesis test
c341663 Fix an issue on updating validator stake
87e4e39 Executing Sortition transaction (pactus-project#26)
329126c Enable NAT and Relay service for network
73eee22 Enable JSON-marshaling for empty public key
b708bb9 Duplicated proposals (pactus-project#121)
348a6dc Downloading topic (pactus-project#47)
2ea5ca4 Don't ask for proposal on entering prepare stage (pactus-project#139)
4304540 Disable Kademlia for Main Tests
7b33284 Decrease codecov patch threshold to 60% (pactus-project#118)
6bce0c4 Decoupling store from state (pactus-project#135)
316e5dd Decide after querying proposal (pactus-project#158)
0fa8430 Data race detection (pactus-project#105)
c6a8fd0 Copy validators (pactus-project#51)
0cf2ecb Comment about rplaying the last block
25da71c Collect more votes when scheduling for new height
5d4d43d Codecov+Linter (pactus-project#24)
ace78a1 Clean up the code (pactus-project#56)
575ea23 Check validators by number not index
026ae80 Check roundProposal to not be nil
175cafc Check proposer address before applying block (pactus-project#46)
ac079cd Check proposal round (pactus-project#50)
6d480d4 Check if workspace is empty before running the node
11336c6 Check if the message belongs to the same network
0bd2e6e Check if replica has f+1 proposer-change votes for the next round
47fe526 Check if replica has f+1 proposer-change votes for the current round
9f0243e Check if key file has no-password
17ea5ed Check height in consensus timeout event (pactus-project#97)
e6fb929 Check evaluate sortition status (pactus-project#106)
aa952a7 Broadcast all transaction in proposed block
3ff1994 Bond and sortition check (pactus-project#53)
997dcbd Block sortition seed for VRF algorithm
6adca41 Block certificate includes committers and absences (pactus-project#92)
c22a223 Batch writing (pactus-project#137)
1f659ea Adding tests for send and bond execution
b83508a Adding system tests (pactus-project#37)
78c700d Adding state Facade
03a9c74 Adding new action for Building docker (pactus-project#42)
2a058ba Adding more tests for validator set
1179166 Adding maximum threshold config (pactus-project#71)
3c09832 Adding genesis for main net
554d3fa Adding delta-timeout to config
b1893e5 Adding bond transaction
3b8fef1 Adding block version to params (pactus-project#67)
793b870 Add wizard option to start command (for testnet)
cfaae4d Add withdraw interval param
0be82e1 Add tests for messages
6fdc9ce Add test for saving encrypted key file
3e056d6 Add test for non-existing committe member
9368003 Add stamp validity check
454ab92 Add sortitoin tx and update sandbox
98806a7 Add sortition seed to block header
b0ac19e Add send command
daa8dd2 Add recover subcoammand (pactus-project#62)
28211cd Add prune method
b2a1f84 Add number to account and validator
a59547a Add more tests for validator
aa7eee2 Add more tests for account and validator
f4b9e0c Add more tests for Send transaction
d9b30b6 Add discord badget
8f0981b Add deadlock detection mode flag
310e024 Add chain-params to genesis doc
1e1c660 Add bond-tx command (pactus-project#54)
b05d699 Add Linkedmap library