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Merge pull request #42544 from missirol/devel_hltL1TMatchedPFJetsVBFF…
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add `HLTFilter` template `HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter` [`13_2_X`]
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cmsbuild authored Aug 14, 2023
2 parents 9fac15c + d5cdd00 commit 0fe20e7
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Showing 3 changed files with 340 additions and 0 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions HLTrigger/JetMET/plugins/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"

#include "HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter.h"
#include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/CaloJet.h"

typedef HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter<reco::CaloJet> HLTL1TMatchedCaloJetsVBFFilter;
326 changes: 326 additions & 0 deletions HLTrigger/JetMET/plugins/HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
#ifndef HLTrigger_JetMET_HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter_h
#define HLTrigger_JetMET_HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter_h

#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
#include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Ref.h"
#include "DataFormats/HLTReco/interface/TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs.h"
#include "DataFormats/HLTReco/interface/TriggerTypeDefs.h"
#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaR.h"
#include "HLTrigger/HLTcore/interface/HLTFilter.h"

#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <string>

template <typename T>
class HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter : public HLTFilter {
explicit HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter(const edm::ParameterSet&);
~HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter() override = default;

bool hltFilter(edm::Event& iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup& iSetup,
trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs& filterproduct) const override;

static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);

auto logTrace() const {
auto const& moduleType = moduleDescription().moduleName();
auto const& moduleLabel = moduleDescription().moduleLabel();
return LogTrace(moduleType) << "[" << moduleType << "] (" << moduleLabel << ") ";

enum Algorithm { VBF = 0, VBFPlus2CentralJets = 1 };

Algorithm getAlgorithmFromString(std::string const& str) const;
void fillJetIndices(std::vector<unsigned int>& outputJetIndices,
std::vector<T> const& jets,
std::vector<unsigned int> const& jetIndices,
double const pt1,
double const pt3,
double const mjj) const;

// input HLT jets
edm::InputTag const jetTag_;
edm::EDGetTokenT<std::vector<T>> const jetToken_;

// matching with L1T jets by delta-R distance
bool const matchJetsByDeltaR_;
double const maxJetDeltaR_, maxJetDeltaR2_;
edm::EDGetTokenT<trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs> const l1tJetRefsToken_;

// selection of HLT jets compatible with the VBF topology (see fillJetIndices)
Algorithm const algorithm_;
double const minPt1_;
double const minPt2_;
double const minPt3_;
double const minInvMass_;

// min/max number of selected jets, and triggerType of output triggerRefs
int const minNJets_;
int const maxNJets_;
int const triggerType_;

template <typename T>
void HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter<T>::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
desc.add<edm::InputTag>("src", edm::InputTag("hltJets"))->setComment("InputTag of input HLT jets");

desc.add<bool>("matchJetsByDeltaR", true)
->setComment("Enable delta-R matching between HLT jets ('src') and L1T jets ('l1tJetRefs')");
desc.add<double>("maxJetDeltaR", 0.5)
"Maximum delta-R distance to match HLT jets ('src') and L1T jets ('l1tJetRefs'), "
"used only if 'matchJetsByDeltaR == true'.");
desc.add<edm::InputTag>("l1tJetRefs", edm::InputTag("hltL1sJetSeed"))
->setComment("InputTag of references to L1T jets");

desc.add<std::string>("algorithm", "VBF")
->setComment("Keyword to choose the algorithm used to select jets compatible with the VBF topology");
desc.add<double>("minPt1", 110.)
->setComment("Minimum pT threshold 'pt1' in algorithm to select VBF jets (must respect 'pt2 <= pt3 <= pt1')");
desc.add<double>("minPt2", 35.)->setComment("Minimum pT of all selected VBF jets (must respect 'pt2 <= pt3 <= pt1')");
desc.add<double>("minPt3", 110.)
->setComment("Minimum pT threshold 'pt3' in algorithm to select VBF jets (must respect 'pt2 <= pt3 <= pt1')");
desc.add<double>("minInvMass", 650.)->setComment("Minimum jet invariant mass");

desc.add<int>("minNJets", 0)->setComment("Minimum number of output jets to accept the event (ignored if negative)");
desc.add<int>("maxNJets", -1)->setComment("Maximum number of output jets to accept the event (ignored if negative)");

desc.add<int>("triggerType", trigger::TriggerJet);

"This HLTFilter selects events with HLT jets compatible with the VBF topology. "
"These HLT jets can be required to be matched to L1T jets by delta-R distance.");

template <typename T>
HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter<T>::HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
: HLTFilter(iConfig),
maxJetDeltaR2_(maxJetDeltaR_ * maxJetDeltaR_),
l1tJetRefsToken_(matchJetsByDeltaR_ ? consumes<trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs>(
: edm::EDGetTokenT<trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs>()),
triggerType_(iConfig.getParameter<int>("triggerType")) {
// delta-R matching
if (matchJetsByDeltaR_ and maxJetDeltaR_ < 0) {
throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfigurationParameter")
<< "invalid value for parameter \"maxJetDeltaR\" (must be > 0): " << maxJetDeltaR_;

// values of minPt{1,2,3} thresholds
if (minPt2_ > minPt1_) {
throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfigurationParameter")
<< "minPt1 (" << minPt1_ << ") must not be smaller than minPt2 (" << minPt2_ << ")";
} else if (minPt3_ > minPt1_) {
throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfigurationParameter")
<< "minPt1 (" << minPt1_ << ") must not be smaller than minPt3 (" << minPt3_ << ")";
} else if (minPt2_ > minPt3_) {
throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfigurationParameter")
<< "minPt3 (" << minPt3_ << ") must not be smaller than minPt2 (" << minPt2_ << ")";

template <typename T>
typename HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter<T>::Algorithm HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter<T>::getAlgorithmFromString(
std::string const& str) const {
if (str == "VBF") {
return Algorithm::VBF;
} else if (str == "VBFPlus2CentralJets") {
return Algorithm::VBFPlus2CentralJets;

throw cms::Exception("HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilterInvalidAlgorithmName")
<< "invalid value for argument of getAlgorithmFromString method: " << str
<< " (valid values are \"VBF\" and \"VBFPlus2CentralJets\")";

template <typename T>
void HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter<T>::fillJetIndices(std::vector<unsigned int>& outputJetIndices,
std::vector<T> const& jets,
std::vector<unsigned int> const& jetIndices,
double const pt1,
double const pt3,
double const mjj) const {
// reset output jet indices

// find dijet pair with highest Mjj
int i1 = -1;
int i2 = -1;
double m2jj_max = -1;

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < jetIndices.size() - 1; i++) {
auto const& jet1 = jets[jetIndices[i]];

for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < jetIndices.size(); j++) {
auto const& jet2 = jets[jetIndices[j]];

double const m2jj_tmp = (jet1.p4() + jet2.p4()).M2();

if (m2jj_tmp > m2jj_max) {
m2jj_max = m2jj_tmp;
i1 = jetIndices[i];
i2 = jetIndices[j];

// only proceed if highest-Mjj dijet pair was found
if (i1 >= 0 and i2 >= 0) {
logTrace() << "dijet pair with highest invariant mass: indices={" << i1 << "," << i2 << "} mjj^2=" << m2jj_max;

unsigned int const j1 = i1;
unsigned int const j2 = i2;

auto const& jet1 = jets[j1];
double const m2jj = (mjj >= 0. ? mjj * mjj : -1.);

// algorithm: "VBF"
if (algorithm_ == Algorithm::VBF) {
if (m2jj_max > m2jj) {
if ( >= pt1) {
outputJetIndices = {j1, j2};
} else if ( < pt3 and jets[jetIndices[0]].pt() > pt3) {
outputJetIndices = {j1, j2, jetIndices[0]};
} else if (algorithm_ == Algorithm::VBFPlus2CentralJets) {
if (jetIndices.size() > 3 and m2jj_max > m2jj) {
// indices of additional jets
std::vector<unsigned int> idx_jets;
idx_jets.reserve(jetIndices.size() - 2);

for (auto const idx : jetIndices) {
if (idx == j1 or idx == j2)

if ( >= pt3) {

for (auto const idx : idx_jets) {
if (outputJetIndices.size() > 3)
} else if (idx_jets.size() >= 3) {

if (idx_jets.size() > 3) {

template <typename T>
bool HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter<T>::hltFilter(edm::Event& iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup&,
trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs& filterproduct) const {
if (saveTags())

// handle to input HLT jets
auto const& jetsHandle = iEvent.getHandle(jetToken_);

// indices of input HLT jets satisfying delta-R matching requirements
std::vector<unsigned int> jetIndices;

if (matchJetsByDeltaR_) {
// refs to L1T jets used for delta-R matching
l1t::JetVectorRef l1tJetRefs;
iEvent.get(l1tJetRefsToken_).getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1Jet, l1tJetRefs);

for (unsigned int iJet = 0; iJet < jetsHandle->size(); ++iJet) {
auto const& jet = (*jetsHandle)[iJet];

if ( <= minPt2_)

for (unsigned int l1tJetIdx = 0; l1tJetIdx < l1tJetRefs.size(); ++l1tJetIdx) {
if (reco::deltaR2(jet.p4(), l1tJetRefs[l1tJetIdx]->p4()) < maxJetDeltaR2_) {
logTrace() << "input jet: index=" << iJet << " pt=" << << " eta=" << jet.eta()
<< " phi=" << jet.phi() << " mass=" << jet.mass()
<< " (matched to L1T jet with pt=" << l1tJetRefs[l1tJetIdx]->pt()
<< " eta=" << l1tJetRefs[l1tJetIdx]->eta() << " phi=" << l1tJetRefs[l1tJetIdx]->phi()
<< " mass=" << l1tJetRefs[l1tJetIdx]->mass() << ")";

} else {
for (unsigned int iJet = 0; iJet < jetsHandle->size(); ++iJet) {
auto const& jet = (*jetsHandle)[iJet];

if ( <= minPt2_)

logTrace() << "input jet: index=" << iJet << " pt=" << << " eta=" << jet.eta() << " phi=" << jet.phi()
<< " mass=" << jet.mass();


// order jet indices by jet pT (highest pT first)
std::sort(jetIndices.begin(), jetIndices.end(), [&jetsHandle](unsigned int const i1, unsigned int const i2) {
return (*jetsHandle)[i1].pt() > (*jetsHandle)[i2].pt();

// indices of jets identified as compatible with the VBF topology
std::vector<unsigned int> outputJetIndices;
fillJetIndices(outputJetIndices, *jetsHandle, jetIndices, minPt1_, minPt3_, minInvMass_);

// add selected jets to trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs
for (auto const idx : outputJetIndices) {
filterproduct.addObject(triggerType_, edm::Ref<std::vector<T>>(jetsHandle, idx));

logTrace() << "output jet: index=" << idx << " pt=" << (*jetsHandle)[idx].pt()
<< " eta=" << (*jetsHandle)[idx].eta() << " phi=" << (*jetsHandle)[idx].phi()
<< " mass=" << (*jetsHandle)[idx].mass();

// accept event only if minNJets and maxNJets requirements are satisfied
auto const ret = ((minNJets_ < 0 or outputJetIndices.size() >= (unsigned int)minNJets_) and
(maxNJets_ < 0 or outputJetIndices.size() <= (unsigned int)maxNJets_));

logTrace() << "filter decision = " << ret << " (trigger objects = " << outputJetIndices.size() << ")";

return ret;

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions HLTrigger/JetMET/plugins/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"

#include "HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter.h"
#include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/PFJet.h"

typedef HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter<reco::PFJet> HLTL1TMatchedPFJetsVBFFilter;

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