CAPI 1.157.0
- The capi-release contains a db migration which may fail if the landscape is under high load. This issue will be fixed with PRs cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3428 and cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3424. The PR should be integrated in capi-release >= v1.161.0. If you want to be on the safe side, you should skip this version of cf-deployment and use a later version with the fixed migration.
- Improve SQL performance by eliminating redundant ORDER BY
- More aggressive cleanup of failed delayed jobs
CC API Version: 2.208.0 and 3.143.0
Service Broker API Version: 2.15
CAPI Release
- Extract Redis tar more resilient (#335)
- The failed_jobs cleanup job should run more often than once per day to ensure db is not overloaded (#332)
Dependency Bumps
- Bump Redis to 7.0.12
- Bump Golang to go1.20.7
- Bump rubocop from 1.55.1 to 1.56.0
- Bump rubocop-rspec from 2.22.0 to 2.23.1
Cloud Controller
- Improve SQL Performance by Eliminating Unnecessary Order (cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3352)
- More aggressive cleanup of failed delayed jobs (cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3346)
Cloud Controller Database Migrations
Dependency Bumps
- Bump redis from 5.0.6 to 5.0.7
- Bump mock_redis from 0.36.0 to 0.37.0
- Bump sinatra from 3.0.6 to 3.1.0
- Bump azure-storage-blob from
to 1.1.0 - Bump fog-azure-rm from
to 0.4.7 - Bump sinatra-contrib from 3.0.6 to 3.1.0
- Bump spork from
to 1.0.0rc4 - Bump vcap-concurrency from
to 0.1.0 - Bump prometheus-client from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1
- Bump mime-types from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0
- Bump addressable from 2.8.4 to 2.8.5
- Bump sequel from 5.70.0 to 5.71.0
- Bump net-ssh from 7.1.0 to 7.2.0
- Bump prometheus-client from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0
- Bump oj from 3.15.0 to 3.15.1
- Bump rubocop from 1.55.0 to 1.56.0