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T3 API : Reports and Spreadsheet Sync

Matt Frisbie edited this page Feb 20, 2025 · 3 revisions

T3 API Reports

T3 API Reports allow you to export entire Metrc datasets in a single request. Report endpoints can be filtered and sorted just like collection endpoints.

An example:

  • The /v2/packages/active collection endpoint returns one page of active packages. To export all your active packages, you would need to request multiple pages to load all your active packages.
  • The /v2/packages/active/report report endpoint returns all your active packages. This returns the entire dataset in one request, so the response can be very large.

How to get started with T3 API Reports?

Become a T3+ subscriber.

T3 API Reports are only available to T3+ subscribers. You can start your 30 day free trial here.

Advanced Usage

Filtering and Sorting

T3 API Reports can be configured to include filters, sorting, and can return either JSON or CSV data.

  • If you wanted to only return packages in the Bulk Storage room, you would add &filter=locationName__eq:Bulk Storage to your Sync Link
  • If you wanted to control which columns you want in the report, you would add &fieldnames=label,productionBatchNumber,labTestingStateName to your Sync Link

Details here:

Specifying Field Names

Example spreadsheet output

Example T3 API output in CSV format

Each report header shows dataModel. The dataModel describes what objects are being returned for the current report, and what columns are available.

In the API response, the data model is listed as MetrcPackage. To see a list of columns for MetrcPackage, refer to the API docs: at the bottom of the page, there is a Schemas section:

T3 API schemas

T3 API schemas

In Schemas, find MetrcPackage and expand it to see all the possible columns:

T3 API MetrcPackage schema

T3 API MetrcPackage schema

So if you wanted to specify the columns to show License Number, Facility Name, Label, and Production Batch Number, you would add the following to your Sync Link:,facilityName,label,productionBatchNumber

These will be returned as the column headers.

MetrcPackage has a special scenario, where item is nested inside it.

T3 API nested item schema

T3 API nested item schema

If you want to show an item column, you add item.* in front of it. For example, the Item Category, you would use item.productCategoryName.

Example URL:,facilityName,label,productionBatchNumber,item.productCategoryName

Spreadsheet Sync

Spreadsheet Sync uses T3 API Reports import entire Metrc datasets into a spreadsheet with a single cell formula. The spreadsheet will stay up-to-date with Metrc (updating at least once per hour).

Spreadsheet Sync

Demo of Spreadsheet Sync

How does it work?

T3 API Reports capture snapshots of your Metrc data all in a single request. Spreadsheet Sync allows you to form a single Sync Link that loads your report data. This Sync Link can then be passed to either Power Query in Microsoft Excel or the IMPORTDATA() formula in Google Sheets.

How to get started with Spreadsheet Sync?

1. Generate your secret key

  • Generate your secret key here.
  • Store this secret key in a secure place, there is no way to access it again.
  • Do not share this secret key! It allows access to your Metrc data
Secret key generation interface

Secret key generation interface

2. Create your Spreadsheet Sync Link

All the information needed to generate the report is included in the Sync Link. At minimum, you will need:

  • The path of the report you wish to generate (available in the API docs)
  • The license number for the data that should appear in the report
  • Your secret key

For example, let's say you want to create an Active Packages report for the EX-00001 license.

  • Report path (taken from the API docs): /v2/packages/active/report
  • License number: EX-00001
  • Secret key: 1234-1234-1234-1234-1234-1234

Your Sync Link would be:

Note: contentType=csv is required

Note: Do not share this Sync Link! Anyone who has it can load all your Metrc Data

3. Import Data into your Spreadsheet

For Google Sheets:

Pass your Sync Link to the IMPORTDATA() function. This function is identical for either Excel or Google Sheets. Every hour, this function will load the report data using your Sync Link and insert it into the sheet.

In your spreadsheet, in Cell A1, you would paste =IMPORTDATA("")

For Microsoft Excel:

Excel requires the use of Power Query to import data from the web. Follow the instructions here, using your sync link as the data source URL.

4. Allow Spreadsheet to Load Data

Loading your data usually takes 15-20 seconds.

  • The IMPORTDATA function automatically refreshes the information about once per hour.
  • Power Query will refresh the data based on how you configure your data source.

Example output (redacted):

Example spreadsheet output

Example output

Demo of Advanced Spreadsheet Sync Usage

Spreadsheet Sync allows for advanced filtering options:

Advanced Spreadsheet Sync

Demo of Advanced Spreadsheet Sync

Next Steps


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