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@CKEditorBot CKEditorBot released this 25 Jul 08:31
· 3456 commits to master since this release

We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 5 v42.0.2.

Release highlights

This is a patch release that includes the following bug fixes for new installation methods introduced in v42.0.0:

  • Fixed type definitions for the imports used in the optimized build (see #16684).
  • Fixed minor issues with the ckeditor5-editor.css, ckeditor5-content.css, and other optimized style sheets (see #16703).
  • Fixed issues with installing and loading the CKEditor 5 packages using Yarn PnP (see #16646).
  • Fixed issues with loading CSS and translation files with older bundlers, such as Vite 2 and Vite 3 (see #16638).

Additionally, we fixed some performance issues in the track changes plugin. The editing experience was heavily affected if there were many (hundreds or more) suggestions in the document. This was a regression introduced in v41.0.0.

Bug fixes

  • ckeditor5: Changed the path to the types in the package.json. See #16684. (commit)
  • ckeditor5: Updated the exports field in package.json to fix issues with loading CSS and translations in older bundlers. See #16638. (commit)
  • ckeditor5-premium-features: Changed the path to the types in the package.json.
  • ckeditor5-premium-features: Updated the exports field in package.json to fix issues with loading CSS and translations in older bundlers.
  • Added dependencies used in the new dist folder as production dependencies instead of devDependencies. Related to #16646. (commit)

Other changes

  • track-changes: Performance fixes for scenarios where hundreds of suggestions exist in the document.

Released packages

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Released packages (summary)

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