Releases: checkstyle/sonar-checkstyle
Issue #62: upgrade to checkstyle 7.5
Issue #61: set sonar login by token, secure token does not work for some reason
Issue #49: fix for 'Missing semicolon'
Issue #61: set sonar url
Issue #61: make sonar public profile to allow binaries be hosted at Sonar Software Update Center
Issue #56: all html pages that has http lnks were updated by content from official html web site
Change log:
Issue #54: update to checkstyle 7.4
Issue #52: checkstyle-sonar-plugin does not work with sonar 4.5.2 and 4.5.4 require upgrade to 5.6.4
Issue #49: TC badge was added
Issue #48: findbugs is activated, but there are some cases to investigate in excludes
Issue #47: pmd is enforced on whole code
Issue #46: enforce strict code coverage by cobertura
Issue #45: Some Checvkstyle violations are resolved
Issue #44: upgrade to sonarqube 4.5.4 api
Issue #28: added test to verify
Release notes:
config: version tag should be simple number
Issue #7: Change artifact name and provide deployment process (module folder renaming)
Issue #7: Change artifact name and provide deployment process (all except for module folder renaming)
Issue #6: update documentation after transfer ('This rule is deprecated ...' is removed from html files)
Issue #6: update documentation after transfer (DEPRECATED status was removed)
fix for default tokens of ReturnCount
exclude checkstyle as we use shaded version of it to avoid search for checkstyle's dependency to guava Closable.closeQuietly
resolving problem with Exception on sonar launch for missed documentation
downgrade to jdk7 and skip of guava 19, Reflect need to be reimplemented
Issue #28: added UT for validating rules and fixed any errors
config: activate cache for travis to speedup execution
doc: image was added as example to
minor: unification of rules in rules.xml
Increase the file size limit (#22)
Merge pull request #18 from marschall/fix-master
Fix master branch build
Merge pull request #17 from marschall/add-7.1-translations
Add missing 7.1 translations
Issue #4: Upgrade to Checkstyle 7.1
minor: was added
Fix JavadocVariable rule definition
Fix ExecutableStatementCount rule definition
Add travis CI icon
Update pom links to SCM and Issues
Remove sonarsource wallboard properties
Remove ITs
Remove dependency to sonarsource parent pom
Merge pull request #25 from ganncamp/patch-1
fix link syntax
move documentation from SonarQube wiki
Update orchestrator to latest release
Moved Github org from SonarCommunity to SonarSource
Fix quality flaw: remove null check
Update deprecation of rules
Add empty jars for sources and javadoc of checkstyle-all artifact