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Luka Oman edited this page Nov 3, 2021 · 4 revisions

Main image of the extension


Joomla! introduced a new, long awaited feature called "Custom Fields" into core in version 3.7, that was released in april 2017. The Custom Fields improved a lot since their introduction, but they still feel like they are an afterthought. Until version 4.0 they did not appear in search results and they can be still only part of the article.

This module make it possible to display content of custom fields outside the article into custom module. The content can be displayed, labeled and styled as desired by the theme of the page.


Save the archive (zip, tar.gz) of the latest module version to your computer or directly on the server. Use Joomla! build in mechanism to extract and install the module. Do not forget to activate it in order to use it. One version of the module will be already created in the Module section.


Use the WYSIWYG editor to enter the content you would like to be displayed in the module. In place you would like to use the content of the custom field you use the shortcode for the field. The shortcode is {field ID}. The ID is the id (number) of the custom field and can be found in the Administration Menu -> Content -> Fields -> Last column of the fields table.

Example: {field 11}

Warning: If there is no field with the given id, the shortcode will be displayed unchanged!

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