A newer version is already available! Please don’t use this version anymore.
Binaries have been removed as this release is superseded by v0.9.7.
Release notes
This will be the last feature release before the Bisq DAO goes live on Mainnet! It is not only packed with updates around the Bisq DAO, but also includes bug fixes for Tor startup, improvements in message handling and many more minor bug fixes.
Bisq DAO (on our DAO Testnet)
- Lots of UI improvements 1, 2
- Show the correct BSQ or BTC trading fee if it is maker or taker
- Add Facts & Figures section
- Make vote result JSON deterministic
- Add transaction id to proposal display
- Add feedback popup for DAO test users
- Add hash of DAO state
- Don't show locally rejected proposals as accepted in UI
- Improve data structure, validation and performance
- Add mining fee to un/lock bond popup
- Add ISSUANCE_LIMIT param and check for max issuance per cycle
- Prevent BSQ offers below dust limit
- Add irregular txType, add check for total balance, prevent proposal withhold attack
- Add missing check for mandatory BSQ output
- Fix get all bonds not returning not active bonds
- Add removed deprecated payment methods again as it would break trade history
- Set max buyer's security deposit to 20% instead of 10%
- Improve broadcasting of transactions
- Suppress popup at shutdown when open offers are disabled
- Increase request timeouts
- Lots of typos and grammar mistakes fixed 1, 2, 3
- Show close button when creating offer without required account
- Show fiat rounding info popup also when switching between payment accounts
- Fix error and improve wording for security deposit
- Fix BTC status incorrectly hidden on splash screen
- Make create offer label cases easier to translate
- Added 4 new assets: Amitycoin (AMIT), Navcoin (NAV), Qwertycoin (QWC), XDR (XDR0)
Url of the signing key (Christoph Atteneder): https://bisq.network/pubkey/29CDFD3B.asc
Full fingerprint: CB36 D7D2 EBB2 E35D 9B75 500B CD5D C1C5 29CD FD3B
Import the key:
curl https://bisq.network/pubkey/29CDFD3B.asc | gpg --import
GPG prints a confusion warning: "This key is not certified with a trusted signature!" - See https://serverfault.com/questions/569911/how-to-verify-an-imported-gpg-key for background information what it means.
How to verify signatures?
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify BINARY{.asc*,}
Replace BINARY with the file you downloaded (e.g. Bisq-0.9.6.dmg)
Verify jar file inside binary:
You can verify on OSX the jar file with:
shasum -a256 [PATH TO BISQ APP]/Bisq.app/Contents/Java/Bisq-0.9.6.jar
The output need to match the value from the Bisq-0.9.6.jar.txt file.
Known issues with installation
There is a known issue with Anti Virus software. We got several reports from users running into different problems. Either the AV software blocks Bisq or Tor, delete files in the data directory [2] or app directory [1]) or cause such a long delay at startup that Tor gets terminated and a file remains locked which can cause that Bisq cannot be started afterwards. To resolve that you need to restart Windows then the lock get released. We are working on solutions to fix those issues.
If you use Crypto currencies on your Windows system be aware that Windows is much more vulnerable to malware than Linux or OSX. Consider to use a dedicated non-Windows system when dealing with cryptocurrencies.
[1] Application directory (contains application installation files):
[2] Data directory (contains all Bisq data including wallet):
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\btc_mainnet\tor (you can delete everything except the hiddenservice directory)
Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bisq on Debian use: /opt/Bisq/Bisq
If your Linux distro does not support .deb files please follow this instruction:
cd ~/Downloads
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ar x ../Bisq-64bit-0.9.6.deb
sudo tar Jxvf data.tar.xz
sudo cp -rp opt/Bisq /opt/
That instruction is not tested on many different distros. If you encounter problems please report it in a Github issue so we can improve it.