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Curated list of awesome PocketBase resources.

PocketBase is an open source backend consisting of embedded database (SQLite) with realtime subscriptions, built-in auth management, convenient dashboard UI and simple REST-ish API.


Official Packages

  • Golang Server - The main PocketBase server. GitHub Repo stars

  • JavaScript SDK - Browser and Node.js for interacting with the PocketBase API. GitHub Repo stars

  • Dart SDK - Multi-platform SDK for interacting with the PocketBase Web API. GitHub Repo stars

Top PocketBase-specific Projects (>100 stars)

  • - Free and pro PocketBase hosting. GitHub Repo stars
  • PocketBase Typegen - Generate TypeScript types from the SQLite db file. GitHub Repo stars
  • PocketBase Docker - Docker setup supporting multiple architectures and automatically updated with PocketBase releases. GitHub Repo stars
  • PocketBase+Stripe - Go extended PocketBase for Stripe subscription integration. GitHub Repo stars
  • PocketBase+Lemonsqueezy - Go extended PocketBase for Lemonsqueezy subscription integration. GitHub Repo stars
  • SvelteKit Starter - A starter-kit showing how to use customized PocketBase as a backend to SvelteKit frontend. GitHub Repo stars
  • SvelteKit Auth - This project is designed as a sample implementation reference for getting authentication setup using SvelteKit. GitHub Repo stars
  • SvelteKit PocketBase Auth - Demo login and registration pages with examples. GitHub Repo stars

Major Community Projects

  • - Server-side JS pages and hosting for PocketBase. GitHub Repo stars
  • - Free and pro PocketBase hosting. GitHub Repo stars
  • - The unofficial PocketBase plugin repository and code exchange. GitHub Repo stars
  • PocketPorts - NPM/Node.js packages ported to PocketBase JSVM. Official listing is hosted here in awesome-pocketbase.

JSVM Plugins

Go Plugins

  • Telegram auth - Add Telegram auth (Widget button and WebApp). GitHub Repo stars
  • Ngrok - Expose local PocketBase to the internet with ngrok. GitHub Repo stars
  • Proxy - Proxy requests to another other host. Can be useful when you want to use separate server as frontend (like Next.js), but serve everything with same port. GitHub Repo stars
  • Webhooks - Add webhook support in the admin UI to send create, update and delete events on selected collections via POST request to other systems.
  • Typescript Generator - Typescript generator standalone / library with auto generation hook or command GitHub Repo stars


  • PocketBase React - Unofficial React SDK (React, React Native, Expo) for interacting with the PocketBase JavaScript SDK. GitHub Repo stars
  • PocketBase Next.js App Template - PocketBase Next.js Template with server & browser client using cookies. GitHub Repo stars
  • Next.js PocketBase Auth - Sample Next.js 15 application with PocketBase integration, a typed client, server-side and client-side rendering techniques, and server actions. GitHub Repo stars
  • next-pocketbase-auth - A lightweight authentication wrapper for Next.js applications, providing easy-to-use utilities for handling user session in both client and server components. GitHub Repo stars


  • svelte-query-pocketbase - TanStack Query wrappers around PocketBase for Svelte and SvelteKit that updates the query cache in realtime. GitHub Repo stars
  • SvelteKit Starter - A starter-kit showing how to use customized PocketBase as a backend to SvelteKit frontend. GitHub Repo stars
  • SvelteKit Auth - This project is designed as a sample implementation reference for getting authentication setup using SvelteKit. GitHub Repo stars
  • SvelteKit PocketBase Auth - Demo login and registration pages with examples. GitHub Repo stars
  • pocketbase-sveltekit-static - A minimalist template with configured authorization featuring a single Docker image (from 55 MB) for deploying. GitHub Repo stars






  • libpb - PocketBase client wrapper for D with automatic serialization and deserialization to and from JSON. GitHub Repo stars


  • gobot - PocketBase as an npm package. CLI and API. GitHub Repo stars

Unofficial PocketBase Clients (SDKs)

Self Hosting

  • PocketBase Docker - Docker setup supporting multiple architectures and automatically updated with PocketBase releases. GitHub Repo stars
  • DigitalOcean - Guide to deploy in a Droplet.
  • - Guide to deploy for free in
  • LocalXpose - Allow public access to a localhost instance.
  • PocketBase Docker - Docker images supporting multiple architectures and updated with latest PocketBase releases. GitHub Repo stars
  • PocketBase on Dokku - Deploy PocketBase instances on Dokku effortlessly. GitHub Repo stars

TypeScript tools

  • pocketbase-jsvm - JSVM typings. GitHub Repo stars
  • pb_hooks starter kit - Build PocketBase JavaScript hooks using TypeScript. GitHub Repo stars
  • PocketBase Typegen - Generate TypeScript types from the SQLite db file. GitHub Repo stars
  • typed-pocketbase - Generate types from your PocketBase instance and enjoy fully type-safe queries. GitHub Repo stars
  • pocketbase-ts - SDK wrapper with more readable options syntax and full type-safety. GitHub Repo stars
  • pocketbase-query - is a TypeScript-based query builder designed to generate complex filter queries for PocketBase. It allows for easy construction of queries using various operators while maintaining a fluent and chainable API. GitHub Repo stars
  • pocketbase-schema-generator - JS hook for automatically generating schema files. (Zod/TS interfaces) GitHub Repo stars

SQLite tools

Other tools

  • PocketBaseUML - A free, open-source web application that generates UML diagrams based on PocketBase databases. GitHub Repo stars
  • PocketBaseMobile - Android and iOS frameworks for running PocketBase from mobile. GitHub Repo stars
  • PocketBase+Stripe - Go extended PocketBase for Stripe subscription integration. GitHub Repo stars
  • pbf - Library for serializing and deserializing PocketBase filter syntax. GitHub Repo stars
  • PocketBase Templates - A open-source collection of PocketBase schemas to quickly get started. GitHub Repo stars
  • pocketbase-queue - A type-safe queue for background tasks using PocketBase. GitHub Repo stars
  • PocketBase GPT - A GPT that has all of PocketBase's documentation uploaded to it, to give more accurate and up-to-date answers.


PocketPorts Packages

Ports of NPM/Node.js packages to the PocketBase JSVM.

OG Package Ported Package Description
Node.js pocketbase-node Node.js core packages (fs, process, etc) GitHub Repo stars
ejs pocketbase-ejs Embedded JavaScript templates - GitHub Repo stars
marked ✅ works without changes A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed. GitHub Repo stars


A collection of PocketBase community resources.








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