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PocketBase Unity SDK

Unofficial Multi-platform Unity C# SDK for interacting with the PocketBase Web API.

Supported Unity versions and platforms

This package runs on Unity 2022.3 or later. It has been tested on the following platforms:

  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • Linux
  • Android
  • iOS
  • WebGL

Supported PocketBase versions

Some versions of PocketBase may not be compatible with some versions of this SDK. Please check the following table:

Unity SDK Version PocketBase Version
0.22.x 0.22.x
0.23.x 0.23+


Open the Package Manager window, and click the + icon, then click on Add package from git url. Copy and paste the following url and click Add:

This will tag the package with a specific version.

You can also install the SDK by downloading the .unitypackage from the releases page and importing it into your project.


using PocketBaseSdk;
using UnityEngine;

public class PocketBaseExample : MonoBehaviour
    private PocketBase pb;

    private async void Start()
        _pocketBase = new PocketBase("");

        // Authenticate as regular user
        var userData = await pb.Collection("users").AuthWithPassword("[email protected]", "password");

        // List and filter "example" collection records
        var result = await pb.Collection("example").GetList<RecordModel>(
            page: 1,
            perPage: 20,
            filter: "status = true && created >= \"2022-08-01\"",
            sort: "-created",
            expand: "someRelField"

        // Subscribe to realtime "example" collection changes
        pb.Collection("example").Subscribe<RecordModel>("*", e =>
            Debug.Log(e.Action); // "create", "update", "delete"
            Debug.Log(e.Record); // The changed record
        }, filter: "someField > 10");


File upload

PocketBase Unity SDK handles file upload seamlessly by using IMultipartFormSection list.

Here is an example of uploading a single text file together with some other regular fields:

using PocketBaseSdk;
using UnityEngine;

public class PocketBaseExample : MonoBehaviour
    private PocketBase pb;

    private async void Start()
        pb = new PocketBase("");

        var record = await pb.Collection("example").Create<RecordModel>(
            body: new()
                title = "Hello, World!"
            files: new()
                new MultipartFormFileSection(
                    name: "document", // The name of the file field
                    data: Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, World!"), // The file data
                    fileName: "example_document.txt",
                    contentType: "text/plain")



The SDK comes with several helpers to make it easier working with the RecordService and RecordModel DTO. Below is an example on how to access and cast record data values with the RecordModel[string] indexer:

var record = await pb.Collection("example").GetOne("RECORD_ID");

var options = record["options"]?.ToObject<List<string>>();
var email = (string)record["email"];
var status = (int)record["status"];
var price = (float)record["price"];
var nested1 = record["expand"]?["user"]?.ToObject<RecordModel>();
var nested2 = record["expand"]?["user"]?["title"]?.ToString() ?? "N/A";

Alternatively, you can also create your own typed DTO data classes and use a static factory method to populate your object, eg:

using PocketBaseSdk;
using UnityEngine;

public class Post : RecordModel
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Content { get; set; }

    public static Post FromRecord(RecordModel record) => 

And here is an example of how to use it:

// Fetch your raw record
var record = await pb.Collection("posts").GetOne("POST_ID");

var post = Post.FromRecord(record);

Error handling

All services return a standard Task object that can be awaited, so the error handling is pretty straightforward.

// If you are using the async/await syntax:
    var userData = await pb.Collection("users").AuthWithPassword("[email protected]", "password");
catch (ClientException e)
    // Handle error

// Or if you are using the ContinueWithOnMainThread syntax:
pb.Collection("users").AuthWithPassword("[email protected]", "password").ContinueWithOnMainThread(task => 
    if (task.IsFaulted)
        // Handle error
    else if (task.IsCompleted)
        var user = task.Result;

All responses errors are wrapped in a ClientException object, which contains the following properties:

public class ClientException : Exception
    public string Url { get; }
    public int StatusCode { get; }
    public Dictionary<string, object> Response { get; }
    public object OriginalError { get; }


The SDK keeps track of the authenticated token and auth record for you via the PocketBase.AuthStore service. The default AuthStore class has the following public properties:

public class AuthStore
    public string Token { get; }
    public RecordModel Model { get; }
    public bool IsValid();
    public void Save(string newToken, RecordModel newModel);
    public void Clear();

To "logout" an authenticated record, you can just call PocketBase.AuthStore.Clear().

To "listen" for changes to the AuthStore, you can subscribe to the PocketBase.AuthStore.OnChange event:

pocketBase.AuthStore.OnChange.Subscribe(e =>

The default AuthStore is NOT persistent!

If you want to persist the AuthStore, you can inherit from the default store and pass a new custom instance as constructor argument to the client. To make is slightly more convenient, the SDK has a built-in AsyncAuthStore that you can combine with any async persistent layer. Here is an example using Unity's PlayerPrefs:

AsyncAuthStore store => new(
    save: data =>
        UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetString("pb_auth", data);
        return Task.CompletedTask; // Mandatory since SetString() is synchronous
    initial: UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetString("pb_auth", string.Empty)

var pb = new PocketBase(
    authStore: store

You can also use the AsyncAuthStore.PlayerPrefs static property, which will automatically save the AuthStore to the PlayerPrefs:

var pb = new PocketBase(
    authStore: AsyncAuthStore.PlayerPrefs

Binding filter parameters

The SDK comes with a helper PocketBase.Filter(expr, params) method to generate a filter string with placeholder parameters ({paramName}) populated from a Dictionary<string, object>.

// the same as: "title ~ 'exa\\'mple' && created = '2023-10-18 18:20:00.123Z'"
var filter = PocketBase.Filter(
    "title ~ {:title} && created >= {:created}", 
    new Dictionary<string, object>
        ["title"] = "exa'mple",
        ["created"] = DateTime.UtcNow

var record = await pb.Collection("example").GetList<RecordModel>(filter: filter);

Extension Methods

The SDK provides some helper methods to help with common tasks.

One of them is the ContinueWithOnMainThread method, which allows you to run a continuation task on the main thread. This is useful when you need to update the UI from a background thread, as Unity does not allow you to do this on any other thread:

private Text _title;

// This will run on the main thread
pb.Collection("users").AuthWithPassword("[email protected]", "password").ContinueWithOnMainThread(task => 
    if (task.IsFaulted)
        // Handle error
    else if (task.IsCompleted)
        var user = task.Result;
        _title.text = user.Email; // Will throw an exception if called on a background thread


See the API documentation for more information on the available services. You can also check out the Dart SDK documentation for more information on the available methods, as this SDK is a port of the Dart SDK.


Clone the repository and open the project in Unity 2022.3. You can safely use any patch version of Unity 2022.3.

The SDK code is located in the Assets/pocketbase-unity/ folder. This project uses the format of the Unity Package Manager to distribute the SDK.

The only dependency is the Newtonsoft.Json package, which is included in the Unity Package Manager. The rest of the code is written in fully managed C# for maximum platform compatibility.