Set of Anatawa12's Non-Destructive Small Avatar Optimization Utilities. Those utilies are applied on entering play mode or building VRC Avatars.
If you have problems or questions about this tool, please feel free to contact me on twitter or Misskey (Activity Pub)!
For more information, check out the documentation.
anatawa12によるアバター軽量化用のちょっとした非破壊ユーティリティ群です。 これらのユーティリティはPlayモードに入るときかアバターをビルドするときに適用されます。
本ツールについて不具合や不明な点などがございましたら、twitterやMisskey (Activity Pub)からお気軽にご連絡ください!
This project doesn't have any public stable APIs for now. The Semantic Versioning will be applied to save format of the components, but not for scripting usage for now. Even if any parts of this project is exposed as public in C# code, it can be changed / removed in future release.