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Use fullscreen mode

bartbutenaers edited this page Jul 21, 2021 · 1 revision

The workspace area in the Blockly node's screen is a bit small, especially when lots of blocks have been used. In that case it is easier to use the fullscreen mode:

  1. Press on the fullscreen icon:

    fullscreen icon

  2. Now the Blockly workspace will be displayed in fullscreen mode:

    fullscreen mode

  3. Press the "See generated javascript" button to show the "Generated Javascript" tabsheet in fullscreen modus:

    js fullscreen mode

  4. Press the "Back to Blockly editor" to go back to the Blockly workspace in fullscreen modus.

  5. Press the "Done" button to show the changes in normal modus, or the "Cancel" button to revert the changes before going back to normal modus.