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Merge pull request #72 from johnlees/lineage_clustering
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Addition of lineage clustering
  • Loading branch information
johnlees authored May 6, 2020
2 parents 394b3f4 + b801b26 commit e9c8c26
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Showing 7 changed files with 701 additions and 157 deletions.
259 changes: 179 additions & 80 deletions PopPUNK/

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372 changes: 372 additions & 0 deletions PopPUNK/
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@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=<utf-8> :
# Copyright 2018-2020 John Lees and Nick Croucher

# universal
import os
import sys
import re
# additional
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import rankdata
from collections import defaultdict
import pickle
import collections
import networkx as nx
from multiprocessing import Pool, RawArray, shared_memory, managers
from multiprocessing import Pool, shared_memory
from multiprocessing.managers import SharedMemoryManager
NumpyShared = collections.namedtuple('NumpyShared', ('name', 'shape', 'dtype'))
except ImportError as e:
sys.stderr.write("This version of PopPUNK requires python v3.8 or higher\n")
from functools import partial

# import poppunk package
from .plot import writeClusterCsv

from .utils import iterDistRows
from .utils import update_distance_matrices

def get_chunk_ranges(N, nb):
""" Calculates boundaries for dividing distances array
into chunks for parallelisation.
N (int)
Number of rows in array
nb (int)
Number of blocks into which to divide array.
range_sizes (list of tuples)
Limits of blocks for dividing array.
step = N / nb
range_sizes = [(round(step*i), round(step*(i+1))) for i in range(nb)]
# extend to end of distMat
range_sizes[len(range_sizes) - 1] = (range_sizes[len(range_sizes) - 1][0],N)
# return ranges
return range_sizes

def rank_distance_matrix(bounds, distances = None):
""" Ranks distances between isolates for each index (row)
bounds (2-tuple)
Range of rows to process in this thread.
distances (ndarray in shared memory)
Shared memory object storing pairwise distances.
ranks (numpy ndarray)
Ranks of distances for each row.
# load distance matrix from shared memory
distances_shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name =
distances = np.ndarray(distances.shape, dtype = distances.dtype, buffer = distances_shm.buf)
# rank relevant slide of distance matrix
ranks = np.apply_along_axis(rankdata, 1, distances[slice(*bounds),:], method = 'ordinal')
return ranks

def get_nearest_neighbours(rank, isolates = None, ranks = None):
""" Identifies sets of nearest neighbours for each isolate.
rank (int)
Rank used in analysis.
isolates (int list)
List of isolate indices.
ranks (ndarray in shared memory)
Shared memory object pointing to ndarray of
ranked pairwise distances.
nn (default dict of frozensets)
Dict indexed by isolates, values are a
frozen set of nearest neighbours.
# data structure
nn = {}
# load shared ranks
ranks_shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name =
ranks = np.ndarray(ranks.shape, dtype = ranks.dtype, buffer = ranks_shm.buf)
# apply along axis
for i in isolates:
nn[i] = defaultdict(frozenset)
isolate_ranks = ranks[i,:]
closest_ranked = np.ravel(np.where(isolate_ranks <= rank))
neighbours = frozenset(closest_ranked.tolist())
nn[i] = neighbours
# return dict
return nn

def pick_seed_isolate(G, distances = None):
""" Identifies seed isolate from the closest pair of
unclustered isolates.
G (network)
Network with one node per isolate.
distances (ndarray in shared memory)
Pairwise distances between isolates.
seed_isolate (int)
Index of isolate selected as seed.
# load distances from shared memory
distances_shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name =
distances = np.ndarray(distances.shape, dtype = distances.dtype, buffer = distances_shm.buf)
# identify unclustered isolates
unclustered_isolates = list(nx.isolates(G))
# select minimum distance between unclustered isolates
minimum_distance_between_unclustered_isolates = np.amin(distances[unclustered_isolates,unclustered_isolates],axis = 0)
# select occurrences of this distance
minimum_distance_coordinates = np.where(distances == minimum_distance_between_unclustered_isolates)
# identify case where both isolates are unclustered
for i in range(len(minimum_distance_coordinates[0])):
if minimum_distance_coordinates[0][i] in unclustered_isolates and minimum_distance_coordinates[1][i] in unclustered_isolates:
seed_isolate = minimum_distance_coordinates[0][i]
# return unclustered isolate with minimum distance to another isolate
return seed_isolate

def get_lineage(G, neighbours, seed_isolate, lineage_index):
""" Identifies isolates corresponding to a particular
lineage given a cluster seed.
G (network)
Network with one node per isolate.
neighbours (dict of frozen sets)
Pre-calculated neighbour relationships.
seed_isolate (int)
Index of isolate selected as seed.
lineage_index (int)
Label of current lineage.
G (network)
Network modified with new edges.
# initiate lineage as the seed isolate and immediate unclustered neighbours
in_lineage = {seed_isolate}
G.nodes[seed_isolate]['lineage'] = lineage_index
for seed_neighbour in neighbours[seed_isolate]:
if nx.is_isolate(G, seed_neighbour):
G.add_edge(seed_isolate, seed_neighbour)
G.nodes[seed_neighbour]['lineage'] = lineage_index
# iterate through other isolates until converged on a stable clustering
alterations = len(neighbours.keys())
while alterations > 0:
alterations = 0
for isolate in neighbours.keys():
if nx.is_isolate(G, isolate):
intersection_size = in_lineage.intersection(neighbours[isolate])
if intersection_size is not None and len(intersection_size) > 0:
for i in intersection_size:
G.add_edge(isolate, i)
G.nodes[isolate]['lineage'] = lineage_index
alterations = alterations + 1
# return final clustering
return G

def cluster_into_lineages(distMat, rank_list = None, output = None, isolate_list = None, qlist = None, existing_scheme = None, use_accessory = False, num_processes = 1):
""" Clusters isolates into lineages based on their
relative distances.
distMat (np.array)
n x 2 array of core and accessory distances for n samples.
This should not be subsampled.
rank_list (list of int)
Integers specifying the maximum rank of neighbours used
for clustering.
output (string)
Prefix used for printing output files.
isolate_list (list)
List of reference sequences.
qlist (list)
List of query sequences being added to an existing clustering.
Should be included within isolate_list.
existing_scheme (str)
Path to pickle file containing lineage scheme to which isolates
should be added.
use_accessory (bool)
Option to use accessory distances rather than core distances.
num_processes (int)
Number of CPUs to use for calculations.
overall_lineages (nested dict)
Dict for each rank listing the lineage of each isolate.

# data structures
lineage_clustering = defaultdict(dict)
overall_lineage_seeds = defaultdict(dict)
overall_lineages = defaultdict(dict)
if existing_scheme is not None:
with open(existing_scheme, 'rb') as pickle_file:
lineage_clustering, overall_lineage_seeds, rank_list = pickle.load(pickle_file)

# generate square distance matrix
seqLabels, coreMat, accMat = update_distance_matrices(isolate_list, distMat)
if use_accessory:
distances = accMat
distances = coreMat
assert seqLabels == isolate_list
sys.stderr.write('Isolates in wrong order?')

# list indices and set self-self to Inf
isolate_indices = [n for n,i in enumerate(isolate_list)]
for i in isolate_indices:
distances[i,i] = np.Inf

# get ranks of distances per row
chunk_boundaries = get_chunk_ranges(distances.shape[0], num_processes)
with SharedMemoryManager() as smm:

# share isolate list
isolate_list_shared = smm.ShareableList(isolate_indices)

# create shared memory object for distances
distances_raw = smm.SharedMemory(size = distances.nbytes)
distances_shared_array = np.ndarray(distances.shape, dtype = distances.dtype, buffer = distances_raw.buf)
distances_shared_array[:] = distances[:]
distances_shared_array = NumpyShared(name =, shape = distances.shape, dtype = distances.dtype)

# parallelise ranking of distances across CPUs
with Pool(processes = num_processes) as pool:
ranked_array =,
distances = distances_shared_array),

# concatenate ranks into shared memory
distance_ranks = np.concatenate(ranked_array)
distance_ranks_raw = smm.SharedMemory(size = distance_ranks.nbytes)
distance_ranks_shared_array = np.ndarray(distance_ranks.shape, dtype = distance_ranks.dtype, buffer = distance_ranks_raw.buf)
distance_ranks_shared_array[:] = distance_ranks[:]
distance_ranks_shared_array = NumpyShared(name =, shape = distance_ranks.shape, dtype = distance_ranks.dtype)

# parallelise neighbour identification for each rank
with Pool(processes = num_processes) as pool:
results =,
distances_input = distances_shared_array,
distance_ranks_input = distance_ranks_shared_array,
isolates = isolate_list_shared,
previous_seeds = overall_lineage_seeds),

# extract results from multiprocessing pool
for n,result in enumerate(results):
rank = rank_list[n]
lineage_clustering[rank], overall_lineage_seeds[rank] = result

# store output
with open(output + "/" + output + '_lineages.pkl', 'wb') as pickle_file:
pickle.dump([lineage_clustering, overall_lineage_seeds, rank_list], pickle_file)

# process multirank lineages
overall_lineages = {}
overall_lineages = {'Rank_' + str(rank):{} for rank in rank_list}
overall_lineages['overall'] = {}
for index,isolate in enumerate(isolate_list):
overall_lineage = None
for rank in rank_list:
overall_lineages['Rank_' + str(rank)][isolate] = lineage_clustering[rank][index]
if overall_lineage is None:
overall_lineage = str(lineage_clustering[rank][index])
overall_lineage = overall_lineage + '-' + str(lineage_clustering[rank][index])
overall_lineages['overall'][isolate] = overall_lineage

# print output as CSV
writeClusterCsv(output + "/" + output + '_lineages.csv',
output_format = 'phandango',
epiCsv = None,
queryNames = qlist,
suffix = '_Lineage')

# return lineages
return overall_lineages

def run_clustering_for_rank(rank, distances_input = None, distance_ranks_input = None, isolates = None, previous_seeds = None):
""" Clusters isolates into lineages based on their
relative distances using a single R to enable
rank (int)
Integer specifying the maximum rank of neighbour used
for clustering. Should be changed to int list for hierarchical
qlist (list)
List of query sequences being added to an existing clustering.
Should be included within rlist.
use_existing (bool)
Whether to extend a previously generated analysis or not.
lineage_clustering (dict)
Assignment of each isolate to a cluster.
lineage_seed (dict)
Seed isolate used to initiate each cluster.
neighbours (nested dict)
Neighbour relationships between isolates for R.

# load shared memory objects
distances_shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name =
distances = np.ndarray(distances_input.shape, dtype = distances_input.dtype, buffer = distances_shm.buf)
distance_ranks_shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name =
distance_ranks = np.ndarray(distance_ranks_input.shape, dtype = distance_ranks_input.dtype, buffer = distance_ranks_shm.buf)
isolate_list = isolates
isolate_indices = range(0,len(isolate_list))

# load previous scheme
seeds = {}
if previous_seeds is not None:
seeds = previous_seeds[rank]

# create graph structure
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_nodes_from(isolate_indices)'lineage', default = 0)

# identify nearest neighbours
nn = get_nearest_neighbours(rank,
ranks = distance_ranks_input,
isolates = isolate_list)

# iteratively identify lineages
lineage_index = 1
while nx.number_of_isolates(G) > 0:
if lineage_index in seeds.keys():
seed_isolate = seeds[lineage_index]
seed_isolate = pick_seed_isolate(G, distances = distances_input)
# skip over previously-defined seeds if amalgamated into different lineage now
if nx.is_isolate(G, seed_isolate):
seeds[lineage_index] = seed_isolate
G = get_lineage(G, nn, seed_isolate, lineage_index)
lineage_index = lineage_index + 1

# identify components and name lineages
lineage_clustering = {node:nodedata for (node, nodedata) in G.nodes(data='lineage')}

# return clustering
return lineage_clustering, seeds

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