This repository is prepared to provide the code resource for the paper:
Part-aware Unified Representation of Language and Skeleton for Zero-shot Action Recognition by Anqi Zhu, Qiuhong Ke, Mingming Gong, James Bailey.
- Uploaded the main model architecture and its relevant package functions. Please visit model/ (19/06/2024)
- Released pre-print version on arXiv. Available on 21/06/2024. (19/06/2024)
- docs for
- Prerequisites
- Demo
- Data Preparation
- Testing Pre-trained Models
- Training
- Citation
- codes fo\r
- basic organization and transplantation from implemented codes
- pre-trained model data
- data preprocess also supports training a new model with customized configs. The script accepts the following parameters:
Argument | Possible Values | Description |
ntu | 60; 120 | Which NTU dataset to use |
ss | 5; 12 (For NTU-60); 24 (For NTU-120) | Which split to use |
st | r (for random) | Split type |
phase | train; val | train(required for zsl), (once with train and once with val for gzsl) |
ve | shift; msg3d | Select the Visual Embedding Model |
le | w2v; bert | Select the Language Embedding Model |
num_cycles | Integer | Number of cycles(Train for 10 cycles) |
num_epoch_per_cycle | Integer | Number of epochs per cycle 1700 for 5 random and 1900 for others |
latent_size | Integer | Size of the skeleton latent dimension (100 for ntu-60 and 200 for ntu-120) |
load_epoch | Integer | The epoch to be loaded |
load_classifier | Set if the pre-trained classifier is to be loaded | |
dataset | - | Path to the generated visual features |
wdir | - | Path to the directory to store the weights in |
mode | train;eval | train for training synse, eval to eval using a pretrained model |
gpu | - | which gpu device number to train on |
For example, if you want to train PURLS for zsl under a experiment split of 55/5 split on NTU 60, you can use the following command:
python -c configs/adaptive_purls_5r_clip_gb.yml
For any question, feel free to create a new issue or contact.
Qiuhone Ke : [email protected]
Anqi Zhu : [email protected]