getMap() | Gets a new map class instance. |
setDiv() | Changes the map div. |
getDiv() | Returns the map div. |
setMapTypeId() | Changes the map type id. |
animateCamera() | Moves the camera with animation. |
animateCameraZoomIn() | Zooming in the camera with animation. |
animateCameraZoomOut() | Zooming out the camera with animation. |
moveCamera() | Moves the camera without animation. |
moveCameraZoomIn() | Zooming in the camera without animation. |
moveCameraZoomOut() | Zooming out the camera without animation. |
getCameraPosition() | Get the current camera position, including the target, zoom, tilt and bearing. |
getCameraTarget() | Get the current camera target position. |
getCameraZoom() | Get the current camera zoom level. |
getCameraBearing() | Get the current camera bearing. |
getCameraTilt() | Get the current camera tilt (view angle). |
setCameraTarget() | Set the center position of the camera view. |
setCameraZoom() | Set zoom level of the camera. |
setCameraTilt() | Set the camera view angle. |
setCameraBearing() | Set the camera bearing. |
panBy() | Change the center of the map by the given distance in pixels. |
getVisibleRegion() | Get the current visible region (sw and ne). |
getMyLocation() | Get the current device location. |
setClickable() | Set false to ignore all clicks on the map. |
remove() | Destroy a map completely. |
clear() | Remove all overlays, such as marker. |
fromLatLngToPoint() | Convert the unit from LatLng to the pixels from the left/top of the map div. |
fromPointToLatLng() | Convert the unit from the pixels from the left/top to the LatLng. |
setMyLocationEnabled() | Set true if you want to show the MyLocation button. |
getFocusedBuilding() | Get the currently focused building. |
setIndoorEnabled() | Set true if you want to show the indoor map. |
setTrafficEnabled() | Set true if you want to show the traffic layer. |
setCompassEnabled() | Set true if you want to show the compass button. |
setAllGesturesEnabled() | Sets the preference for whether all gestures should be enabled or disabled. |
setVisible() | Set visiblity of the map. |
setPadding() | Adjust the map padding. |
setOptions() | Adjust the map padding. |
toDataURL() | Generate the map screen capture image as base64 encoded data, like HTML5's Canvas. |
map.addMarker() | Add a marker. |
map.addPolyline() | Add a polyline. |
map.addPolygon() | Add a polygon. |
map.addCircle() | Add a circle. |
map.addGroundOverlay() | Add a ground overlay. |
map.addTileLayer() | Add tile layer. |
map.addKmlOverlay() | Not ready yet currently |
MAP_CLICK | This event is fired when you click on the map. |
MAP_LONG_CLICK | This event is fired when you press your finger a few seconds on the map. |
MY_LOCATION_BUTTON_CLICK | This event is fired when you tap on the location button. |
This events are fired when the camera moves. |
MAP_READY | This event is fired when the map is created using the map.getMap() method. |
MAP_LOADED | This event is fired when the map tiles are loaded. |
setCenter() | Use setCameraTarget() method. |
setZoom() | Use setCameraZoom() method. |
setBearing() | Use setCameraBearing() method. |
setTilt() | Use setCameraTilt() method. |
getCenter() | Use getCameraTarget() method. |
getZoom() | Use getCameraZoom() method. |
getBearing() | Use getCameraBearing() method. |
getTilt() | Use getCameraTilt() method. |
setBackgroundColor() | Move to the Environment class. |
refreshLayout() | You can execute it, but you don't need to do that. The plugin do this automatically. |