map.addPolyline() | Add a polyline. |
setPoints() | Changes the polyline points. |
getPoints() | Returns an instance of the [BaseArrayClass](../../BaseArrayClass/index/ You can modify the points. |
setGeodesic() | When true, edges of the polyline are interpreted as geodesic and will follow the curvature of the Earth. |
getGeodesic() | Returns true if the polyline is geodesic. |
setVisible() | Changes visibility of the polyline. |
getVisible() | Returns true if the polyline is visible. |
setClickable() | Changes clickablity of the polyline. |
getClickable() | Returns true if the polyline is clickable. |
setStrokeColor() | Changes the polyline color. |
getStrokeColor() | Returns the current polyline color. |
setStrokeWidth() | Changes the polyline stroke width. |
getStrokeWidth() | Returns the current stroke width (unit: pixel). |
setZIndex() | Changes the polyline zIndex order. |
getZIndex() | Returns the current polyline zIndex. |
remove() | Removes the polyline. |
getMap() | Returns the map reference. |
POLYLINE_CLICK | Arguments: LatLng This event is fired when you click on the polyline. |