map.addMarker() | Add a marker. |
getPosition() | Returns the marker position. |
showInfoWindow() | Shows the infoWindow of the marker. |
hideInfoWindow() | Hides the infoWindow of the marker. |
setAnimation() | Specifies a marker animation. |
isVisible() | Return true if the marker is visible. |
getTitle() | Returns the marker title. |
setTitle() | Changes the marker title. |
getSnippet() | Returns the marker snippet. |
setSnippet() | Changes the marker snippet. |
remove() | Remove the marker. |
setIconAnchor() | Sets the marker icon anchor. |
setInfoWindowAnchor() | Changes the info window anchor. |
isInfoWindowShown() | Return true if the infoWindow is shown on the marker. |
setOpacity() | Changes the marker opacity. |
getOpacity() | Returns the marker opacity. |
setZIndex() | Changes the marker zIndex. |
setVisible() | Changes the marker visibility. |
setDraggable() | Sets true if you allows all users to drag the marker. |
isDraggable() | Returs true when the marker is draggable. |
setDisableAutoPan() | Sets true if you **do not want** to move the map when you click on the marker. |
setPosition() | Sets the marker position. |
setRotation() | Sets the marker rotation angle. |
getRotation() | Returns the marker rotation angle. |
setFlat() | Sets true if you want to be flat marker. |
setIcon() | Changes the marker icon. |
getMap() | Return the map reference. |
MARKER_CLICK | Arguments: LatLng This event is fired when you click on a marker. |
MARKER_DRAG_START | Arguments: LatLng This event is fired when you start dragging with a marker. |
MARKER_DRAG | Arguments: LatLng This event is fired during marker dragging. |
MARKER_DRAG_END | Arguments: LatLng This event is fired when you drop the marker. |
INFO_OPEN | Arguments: LatLng This event is fired when the infoWindow is opened. |
INFO_CLICK | Arguments: LatLng This event is fired when you click on the infoWindow. |
INFO_LONG_CLICK | Arguments: LatLng This event is fired when you click longer on the infoWindow. |
INFO_CLOSE | Arguments: LatLng This event is fired when the infoWindow is closed. |