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Releases: arielnh56/SonarI2C

FIxes for improved timeout handling

16 Apr 18:45
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Spec sheet says 37ms echo pulse maximum. My logic analyzer says it is actually 200ms or on some faulty sensors- infinite. Code now waits for the echo to drop before proceeding.

Update readme

14 Mar 06:09
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I forgot to update the readme for v1.1.0

Improved out of range handling

14 Mar 05:49
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It appears that many of the HC-SR04 sensors being sold take significantly longer than the datasheet 37ms to return after and out of range incident (OOR). Some I have take 200ms - some I have lock up forever. This is now handled by:

  • pausing the rotation until the interrupt pin goes low
  • ignoring one OOR, returning the previous value. This can be configured to more for noisy environments. The old behavior returned the last value forever.

Initial Release

29 Apr 05:55
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This is my first pass at this, and has been bench tested by not yet used in anger.

Things I plan to do:

  1. Eliminate the floating point arithmetic
  2. allow a more nuanced control of the polling frequency of the individual sensors.

Ideas and suggestions to [email protected] - put "SonarI2C" somewhere in the subject line.