v0.12.0 (outdated)
What's Changed
- Check non-nullable keys before insert by @Linary in #190
- Install hugegraph from github instead of download link by @Linary in #191
- Fix date unequal since client and server has not same time zone by @Linary in #192
- Add checkstyle plugin to check code style by @Linary in #193
- Use array to optimize access perf in parse stage by @Linary in #194
- Check header not empty when user customized it by @Linary in #195
- Update struct.json by @GitHubMaWu in #198
- Bump guava from 28.1-jre to 29.0-jre by @dependabot in #199
- Fix load time and rate of vertex/edge is inaccurate by @Linary in #200
- Fix senstive mail address by @Linary in #203
- Improve some params in config and test by @Linary in #204
- Fix rate inaccurate when print progress by @Linary in #205
- Load vertices before edges when check-vertex is true by @Linary in #206
- Fix npe because missing edge mapping struct by @Linary in #213
- fix: prase edge error when data props num is different by @DoubleBabylol in #211
- Fix read time maybe negitive by @Linary in #215
- Use github action to run ci by @Linary in #217
- chore: add issue template & auto stale issues and pr by @imbajin in #219
- Improve log info for files under dir by @Linary in #223
- chore: adopt mysql ci with action & upgrade ubuntu version by @coderzc in #231
- reform loader to adapt hugegraph-computer input by @coderzc in #230
- release maven package by actions by @coderzc in #232
- Bump commons-compress from 1.19 to 1.21 by @dependabot in #224
- upload assert to release by @coderzc in #234
- Bump httpclient to 4.5.13 and fix start with 'jdbc:' problem by @coderzc in #235
- release loader v0.12 by @coderzc in #238
- exclusion jackson from hive-exec by @coderzc in #239
- skip javadoc check by @coderzc in #240
- set draft to false at upload to release by @coderzc in #241
New Contributors
- @GitHubMaWu made their first contribution in #198
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #199
- @DoubleBabylol made their first contribution in #211
- @coderzc made their first contribution in #231
Full Changelog: v0.11.1...v0.12.0