🚀 Features
- Count tasks by status - by @esoubiran-aneo in #142 (b0f65)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Protocol documentation name - by @esoubiran-aneo (5b5a7)
- Protocol documentation name - by @aneojgurhem in #123 (dceba)
- Contributing - by @esoubiran-aneo (8cc1d)
- Settings - by @esoubiran-aneo (0605a)
- Publish Edge pipeline does not generate the right tag when on main branch - by @aneojgurhem (cc165)
- Publish Edge pipeline does not generate the right tag when on main branch - by @aneojgurhem in #135 (d7068)
- Update feature to feat in codacy - by @esoubiran-aneo in #141 (bea00)
🏎 Performance
- Avoid making copies when using gRPC ByteStrings - by @aneojgurhem (20679)
- Avoid making copies when using gRPC ByteStrings - by @ngruelaneo in #134 (9ab27)