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Signed-off-by: Andras Uhrin <[email protected]>
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openhab-bot authored and andrasU committed Jan 7, 2024
1 parent c95d88f commit 2038b4c
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Showing 3 changed files with 14 additions and 25 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ automation.config.jsscripting.injectionEnabled.option.false = Brug ikke indbygge

# service

service.automation.jsscripting.label = JS Scripting
service.automation.jsscripting.label = JavaScript Scripting
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
# add-on = Script JavaScript
addon.jsscripting.description = Questo aggiunge un motore di script JS (ECMAScript-2021).

# add-on

automation.config.jsscripting.injectionCachingEnabled.label = Salva Libreria per Iniezione openHAB JavaScript
automation.config.jsscripting.injectionCachingEnabled.description = Utilizza la libreria JavaScript openHAB salvata per prestazioni ottimali.<br> Disabilita questa opzione per consentire il caricamento della libreria dalla directory di configurazione utente locale "automation/js/node_modules". L'utilizzo di una versione fornita dall'utente della libreria può aumentare i tempi di caricamento degli script, soprattutto su sistemi meno potenti.
automation.config.jsscripting.injectionCachingEnabled.option.true = Inietta Libreria Salvata
automation.config.jsscripting.injectionCachingEnabled.option.false = Inietta Libreria Non Salvata
automation.config.jsscripting.injectionEnabled.label = Usa le variabili globali Integrate
automation.config.jsscripting.injectionEnabled.description = Importa tutte le variabili dalla libreria JavaScript openHAB in tutte le Rules per servizi comuni come Item, Thing, Action, Log, ecc... <br> Se disabilitata, la libreria JavaScript openHAB può essere importata manualmente usando "<i>require('openhab')</i>"
automation.config.jsscripting.injectionEnabled.description = Importa tutte le variabili dalla libreria degli script OH in tutte le regole per servizi comuni come elementi, oggetti, azioni, tracciati, ecc... <br> Se disabilitata, la libreria di script OH può essere importata manualmente usando "<i>require('openhab')</i>"
automation.config.jsscripting.injectionEnabled.option.true = Utilizza variabili integrate
automation.config.jsscripting.injectionEnabled.option.false = Non utilizzare variabili integrate

# service

service.automation.jsscripting.label = Script JavaScript
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# add-on
# binding = TR-064 Binding
addon.tr064.description = Binding zur Unterstützung von Geräten, die auf Basis das TR-064 Protokolls angebunden werden können. = TR-064 Binding
binding.tr064.description = Binding zur Unterstützung von Geräten, die auf Basis das TR-064 Protokolls angebunden werden können.

# thing types

Expand All @@ -15,10 +15,6 @@ thing-type.tr064.subdeviceLan.description = Ein virtuelles Untergerät (LAN).

# thing types config

thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.backupDirectory.label = Backup Verzeichnis
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.backupDirectory.description = Das Verzeichnis, in dem die Konfigurationssicherungen gespeichert werden (Standardwert ist das Benutzerdaten-Verzeichnis (userdata)).
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.backupPassword.label = Sicherungspasswort
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.backupPassword.description = Das Passwort, das zur Verschlüsselung der Backup-Daten verwendet wird.
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.callDeflectionIndices.label = Rufumleitung
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.callDeflectionIndices.description = Komma getrennte Liste von Rufumleitungen (beginnend mit 0).
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.callListDays.label = Anrufe
Expand All @@ -39,23 +35,23 @@ thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.rejectedCallDays.label = Abgelehnte Anrufe
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.rejectedCallDays.description = Anzahl der Tage zur Berechnung der Summe der abgelehnten Anrufe.
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.tamIndices.label = Anrufbeantworter
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.tamIndices.description = Komma getrennte Liste von Anrufbeantwortern (beginnend mit 0).
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.timeout.label = Zeitüberschreitung
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.timeout.description = Zeitüberschreitung für alle Anfragen (SOAP Requests, Telefonbuchabruf, Anruflisten, ...).
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.timeout.label = Timeout
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.timeout.description = Timeout für Abfragen der FRITZ\!Box (in Millisekunden).
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.user.label = Benutzername
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.wanBlockIPs.label = Blockierte IP-Adresse(n)
thing-type.config.tr064.fritzbox.wanBlockIPs.description = Komma getrennte Liste von IP-Adressen, die für den WAN-Zugriff blockiert werden können. = IP-Adresse = IP-Adresse oder Hostname des Generischen Endgerätes (CPE).
thing-type.config.tr064.generic.password.label = Passwort
thing-type.config.tr064.generic.refresh.label = Abfrageintervall
thing-type.config.tr064.generic.timeout.label = Zeitüberschreitung
thing-type.config.tr064.generic.timeout.description = Zeitüberschreitung für alle Anfragen (SOAP Requests, Telefonbuchabruf, Anruflisten, ...).
thing-type.config.tr064.generic.timeout.label = Timeout
thing-type.config.tr064.generic.timeout.description = Timeout für Abfragen des Generischen Endgerätes (CPE) (in Millisekunden).
thing-type.config.tr064.generic.user.label = Benutzername
thing-type.config.tr064.subdevice.refresh.label = Abfrageintervall
thing-type.config.tr064.subdevice.uuid.label = UUID
thing-type.config.tr064.subdevice.uuid.description = UUID des Untergerätes.
thing-type.config.tr064.subdeviceLan.macOnline.label = MAC-Adresse(n) Online
thing-type.config.tr064.subdeviceLan.macOnline.description = Liste der MAC-Adressen für die "online" Statuserkennung (Format\: 11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11). Eine MAC-Adresse pro Zeile.
thing-type.config.tr064.subdeviceLan.macOnline.description = Liste mit MAC-Adressen für "Online" Erkennung (Format\: 11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11\:11).
thing-type.config.tr064.subdeviceLan.refresh.label = Abfrageintervall
thing-type.config.tr064.subdeviceLan.uuid.label = UUID
thing-type.config.tr064.subdeviceLan.uuid.description = UUID des Untergerätes (LAN).
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