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2.5.0 (Jan 21th, 2025)

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@KomachiSion KomachiSion released this 21 Jan 03:11
· 16 commits to develop since this release

This version mainly introduces the configuration gray history record feature and refactors and optimizes the configuration gray management to enable users to manage configuration releases and gray configurations more efficiently. It is important to note that this update may lead to certain changes in the database table structure used by Nacos, and the first startup after the upgrade may take some time for automatic data migration (this situation only applies to clusters that have used the beta gray feature in older versions).

In addition to the above features, this version also includes significant optimizations and bug fixes for several other functions, including but not limited to the following:

  • Unified client addressing logic and provision of custom extension interfaces.
  • The client will automatically refresh the token when encountering a no-permission status during requests, without waiting for the token to expire.

Please see the details of the changes below:

Change details


[#12217] Support beta config history.
[#12257] client auth plugin support refreshing server list.
[#12719] nacos client support refresh access token when request with 403.


[#11659] Refactor config query to chain of responsibility.
[#12189] Unified Nacos Client address module code.
[#12342] Improve the retrieval of ConfigInfoState to facilitate the extension and implementation of databases like Oracle.
[#12644] Enhance to return cached instances when getAllInstance with subscribe exception.
[#12748] Support custom client configuration timeout.
[#12756] Enhance Disk operation for DiskUtils.
[#12757] Refactor update password api auth check and add unit test.
[#12773] Enhance hint message when adding duplicate permissions or binding relationship.
[#12371] Refactor beta and gray config model.
[#12851] Cluster grpc request add server identity info.
[#12872] Refactor ConfigCache and related pathways, uniformly use UTF-8 encoding for md5 fields.
[#12911] Use lambda to replace some for loop and add unit tests.
[#12928] Replace document url in console ui and README.
[#12950] Enhance nacos client destruction log and give better messages.
[#12982] Enhance to support resolving JAVA_HOME from symbolic links when which java is used.
[#13023] Optimize the logic for Config query API.


[#11153] Fix Hints error when access console index and redirect to login page.
[#11930] Fix leak namespace description for default namespace problem.
[#12769] Fix clean config history error for derby datasource.
[#12871] Fix duplicate defined items in console ui.
[#12875] Fix config search failed when using type for MySQL datasource.
[#12940] Fix return empty when ip or port is null for API /service/subscriber/list.
[#12960] Fix config rollback page error when use advanced options.
[#12970] Fix NamingMetadataManager.removeInstanceMetadata() error.
[#13003] Fix don't use derby default staring with standalone mode.


[#12686] Bump Spring Security version to 5.8.15.
[#12735][#12965][#13035] Bump console ui dependencies by npm audit.
[#12777] Bump maven-enforcer-plugin to 3.5.0.
[#12862] Bump tomcat-embed-core from 9.0.93 to 9.0.96.
[#13025] Bump org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-core from 9.0.96 to 9.0.98.

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Full Changelog: 2.4.3...2.5.0