Implemented --genomeFileSizes option to supply sizes of the genome index files. This allows for streaming of index files.
Implemented extra references input in the SAM/AM header from user-created "extraReferences.txt" file in the genome directory.
Implemented --chimOutType HardClip OR SoftClip options to output hard (default) / soft clipping in the BAM CIGAR for supplementary chimeric alignments.
Implemented --chimMainSegmentMultNmax parameters, which may be used to prohibit chimeric alignments with multimapping main segments to reduce false positive chimeras.
Implemented new SAM attribute 'ch' to mark chimeric aligmments in the BAM file for --chimOutType WithinBAM option.
Implemented --bamRemoveDuplicatesType UniqueIdenticalNotMulti option, which (unlike the UniqueIdentical optipon) will NOT mark multi-mappers as duplicates.
For --bamRemoveDuplicatesType UniqueIdentical, the unmmapped reads are no longer marked as duplicates.
Fixed occasional seg-faults after the completion of the mapping runs with shared memory.
Fixed a problem with RNEXT field in the Chimeric.out.sam file: RNEXT now always points to the other mate start.