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Custom addons

Jorge Garcia edited this page Jul 23, 2020 · 8 revisions

Wwise IDs converter

Allows converting the generated Wwise_IDs.h when exporting soundbanks from Wwise authoring to a GDScript that can be read by Godot.

To launch the converter, select Project -> Tools -> Convert Wwise IDs. It will ask for a compliant file first, then the addon will print GDScript WWiseIDs generated at XXX in the output console if the conversion succeeded.

Wwise build export

When making a build of the app or the game, the soundbanks can be exported as loose files alongside the application executable (or .app on macOS) by using this addon.

Waapi picker

Waapi picker

This addon allows inspecting the Wwise project that is currently open in the Wwise authoring application. It also allows searching the items in the project, refresh the project and export soundbanks remotely from the Godot editor.

Additionally, it allows dragging and dropping events to the Godot viewport!

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