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perf: Cache sql construction (#522)
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* avoid string concatenation and allocations
* since they are  now created each time its used due to the data partitions by slice
* disable MigrationToolSpec for sqlserver
  • Loading branch information
patriknw authored Feb 14, 2024
1 parent dadf14c commit a9d5e94
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Showing 13 changed files with 489 additions and 281 deletions.
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions core/src/main/scala/akka/persistence/r2dbc/internal/Sql.scala
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package akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal

import scala.annotation.varargs
import scala.collection.immutable.IntMap

import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import akka.annotation.InternalStableApi
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,4 +82,54 @@ object Sql {

object Cache {
def apply(dataPartitionsEnabled: Boolean): Cache =
if (dataPartitionsEnabled) new CacheBySlice
else new CacheIgnoringSlice

sealed trait Cache {
def get(slice: Int, key: Any)(orCreate: => String): String

private final class CacheIgnoringSlice extends Cache {
private var entries: Map[Any, String] = Map.empty

def get(slice: Int, key: Any)(orCreate: => String): String = {
entries.get(key) match {
case Some(value) => value
case None =>
// it's just a cache so no need for guarding concurrent updates
val entry = orCreate
entries = entries.updated(key, entry)

private final class CacheBySlice extends Cache {
private var entriesPerSlice: IntMap[Map[Any, String]] = IntMap.empty

def get(slice: Int, key: Any)(orCreate: => String): String = {

def createEntry(entries: Map[Any, String]): String = {
// it's just a cache so no need for guarding concurrent updates
val entry = orCreate
val newEntries = entries.updated(key, entry)
entriesPerSlice = entriesPerSlice.updated(slice, newEntries)

entriesPerSlice.get(slice) match {
case Some(entries) =>
entries.get(key) match {
case Some(value) => value
case None => createEntry(entries)
case None =>

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import akka.dispatch.ExecutionContexts
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.JournalDao
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.R2dbcExecutor
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.R2dbcExecutorProvider
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.Sql
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.Sql.InterpolationWithAdapter
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.codec.PayloadCodec.RichStatement
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.postgres.PostgresJournalDao
Expand All @@ -36,9 +37,14 @@ private[r2dbc] class H2JournalDao(executorProvider: R2dbcExecutorProvider)

private def insertSql(slice: Int) = sql"INSERT INTO ${journalTable(slice)} " +
"(slice, entity_type, persistence_id, seq_nr, writer, adapter_manifest, event_ser_id, event_ser_manifest, event_payload, tags, meta_ser_id, meta_ser_manifest, meta_payload, db_timestamp) " +
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
private val sqlCache = Sql.Cache(settings.numberOfDataPartitions > 1)

private def insertSql(slice: Int) =
sqlCache.get(slice, "insertSql") {
sql"INSERT INTO ${journalTable(slice)} " +
"(slice, entity_type, persistence_id, seq_nr, writer, adapter_manifest, event_ser_id, event_ser_manifest, event_payload, tags, meta_ser_id, meta_ser_manifest, meta_payload, db_timestamp) " +
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"

* All events must be for the same persistenceId.
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ private[r2dbc] class H2QueryDao(executorProvider: R2dbcExecutorProvider) extends
backtracking: Boolean,
minSlice: Int,
maxSlice: Int): String = {
// not caching, too many combinations

def toDbTimestampParamCondition =
if (toDbTimestampParam) "AND db_timestamp <= ?" else ""
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.R2dbcExecutorProvider
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.Sql
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.Sql.InterpolationWithAdapter
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.postgres.PostgresSnapshotDao

Expand All @@ -22,21 +23,24 @@ private[r2dbc] final class H2SnapshotDao(executorProvider: R2dbcExecutorProvider

override protected lazy val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[H2SnapshotDao])

override protected def upsertSql(slice: Int): String = {
// db_timestamp and tags columns were added in 1.2.0
if (settings.querySettings.startFromSnapshotEnabled)
MERGE INTO ${snapshotTable(slice)}
(slice, entity_type, persistence_id, seq_nr, write_timestamp, snapshot, ser_id, ser_manifest, meta_payload, meta_ser_id, meta_ser_manifest, db_timestamp, tags)
KEY (persistence_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
MERGE INTO ${snapshotTable(slice)}
(slice, entity_type, persistence_id, seq_nr, write_timestamp, snapshot, ser_id, ser_manifest, meta_payload, meta_ser_id, meta_ser_manifest)
KEY (persistence_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
private val sqlCache = Sql.Cache(settings.numberOfDataPartitions > 1)

override protected def upsertSql(slice: Int): String =
sqlCache.get(slice, "upsertSql") {
// db_timestamp and tags columns were added in 1.2.0
if (settings.querySettings.startFromSnapshotEnabled)
MERGE INTO ${snapshotTable(slice)}
(slice, entity_type, persistence_id, seq_nr, write_timestamp, snapshot, ser_id, ser_manifest, meta_payload, meta_ser_id, meta_ser_manifest, db_timestamp, tags)
KEY (persistence_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
MERGE INTO ${snapshotTable(slice)}
(slice, entity_type, persistence_id, seq_nr, write_timestamp, snapshot, ser_id, ser_manifest, meta_payload, meta_ser_id, meta_ser_manifest)
KEY (persistence_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.codec.PayloadCodec.RichRow
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.codec.PayloadCodec.RichStatement
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.R2dbcExecutor
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.R2dbcExecutorProvider
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.Sql
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.Sql.InterpolationWithAdapter
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.codec.TagsCodec.TagsCodecRichStatement
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.codec.TimestampCodec.TimestampCodecRichRow
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,6 +91,8 @@ private[r2dbc] class PostgresDurableStateDao(executorProvider: R2dbcExecutorProv

private val persistenceExt = Persistence(system)

private val sqlCache = Sql.Cache(settings.numberOfDataPartitions > 1)

// used for change events
private lazy val journalDao: JournalDao = dialect.createJournalDao(executorProvider)

Expand All @@ -107,24 +110,26 @@ private[r2dbc] class PostgresDurableStateDao(executorProvider: R2dbcExecutorProv

protected def selectStateSql(slice: Int, entityType: String): String = {
val stateTable = settings.getDurableStateTableWithSchema(entityType, slice)
SELECT revision, state_ser_id, state_ser_manifest, state_payload, db_timestamp
FROM $stateTable WHERE persistence_id = ?"""
protected def selectStateSql(slice: Int, entityType: String): String =
sqlCache.get(slice, s"selectStateSql-$entityType") {
val stateTable = settings.getDurableStateTableWithSchema(entityType, slice)
SELECT revision, state_ser_id, state_ser_manifest, state_payload, db_timestamp
FROM $stateTable WHERE persistence_id = ?"""

protected def selectBucketsSql(entityType: String, minSlice: Int, maxSlice: Int): String = {
val stateTable = settings.getDurableStateTableWithSchema(entityType, minSlice)
SELECT extract(EPOCH from db_timestamp)::BIGINT / 10 AS bucket, count(*) AS count
FROM $stateTable
WHERE entity_type = ?
AND ${sliceCondition(minSlice, maxSlice)}
AND db_timestamp >= ? AND db_timestamp <= ?
GROUP BY bucket ORDER BY bucket LIMIT ?
protected def selectBucketsSql(entityType: String, minSlice: Int, maxSlice: Int): String =
sqlCache.get(minSlice, s"selectBucketsSql-$entityType-$minSlice-$maxSlice") {
val stateTable = settings.getDurableStateTableWithSchema(entityType, minSlice)
SELECT extract(EPOCH from db_timestamp)::BIGINT / 10 AS bucket, count(*) AS count
FROM $stateTable
WHERE entity_type = ?
AND ${sliceCondition(minSlice, maxSlice)}
AND db_timestamp >= ? AND db_timestamp <= ?
GROUP BY bucket ORDER BY bucket LIMIT ?

protected def sliceCondition(minSlice: Int, maxSlice: Int): String =
s"slice in (${(minSlice to maxSlice).mkString(",")})"
Expand All @@ -133,13 +138,20 @@ private[r2dbc] class PostgresDurableStateDao(executorProvider: R2dbcExecutorProv
slice: Int,
entityType: String,
additionalBindings: immutable.IndexedSeq[EvaluatedAdditionalColumnBindings]): String = {
val stateTable = settings.getDurableStateTableWithSchema(entityType, slice)
val additionalCols = additionalInsertColumns(additionalBindings)
val additionalParams = additionalInsertParameters(additionalBindings)
INSERT INTO $stateTable
(slice, entity_type, persistence_id, revision, state_ser_id, state_ser_manifest, state_payload, tags$additionalCols, db_timestamp)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?$additionalParams, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)"""
def createSql = {
val stateTable = settings.getDurableStateTableWithSchema(entityType, slice)
val additionalCols = additionalInsertColumns(additionalBindings)
val additionalParams = additionalInsertParameters(additionalBindings)
INSERT INTO $stateTable
(slice, entity_type, persistence_id, revision, state_ser_id, state_ser_manifest, state_payload, tags$additionalCols, db_timestamp)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?$additionalParams, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)"""

if (additionalBindings.isEmpty)
sqlCache.get(slice, s"insertStateSql-$entityType")(createSql)
createSql // no cache

protected def additionalInsertColumns(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,28 +191,35 @@ private[r2dbc] class PostgresDurableStateDao(executorProvider: R2dbcExecutorProv
updateTags: Boolean,
additionalBindings: immutable.IndexedSeq[EvaluatedAdditionalColumnBindings],
currentTimestamp: String = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"): String = {
def createSql = {
val stateTable = settings.getDurableStateTableWithSchema(entityType, slice)

val stateTable = settings.getDurableStateTableWithSchema(entityType, slice)
val timestamp =
if (settings.dbTimestampMonotonicIncreasing)
s"(SELECT db_timestamp + '1 microsecond'::interval FROM $stateTable WHERE persistence_id = ? AND revision = ?))"

val timestamp =
if (settings.dbTimestampMonotonicIncreasing)
s"(SELECT db_timestamp + '1 microsecond'::interval FROM $stateTable WHERE persistence_id = ? AND revision = ?))"

val revisionCondition =
if (settings.durableStateAssertSingleWriter) " AND revision = ?"
else ""
val revisionCondition =
if (settings.durableStateAssertSingleWriter) " AND revision = ?"
else ""

val tags = if (updateTags) ", tags = ?" else ""
val tags = if (updateTags) ", tags = ?" else ""

val additionalParams = additionalUpdateParameters(additionalBindings)
val additionalParams = additionalUpdateParameters(additionalBindings)
UPDATE $stateTable
SET revision = ?, state_ser_id = ?, state_ser_manifest = ?, state_payload = ?$tags$additionalParams, db_timestamp = $timestamp
WHERE persistence_id = ?

if (additionalBindings.isEmpty)
// timestamp param doesn't have to be part of cache key because it's just different for different dialects
sqlCache.get(slice, s"updateStateSql-$entityType-$updateTags")(createSql)
createSql // no cache

protected def additionalUpdateParameters(
Expand All @@ -220,21 +239,29 @@ private[r2dbc] class PostgresDurableStateDao(executorProvider: R2dbcExecutorProv

protected def hardDeleteStateSql(entityType: String, slice: Int): String = {
val stateTable = settings.getDurableStateTableWithSchema(entityType, slice)
sql"DELETE from $stateTable WHERE persistence_id = ?"
sqlCache.get(slice, s"hardDeleteStateSql-$entityType") {
val stateTable = settings.getDurableStateTableWithSchema(entityType, slice)
sql"DELETE from $stateTable WHERE persistence_id = ?"

private val currentDbTimestampSql =

protected def allPersistenceIdsSql(table: String): String =
protected def allPersistenceIdsSql(table: String): String = {
// not worth caching
sql"SELECT persistence_id from $table ORDER BY persistence_id LIMIT ?"

protected def persistenceIdsForEntityTypeSql(table: String): String =
protected def persistenceIdsForEntityTypeSql(table: String): String = {
// not worth caching
sql"SELECT persistence_id from $table WHERE persistence_id LIKE ? ORDER BY persistence_id LIMIT ?"

protected def allPersistenceIdsAfterSql(table: String): String =
protected def allPersistenceIdsAfterSql(table: String): String = {
// not worth caching
sql"SELECT persistence_id from $table WHERE persistence_id > ? ORDER BY persistence_id LIMIT ?"

protected def bindPersistenceIdsForEntityTypeAfterSql(
stmt: Statement,
Expand All @@ -248,8 +275,10 @@ private[r2dbc] class PostgresDurableStateDao(executorProvider: R2dbcExecutorProv
.bind(2, limit)

protected def persistenceIdsForEntityTypeAfterSql(table: String): String =
protected def persistenceIdsForEntityTypeAfterSql(table: String): String = {
// not worth caching
sql"SELECT persistence_id from $table WHERE persistence_id LIKE ? AND persistence_id > ? ORDER BY persistence_id LIMIT ?"

protected def behindCurrentTimeIntervalConditionFor(behindCurrentTime: FiniteDuration): String =
if (behindCurrentTime > Duration.Zero)
Expand All @@ -263,6 +292,7 @@ private[r2dbc] class PostgresDurableStateDao(executorProvider: R2dbcExecutorProv
backtracking: Boolean,
minSlice: Int,
maxSlice: Int): String = {
// not caching, too many combinations

val stateTable = settings.getDurableStateTableWithSchema(entityType, minSlice)

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