An overview of all my projects can be found here: ahokcool
This project was created as part of my studies at: 42 Lisboa
This project is a group project with AshParker19
frankenshell is a version of the 42 School project minishell that recreates a simplified version of the bash shell written in C
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multiprocessing in C
handling fds & pipelining
handling UNIX signals
and a lot more :)
As ChatGPT said in 2023:
Minishell is a 42 school project that aims to create a simplified Unix shell using bash as a reference. The idea behind Minishell is to develop a basic command-line interface (CLI) that can execute simple commands and handle input/output redirection. It's meant to serve as a learning exercise for students to gain a fundamental understanding of how shells work by implementing core features like parsing user input, managing processes, handling signals, creating builtins and executing system commands.
$ git clone # Clone
$ cd frankenshell # Change directory
$ make # Compile
$ ./frankenshell [OPTIONS] # Run (Option: --info)
$ echo "Let's goooooo!" # Use
Let's goooooo!
$ exit # Exit
frankenshell is designed to mimic the behavior of the traditional bash shell.
So feel free to use it like bash :)
Thx to all those guys and gals for hints, tipps and feedback!
And obviously, since this project is a group project, to my fantastic team partner @Anatolii. 🚀