✌️ Oye, I'm Alex, a student at 42 Lisboa.
Here is an overview of my projects. Enjoy exploring my work and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions...
✅ libft
- A collection of C functions that are often used in various 42 projects.
- Functions include a mix of standard C library functions and additional utility functions.
- Efficiently reads a line from a file or standard input until a newline character is encountered.
- Handles multiple file descriptors simultaneously.
- Replicates (parts of) the
function from the standard C librarylibc
- Install a Virtual Machine and discover the basics of system and network administration
- Setting up a simple Wordpress web server
✅ fdf
- working with the API of a graphics library
- understanding points in 2 and 3 dimensional space, vectors and trigonometric functions
- Bresenham's line algorithm
- Using a rotation matrix to transform coordinates
- working with stacks
- bubble sort
- radix sort
- recursion
✅ minitalk
- UNIX Signals
- C signal handling
- multithreading in C
- race condition
- C mutex lock
- deadlocks
- Recreate the bash shell. This is a huge project, so you should go check it out. ;)
- multiprocessing in C
- handling fds & pipelining
- handling UNIX signals
- and a lot more :)
✅ cub3D
- ray casting
- the software design pattern model–view–controller
- digital differential analyzer (graphics algorithm)
- vector handling including: addition, rotation, normalisation
- calculation of perpendicular and euclidean distances
- NetPractice is a general practical exercise to let you discover networking in a playful way. The goal is to configure small-scale networks.
- TCP/IP, Subnetting, Routing, etc
✅ CPPs
- 10 projects to get an extended basic understanding of the programming language C++.
✅ ft_irc
- Creating an IRC server from scratch in CPP
- Creating a docker network with multiple services in a virtual machine
- Docker, Docker-Compose, Debian, MariaDB, Wordpress, Nginx