A small set of monadic data types to get you going functionally, with some optional extras
Monadical provides data-types and functions such as Either
or curry
, allowing you to compose operations originating from different context such as generators or monads, with safety in mind.
To install the latest stable version, run either of the following via a terminal:
using npm
npm install monadical
using yarn
yarn add monadical
The project is currently written in Typescript, targeting version 3.6.x compiling down to es5. Note: CommonJS is the supported target, future work includes adding UMD support.
Using ES6, you can use the following import syntax:
import Either, { Left, Right } from 'monadical/either';
So, to import the Maybe
data-type with composing functions, you would write the following using ES6:
import Maybe from 'monadical/maybe';
import compose from 'monadical/compose';
import chainC from 'monadical/chainC';
import isNumber from 'monadical/isNumber';
const add10 = amount => Maybe.nullable(isNumber(amount) ? amount + 10 : void 0);
const safelyAdd10 = compose(chainC(x => `My amount is now: ${x}`), add10);
console.assert(safelyAdd10(20) === 'My amount is now: 30')
console.assert(safelyAdd10(null) === void 0)
The following provides an outline of each data-type and their supported operations.
- get:
(): T
- map:
<U>(f: (x: T) => U): Container<U>
- join:
(): Container<T>
- static of:
<U>(value: U): Container<U>
- isNothing:
(): boolean
- isJust:
(): boolean
- static just:
<J, N>(val: J): Just<J>
- static nothing:
<J, N>(_: N): Nothing<N>
- static of:
<J>(val: J): Just<J>
- static nullable:
<J, N>(val: J): Maybe<J, N>
- isNothing:
(): boolean
- isJust:
(): boolean
- get value:
(): J
- map:
(func: (a: J) => J): Just<J>
- chain:
<T>(func: (a: J) => T): T
- getOrElse:
(_: any): J
- filter:
<N>(func: (a: J) => boolean): Maybe<J, N>
- isNothing:
(): boolean
- isJust:
(): boolean
- map:
(_: any): Nothing<N>
- chain:
(_: any): N
- getOrElse:
<T>(defaultVal: T): T
- filter:
(_: any): Nothing<N>
- get value:
(): T
- static left:
<L, R>(val: L): Left<L, R>
- static right:
<L, R>(val: R): Right<L, R>
- static of:
<L, R>(val: R): Right<L, R>
- static nullable:
<T>(value: T): Either<null, T>
- isRight:
(): boolean
- isLeft:
(): boolean
- map:
<T>(func: (val: L) => T): Either<L, T>
- getOrElse:
(defaultVal: any): any
- orElse:
(func: (val: L) => any): any
- chain:
<T>(func: (a: R) => T): Left<L, R>
- getOrElseThrow:
(func: (val: L) => Error): R | Error
- filter:
(func: (val: R) => boolean): this
- get value:
(): R
- isRight:
(): boolean
- isLeft:
(): boolean
- map:
<T>(func: (val: R) => T): Either<L, T>
- getOrElse:
<T>(defaultVal: T): R
- orElse:
(func: (val: R) => any): this
- chain:
<T>(func: (a: R) => T): T
- getOrElseThrow:
(func: (val: L | R) => Error): R | Error
- filter:
(func: (val: R) => boolean): Either<L, R>
- map:
<U>(func: Func1<U>): IO<Func1<U>>
- chain:
(func: Func1Optional): any
- run:
(): any
- static of:
<U>(val: U): IO<U>
- static from:
<T>(func: Func1Optional): IO<T>
- static lift:
<U>(val: U): IO<U>
- map:
(_: any): void
- fmap:
(_: any): Empty
For programmable commas, some operations are available allowing you to compose functions:
MapC = { <T, V>(func: T): (container: Monadical<V>) => any; <T, V>(func: T, container: Monadical<V>): any; };
ChainC = { <T, V>(func: T): (container: Monadical<V>) => any; <T, V>(func: T, container: Monadical<V>): any; };
GetOrElseC = { <T, V>(val: T): (container: Monadical<V>) => any; <T, V>(val: T, container: Monadical<V>): any; };
MapG = { <T>(a: T): <V>(b: V) => MapC <T, V>(a: T, b: V): MapC };
ChainG = { <T>(a: T): <V>(b: V) => ChainC <T, V>(a: T, b: V): ChainC };
ExtractG = { <T>(a: T): any };
SafeHandleErrorG = { <T>(a: FuncSpreadable): (b: Generator<any, T, any>) => EitherResult<T> <T>(a: FuncSpreadable, b: Generator<any, T, any>): EitherResult<T> };
SafeUnpackG = { <T>(errorHandler: FuncSpreadable): FuncSpreadT<T> };