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A small set of monadic data types to get you going functionally, with some optional extras

Monadical provides data-types and functions such as Either or curry, allowing you to compose operations originating from different context such as generators or monads, with safety in mind.


To install the latest stable version, run either of the following via a terminal:

using npm

npm install monadical

using yarn

yarn add monadical

Usage & Compatibility

The project is currently written in Typescript, targeting version 3.6.x compiling down to es5. Note: CommonJS is the supported target, future work includes adding UMD support.

Using ES6, you can use the following import syntax:

import Either, { Left, Right } from 'monadical/either';

So, to import the Maybe data-type with composing functions, you would write the following using ES6:

import Maybe from 'monadical/maybe';
import compose from 'monadical/compose';
import chainC from 'monadical/chainC';
import isNumber from 'monadical/isNumber';

const add10 = amount => Maybe.nullable(isNumber(amount) ? amount + 10 : void 0);
const safelyAdd10 = compose(chainC(x => `My amount is now: ${x}`), add10);

console.assert(safelyAdd10(20) === 'My amount is now: 30')
console.assert(safelyAdd10(null) === void 0)

Supported Types

The following provides an outline of each data-type and their supported operations.



  • get: (): T
  • map: <U>(f: (x: T) => U): Container<U>
  • join: (): Container<T>
  • static of: <U>(value: U): Container<U>



  • isNothing: (): boolean
  • isJust: (): boolean
  • static just: <J, N>(val: J): Just<J>
  • static nothing: <J, N>(_: N): Nothing<N>
  • static of: <J>(val: J): Just<J>
  • static nullable: <J, N>(val: J): Maybe<J, N>



  • isNothing: (): boolean
  • isJust: (): boolean
  • get value: (): J
  • map: (func: (a: J) => J): Just<J>
  • chain: <T>(func: (a: J) => T): T
  • getOrElse: (_: any): J
  • filter: <N>(func: (a: J) => boolean): Maybe<J, N>



  • isNothing: (): boolean
  • isJust: (): boolean
  • map: (_: any): Nothing<N>
  • chain: (_: any): N
  • getOrElse: <T>(defaultVal: T): T
  • filter: (_: any): Nothing<N>



  • get value: (): T
  • static left: <L, R>(val: L): Left<L, R>
  • static right: <L, R>(val: R): Right<L, R>
  • static of: <L, R>(val: R): Right<L, R>
  • static nullable: <T>(value: T): Either<null, T>



  • isRight: (): boolean
  • isLeft: (): boolean
  • map: <T>(func: (val: L) => T): Either<L, T>
  • getOrElse: (defaultVal: any): any
  • orElse: (func: (val: L) => any): any
  • chain: <T>(func: (a: R) => T): Left<L, R>
  • getOrElseThrow: (func: (val: L) => Error): R | Error
  • filter: (func: (val: R) => boolean): this



  • get value: (): R
  • isRight: (): boolean
  • isLeft: (): boolean
  • map: <T>(func: (val: R) => T): Either<L, T>
  • getOrElse: <T>(defaultVal: T): R
  • orElse: (func: (val: R) => any): this
  • chain: <T>(func: (a: R) => T): T
  • getOrElseThrow: (func: (val: L | R) => Error): R | Error
  • filter: (func: (val: R) => boolean): Either<L, R>



  • map: <U>(func: Func1<U>): IO<Func1<U>>
  • chain: (func: Func1Optional): any
  • run: (): any
  • static of: <U>(val: U): IO<U>
  • static from: <T>(func: Func1Optional): IO<T>
  • static lift: <U>(val: U): IO<U>



  • map: (_: any): void
  • fmap: (_: any): Empty

Monadic operations during programmable commas

For programmable commas, some operations are available allowing you to compose functions:

Operating on Monads/values

  • mapC: MapC = { <T, V>(func: T): (container: Monadical<V>) => any; <T, V>(func: T, container: Monadical<V>): any; };

  • chainC: ChainC = { <T, V>(func: T): (container: Monadical<V>) => any; <T, V>(func: T, container: Monadical<V>): any; };

  • getOrElseC: GetOrElseC = { <T, V>(val: T): (container: Monadical<V>) => any; <T, V>(val: T, container: Monadical<V>): any; };

Operating on Monads/values encapsulated in generators

  • mapG: MapG = { <T>(a: T): <V>(b: V) => MapC <T, V>(a: T, b: V): MapC };

  • chainG: ChainG = { <T>(a: T): <V>(b: V) => ChainC <T, V>(a: T, b: V): ChainC };

  • extractG: ExtractG = { <T>(a: T): any };

  • safeHandleErrorG: SafeHandleErrorG = { <T>(a: FuncSpreadable): (b: Generator<any, T, any>) => EitherResult<T> <T>(a: FuncSpreadable, b: Generator<any, T, any>): EitherResult<T> };

  • safeUnpackG: SafeUnpackG = { <T>(errorHandler: FuncSpreadable): FuncSpreadT<T> };