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Releases and Packages

Zach Kinstner edited this page Dec 22, 2016 · 5 revisions


Hover UI Kit v2.0 is now available to developers as an "alpha" release. It has not yet been tested in production-level applications, and there may be many breaking changes prior to the official v2.0 release. Please post or email bug reports and other feedback!

Using a Hover UI Kit release build is the recommended way to get started. Download the .zip file provided in the latest release build, which contains several .unitypackage files. Import the desired packages into a Unity project (see details about these packages below). No additional files from the code repository are needed.


Releases are structured as collection of packages, meant to be imported and used within a Unity project. The Core package contains all of the essentials, including some of the most common modules. This core import can be extended by importing additional Module packages (or creating custom ones).

Package Description Imported To Folder
Core This package contains the essential code, assets, and modules needed to use Hover UI Kit. /Assets/Hover
Input Each package contains support for a particular input device. The Core package includes some common, device-agnostic input modules. /Assets/Hover/InputModules/X ("X" is the input device's name)
Interface Each package contains functionality for particular type of interface. /Assets/Hover/InterfaceModules/X ("X" is the interface's name)
Renderer Each package contains code and assets for particular style of renderer (which controls the graphics for items and cursors). The Core package includes some common renderer modules. /Assets/Hover/RendererModules/X ("X" is the renderer style's name)
Demos This package contains several scenes that demonstrate Hover UI Kit features. Some example scenes may require the use of specific modules. /Assets/HoverDemos


The Core module is a dependency for all other modules.

The Demos module (which is typically provided as a .zip file in each release) covers a variety of scenarios, and thus depends on most/all Interface and Renderer modules. It may also depend on one or more Input modules, based on which device is desired (or required) for a particular demo scene.

The Demos module also has some external dependencies. Currently, demo scenes depend on:

  • Unity's standard "Effects" assets (in particular, the BloomOptimized component). Import these via Unity's top menu: Assets > Import Package > Effects
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