Releases: abpframework/abp
Releases · abpframework/abp
Blog Post
See the blog post for this release to learn what's new:
- ISSUE #7489: Async implementation for Transaction Commit/Rollback
- ISSUE #7285: Cli template creation: Remove aspnet-core root if blazor & no-mobile
- PR #7277: Cli: move connectionstring step to customs (by yekalkan)
- PR #7250: Remove the redis connection string when the public website option is not specified (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #7242: DbMigrator: For mongodb, we don't need to create a migration file
- PR #7215: Add Access denied page to Account module. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #7183: MVC datatable pagination number list not wrapping line on small screen devices
- ISSUE #6963: Update documentation & tutorials for queryable usage on the repositories
Bug Fixes
- ISSUE #7270: BUG: Exception while using CLI to create a new project with --database-management-system Postgres Abp 4.2.0-rc.1
- PR #7264: Cli: RunRemoveMigrations step before CleanupFolderHierarchy (by yekalkan)
- PR #7248: Fix RemoveEfCoreDependencyFromPublicStep condition (by yekalkan)
- ISSUE #7235: Proxy Generator cannot resolve types properly when the solution name ends with the word "System" and has a dot in the solution name
- PR #7479: Datatables pagination: use "col-auto" (by yekalkan)
- PR #7467: Added missing menu contribution to module template (by cotur)
- PR #7459: Update user properties when it's changed. (by maliming)
- PR #7456: Add ApiResourceProperty - KeyValuePair map config. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #7430: EmailConfirmed set to false when updating name
- PR #7419: Cli module template: add alternative nuget.config path (by yekalkan)
- PR #7378: Open the microservice document after creating the microservice-pro template (by yekalkan)
- PR #7369: Cli: Added BlazorUi to ModuleInfo (by yekalkan)
- PR #7361: Cli: Remove warnings from version list output (by yekalkan)
- PR #7357: Cli DBMS: SQLite connection string espace char (by yekalkan)
- ISSUE #7345: CLI abp udate logs an error error
- PR #7341: Added a link to unit testing video on ABP Community (by armanozak)
- ISSUE #7339: [SQLite DBMS] in 4.2.0-rc.2 JSON issues in ConnectionStrings
- PR #7329: allow paths to include whitespace in dbmigrator & cli (by yekalkan)
- PR #7324: Updated styles in test projects of angular templates (by armanozak)
- PR #7317: Repository document: Use GetQueryableAsync. (by hikalkan)
- PR #7307: Updated the Page-Alerts document (by mehmet-erim)
- ISSUE #7303: Angular configurations in templates do not include styles properly in tests
- PR #7300: Cli template creation: Remove aspnet-core root if blazor & no-mobile (by yekalkan)
- ISSUE #7290: DateParserFormatter should be reviewed and a test double should provided at ThemeSharedTestingModule.withConfig if necessary
- PR #7271: Cli: Remove
method since migrations are already removed (by yekalkan) - PR #7263: Fix EF warning in EfCoreTenantRepository (by olicooper)
- PR #7256: Used js instead of ts for highlighting code in Angular UI unit testing document (by armanozak)
- PR #7244: Fix DbMigrator for mongodb (by yekalkan)
- PR #7236: Limited characters allowed before System when parsing types during proxy generation (by armanozak)
- PR #7217: Update auto-pr.yml for rel-4.1 (by mehmet-erim)
- PR #7216: Always store string type values to JobDataMap (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #7209: Create an LDAP demo.
- ISSUE #7207: How to handle Account/AccessDenied?ReturnUrl=%2Ftasks%2Fcreate-task when a user doesn't have access to page
- ISSUE #7189: Quartz Background Job not serializing Job Args
- ISSUE #6987: Create an Excel import and export sample.
- ISSUE #6105: Validation issues in Blazor UI
See the blog post for this release:
Blog Post
See the blog post for this release:
Breaking Changes
- PR #6986: Make FeatureManagementProvider's NormalizeProviderKey method async. (by maliming)
- PR #6809: Transaction management made async (by hikalkan)
- PR #7143: Microservice template generation via CLI (by yekalkan)
- PR #7083: CLI public web site option (by yekalkan)
- PR #7007: Add hard delete by predicate for IRepository. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #6925: HardDeleteAsync with predicate
- ISSUE #6874: Page Alerts for Angular UI
- PR #6779: DbMigrator creates the initial migration if no migration exists (by yekalkan)
- PR #6737: Automate DBMS selection by the ABP CLI (by yekalkan)
- PR #6679: Repository Bulk Operations | EfCore.BulkExtensions (by enisn)
- PR #6676: Bulk Operations (by enisn)
- ISSUE #6654: Repository Bulk Operations
- ISSUE #5554: Blazor UI: Progress bar / loading indicator
- ISSUE #2543: Automate DBMS selection by the ABP CLI
- PR #7154: Set returnUrl for Web.Host account management button (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #7153: Set returnUrl for Web.Host account management button
- PR #7026: Fix for culture-specific number formats with Volo.Abp.TextTemplating (by axunonb)
- PR #7011: Introduce AbpRequestLocalizationOptions (by maliming)
- PR #6996: Cms-Kit page system implementation (by cotur)
- PR #6995: Always use Repository.GetQueryableAsync() in the method of RepositoryAsyncExtensions (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #6993: Don't show confirmation on document cache clear (by yekalkan)
- ISSUE #6992: RepositoryAsyncExtensions should use Repository.GetQueryableAsync()
- ISSUE #6968: Add UnitOfWork middleware to the startup templates where necessary
- ISSUE #6964: Update remaining modules for repository queryable change
- PR #6913: Improved AddAbpOpenIdConnect (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #6912: Remove MultipleActiveResultSets from the templates project connection string. (by GameBelial)
- PR #6868: DI support of AutoMapper (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #6855: change connection string by Dbms preference (by yekalkan)
- PR #6841: Support ManifestDirectoryInfo and ManifestFileInfo (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #6815: Lazy Resolve Dependencies To Gain Performance (by maliming)
- PR #6804: Fix: Cli - Incorrect port settings (by yekalkan)
- ISSUE #6799: Virtual File System Explorer Support ManifestDirectoryInfo&ManifestFileInfo
- PR #6795: CLI: just delete migrations instead of recreating when -dbms is used (by yekalkan)
- PR #6774: Blazor theme menu supports target (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #6771: Localize the submit button text. (by maliming)
- PR #6755: Add AbpIdNameTagHelper (by maliming)
- PR #6753: Avoid using array index in taghelper expressions (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #6747: Improved permission management modal performance (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #6746: Improve permission management modal performance
- PR #6734: Added RedirectAlowedUrls (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #6732: source code link added to post (by muhammedaltug)
- PR #6728: Exclude UserCache of ProxyScriptingModel as the cache key. (by maliming)
- PR #6718: Added samples from abp community articles. (by hikalkan)
- PR #6701: Set job name for Hangfire background job integration (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #6700: Set job name for Hangfire background job integration
- ISSUE #6671: Format date in blogs page in Blogging module
- PR #6463: Add Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection to Volo.Abp.Autofac module. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #5288: Consider supporting Automapper dependency injection
Bug Fixes
- ISSUE #7132: Api Documentation page doesn't work
- ISSUE #7104: Setting RabbitMQ connection in appsettings.json causes consumers to not consume messages
- PR #7092: Fix Cli Thanks Page Redirection (by yekalkan)
- ISSUE #7087: [Angular] Domain Tenant Resolver is not working properly
- PR #7071: Always use async consumer implementations (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #7066: RabbitMQ backgroundJob worker do not work ?
- ISSUE #7006: Volo.Abp.Cli add-module --new can not create angular module properly
- ISSUE #6709: Clear filter doesn't work on Docs
- PR #7213: version update (by erolarkat)
- PR #7203: Enhance GetAsync to eliminate EF warnings (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #7190: Included en-GB locale file to the Angular UI bundle (by mehmet-erim)
- ISSUE #7188: Remove EF warning logs 'The query uses a row limiting operator'
- PR #7180: Cli template creation: remove cms kit always (by yekalkan)
- PR #7177: CLI: do not remove migrations for versions older than 4.2.0 (by yekalkan)
- PR #7175: Localized framework + modules to dutch (nl culture) (by nielscil)
- ISSUE #7174: Migrations is missing in EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations
- PR #7172: Community: Change localization (by EngincanV)
- PR #7171: docs: add documentation for page alerts (by bnymncoskuner)
- PR #7169: Community: Add missing localizations for submit post page (by EngincanV)
- PR #7168: A...
Blog Post
See this blog post announcement for this release:
Breaking Changes
- ISSUE #6733: Create Loader Service
- ISSUE #6806: Add filter ability to http wait service
- PR #7040: Use commas to separate header objects. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #7022: Imporevements http wait service
- ISSUE #6961: Angular UI: Improve Validation Blueprint Extensibility
- ISSUE #6823: Angular UI: Improve Core module testing
- PR #6710: Removing Form attribute usages from SubmitButton (by cotur)
- ISSUE #6686: Remove Form usage from SubmitButton
- ISSUE #6673: Blazor UI: Consider to apply bundling&minification to the startup template
- ISSUE #6308: Document navigation extra properties
Bug Fixes
- ISSUE #7033: Fix loader delay
- ISSUE #7008: Forms throw injection token error
- PR #6919: Remove permission Grants when role is deleted (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #6904: Localization of navigation extension property should be based on original property
- ISSUE #6895: remove role did not remove permissions
- PR #6839: Fix SolutionModuleAdder.RemoveProjectByPostFix (by yekalkan)
- ISSUE #6834: Navigation extension property table header should be localized
- PR #7035: Tested Angular UI extensibility docs & updated screenshots (by armanozak)
- ISSUE #7031: ProxyScriptingJsFuncHelper CreateJsObjectLiteral missing comma at end of string (when multiple parameters)
- PR #7029: Added Verdaccio Docker compose to create real-like test environment for Angular UI (by mehmet-erim)
- PR #7014: Added the time log for the commands to the publish.ps1 (by mehmet-erim)
- PR #7009: Fixed the injection token errors (by mehmet-erim)
- PR #7004: Update the entity after changing its properties. (by maliming)
- PR #7003: Bundle blazor resources in startup template (by ilkayilknur)
- ISSUE #7000: Creating a new user via the API does not save the name and surname when using MongoDB
- PR #6989: Angular UI: Added ThemeBasicTestingModule and secondary entry point for it (by armanozak)
- ISSUE #6967: Angular UI: Add ThemeBasicTestingModule and secondary entry point for it
- PR #6966: Angular UI: Provided Validation Tokens via ThemeSharedModule (by armanozak)
- ISSUE #6950: Test Angular UI extensibility docs & update screenshots
- PR #6923: Update CLI help info. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #6922: Bug in Volo.Abp.Cli command line argument
- PR #6920: Fixed localization of navigation extension property in Angular UI (by armanozak)
- PR #6914: Fix SolutionModuleAdder.RemoveProjectByPostFix (by yekalkan)
- PR #6892: Angular UI: Added a wait utility function to use before opening/after closing modals in tests (by armanozak)
- ISSUE #6889: ABP modal does not open/close in tests
- ISSUE #6888: Karma tests do not clear DOM after each test
- PR #6873: Cli: Change NuGet.config file path for module source-code download (by yekalkan)
- PR #6866: Fixed testing problems with modal, "New" button, and Actions dropdown (by armanozak)
- ISSUE #6865: Testing modal, "New" button, and Actions dropdown has problems
- PR #6859: Lookup property table column localization fix (by ilkayilknur)
- PR #6825: Angular UI: Added UiExtensionsTestingModule and secondary entry point for it (by armanozak)
- PR #6824: Angular UI: Improved testing with CoreModule (by armanozak)
- PR #6810: Add ThemeSharedTestingModule and improved CoreTestingModule (by armanozak)
- ISSUE #6803: Angular UI: Add UiExtensionsTestingModule and secondary entry point for it
- ISSUE #6802: Angular UI: Add ThemeSharedTestingModule and secondary entry point for it
- PR #6801: Fix databaseProvider parameter of thanks page url (by yekalkan)
- PR #6789: Fix the wrong document (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #6786: Blazor Documentation: Incorrect Nuget package reference
- PR #6752: Fix MySQL documentation (by yekalkan)
- PR #6751: Article: fixed missing line in Customize the SingIn Manager (by gterdem)
- PR #6744: Add localizedText to InnerHtml of small tag. (by maliming)
- PR #6742: Fix telerik blazor component article link (by EngincanV)
- ISSUE #6731: MySql Documentation: Incorrect method name: UseMySQL
- PR #6729: Fix sorting in MongoAuditLogRepository (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #6724: InputInfoText not rendered in dynamic form
- PR #6714: Documentation: Added how to change ListService defaults (by armanozak)
- ISSUE #6706: Invalid sorting in MongoAuditLogRepository
- PR #6693: OrganizationUnit MoveAsync not working automatically in MongoDB (by gterdem)
- PR #6505: Chinese translation domain driven design implementation guide (by akinix)
- ISSUE #6284: Search in documents not working on
- ISSUE #5993: Creating a new UI theme by copying the Basic Theme (for Blazor)