Breaking Changes
ISSUE #3244 : Possible @abp/ng.core dependency issue (breaking change)
PR #3561 : Implement validation for extra properties of the extensible objects (by hikalkan )
ISSUE #3531 : Create a generic service that can attach a component to root level
ISSUE #3479 : Implement validation for extra properties of the extensible objects
PR #3348 : Introducing DynamicProxyIgnoreTypes. (by maliming )
PR #3057 : Russian localization for the framework and all the modules (by romkij )
PR #3649 : Check that Document is not null in GetDescription method. (by maliming )
ISSUE #3636 : Add an option to skip error handling to forRoot method of ThemeShared
PR #3619 : Add select2-bootstrap-modal-patch.js to Select2ScriptContributor. (by maliming )
ISSUE #3601 : Enable ABP CLI to generate project from local template cache
PR #3600 : UPD Application on… (by 380086154 )
PR #3594 : Make GetConventionalRegistrars method public. (by maliming )
ISSUE #3585 : Add DomInsertionService a Method for Removing Content
PR #3577 : Use IHostApplicationLifetime to manually terminate the console application. (by maliming )
ISSUE #3574 : DbMigrator never ends in a continuous deployment job
PR #3571 : Upgrade Swashbuckle.AspNetCore to v5.3.1 (by liangshiw )
ISSUE #3566 : Upgrade Swashbuckle.AspNetCore to v5.3.0
ISSUE #3536 : Angular 'apiUrl' in configurable json file
ISSUE #3530 : Attach toaster and confirmation components to app-root level
PR #3526 : Introducing AbpRemoteServiceApiDescriptionProvider (by maliming )
PR #3508 : Dynamic C# proxying enhancements for culture sensitive types. (by maliming )
ISSUE #3495 : The method of razor page should return IActionResult
PR #3491 : update IsRelational extension for EntityFramework (by WeihanLi )
PR #3490 : Enhance EntityHelper's TrySetId method. (by maliming )
ISSUE #3472 : Dynamic C# proxying enhancements for culture sensitive types
ISSUE #3461 : EntityHelper.TrySetId
PR #3454 : Add Quartz StartupDelay option (by olicooper )
ISSUE #3425 : Create enums for replaceable component keys
PR #3424 : Slovenian translations for Volo.Abp.UI (by leonkosak )
ISSUE #3414 : Make a stress / load testing for ABP Framework
ISSUE #3362 : Apply Entity Extension System for samples (using NuGet Packages)
ISSUE #3197 : Create a modal service to append a modal to the body
ISSUE #3080 : Angular Component Replacement Document enhancement
PR #2659 : #214 authorization improvements (by mperk )
PR #2414 : resolve #2385 fix mongo.exe dispose (by mehmetuken )
Bug Fixes
ISSUE #3670 : Docs module test failing
PR #3581 : Fix the problem of GetAllowedScopeNames method. (by maliming )
ISSUE #3521 : bundling module wrong if condition
PR #3674 : Using test collections in DocumentRepository_Tests. (by maliming )
PR #3672 : Fix Github action. (by maliming )
ISSUE #3671 : Github action is not working(for net)
PR #3665 : Restore DeleteOrphansTiming value of ChangeTracker. (by maliming )
PR #3655 : Added a Utility Function to Create Options from Enums (by armanozak )
ISSUE #3654 : Add a Utility Function to Create Options from Enums
PR #3652 : Added an property named skipHandledErrorCodes to forRoot options of ThemeShared (by mehmet-erim )
PR #3648 : Fixed if condition in config plugin (by mehmet-erim )
PR #3645 : Replace the NuGet.Config file in the module template. (by maliming )
ISSUE #3635 : Cannot create package Volo.Abp.Cli.Core
ISSUE #3627 : abp template renderer doesn't work
ISSUE #3620 : Apply select2-bootstrap-modal-patch.js change to the projects
PR #3617 : Appended ConfirmationComponent and ToastContainerComponent to the body (by mehmet-erim )
ISSUE #3614 : Leave empty for date input when initial load in AbpTagHelper
ISSUE #3613 : Invalid character on char field in Abp Input TagHelper
PR #3610 : Add skipGetAppConfiguration property to forRoot options of CoreModule (by mehmet-erim )
ISSUE #3609 : Select2 is not working in opened modal by default
PR #3607 : Tag helper document for dynamic forms and form elements (by yekalkan )
PR #3602 : Document how to install and uninstall preview NPM packages (by mehmet-erim )
PR #3592 : docs: Added ExposeServices attribute. (by berkansasmaz )
PR #3586 : Added a Method for Removing Content to DomInsertionService (by armanozak )
PR #3582 : Improved LinkedList Documentation (by armanozak )
PR #3579 : Use IActionResult as the return value of the page method in the module. (by maliming )
ISSUE #3578 : An error code was found in the Volo.Abp.Account.Web.IdentityServer module
ISSUE #3575 : Update LinkedList documentation to reflect its move to @abp/utils package
PR #3556 : Make docs module shortName unique (by liangshiw )
PR #3552 : Added a Modal Service to Project the Modal to Root Level (by armanozak )
PR #3546 : Extensible object manager docs (by hikalkan )
PR #3544 : Introduced a Generic Service for Content Projection (by armanozak )
PR #3540 : Created enums for available replaceable components (by mehmet-erim )
PR #3529 : Refactored the internal logic of the AddFileToBundle method. (by maliming )
PR #3523 : Remove Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.DataAnnotations package. (by maliming )
PR #3519 : Use the tempkey.rsa file in memory. (by maliming )
ISSUE #3515 : Unit tests are failing randomly for the first run
PR #3506 : Merged Angular & MVC getting started documentations (by mehmet-erim )
ISSUE #3452 : Add React Native getting started document
PR #3427 : Quartz Backgroundworker Implements IsEnable and judges whether the jobkey is duplicated (by liangshiw )
ISSUE #3418 : Commercial Login Broken
ISSUE #3405 : Document the object extension system
ISSUE #3404 : ABP CLI should make requests to the rather than GitHub
ISSUE #3277 : Localization error for PagerInfo on Volo.Abp.UI
ISSUE #3251 : Add how to install preview NPM packages documentation
ISSUE #3199 : Tag helper document for dynamic forms and form elements
ISSUE #3180 : Many controllers in *.HttpApi take too long to load a project
PR #2484 : Revert delete main.yml (by mehmetuken )
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