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Takayuki Ito edited this page May 18, 2015 · 10 revisions
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Troubleshooting RAM project

#Troubleshooting List

Issues with Starting MOTIONER (after you power it on)

Error Message Possible Reasons Solution 1 Solution 2
MOTIONER IMU doesn't light up ・MOTIONER IMU connection failed
・MOTIONER IMU cable is missing
・MOTIONER IMU cable is disconnected
・MOTIONER IMU is broken
Replace the cable Replace the broken MOTIONER IMU
Multiple MOTIONER IMUs won't light up when connected ・A connection to the MOTIONER Controller is missing
・A MOTIONER controller cable is disconnected
・A MOTIONER IMU that is connected to the MOTIONER controller has failed
・There is a connection failure witin the MOTIONER controller
Carefully inspect the connections between the MONITOR IMUs and the MONITOR Controller ・Replace the cables
・Replace the connections between the MONITOR IMU and Monitor Controller
There is no light throughout entire MOTIONERIMU system ・The battery is dead
・The MOTIONER controller's power connection has failed
Replace the battery Replace the MOTIONER controller


Error Message Possible Reasons Solution 1 Solution 2
Some of the MOTIONERIMUs are lighting up, but data is not being sent to the MONITOR application MOTIONER IMU's power reset has failed Turn the MOTIONER controller on and off Disconnect and reconnect the cables connecting the MOTIONER IMU to the MOTIONER Controller
Motion data coming into the application looks choppy The battery power is low Replace the battery -
Some of the joins are moving arbritrarily fast on the application screen The setting of the node numbers didn't work correctly ・Check the MONITOR IMU node number (via the Arduino Serial port)
・Fix how the node numbre is written for the MONITOR IMU
Replace the MOTIONER IMU
When trying to turn the MOTIONER Controller on and off, you can't control a MOTIONER IMU ・The battery is low
・The MOTIONER IMU has failed
Replace the battery Replace the MOTIONER IMU
Some parts are moving slowly when you're not moving ・The position is fixed
・The MOTIONER IMU has failed
Uncheck the fixed position setting so it is not fixed Replace the MOTIONER IMU
Some parts move freely without any motion from the user ・A cable connecting a MONITOR IMU to the MONITOR Controller is missing or broken
・The MOTIONER IMU has failed
Replace the cable Replace the MOTIONER IMU
The movement looks twisted ・The calibration with the gyroscope orientation sensor wasn't very good or is not working correctly
・The cable for the MOTIONER IMU used on the back is missing or broken
・The MOTIONER IMU for the back has failed
Redo the calibration in a different location ・Make sure the cable for the MOTIONER IMU for the back is connected and is working. Replace if necessary
A bone is unable to bend forward ・The waist, back or chest is missing a MOTIONER IMU connection
・The waist, back or chest MOTIONER IMU connection is bad
Check the appropriate MOTIONER IMU for a bad or missing cable Replace the appropriate MOTIONER IMU

General MOTIONER Use

Error Message Possible Reasons Solution 1
Cannot record motion data If you are trying to record data, make sure there is a folder called "motion" in your data folder Create a "motion" folder in your data folder
The motioner display is alternating between two actors' motion data There are duplicate actor names Change one of the names so that all actor's have unique IDs

-- Creative Commons License
This Document by YCAM InterLab, Yoshito Onishi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.