1004 commits
to master
since this release
Main Update
- Reduce consensus timeout from 30 sec to 20 sec
- golang tracers, add golang callTracer
New API Support
- XDPoS_GetEpochNumbersBetween
- XDPoS_getBlockInfoByEpochNum
What's Changed
- increase mainnet rpc volume by @wanwiset25 in #552
- remove redundant error check in function getValidators by @JukLee0ira in #551
- remove admin for rpc and running node by @liam-lai in #554
- testnet: adjust enode_id for old bootnodes and add new bootnodes to list by @wanwiset25 in #555
- performance: remove extra conversions and optimize functions by @JukLee0ira in #553
- use errrors.New instead of empty fmt.Errorf by @JukLee0ira in #557
- remove swarm as unused like eth by @liam-lai in #537
- add step to trigger rpc deployment script update by @wanwiset25 in #556
- some PR before EIP-1559 by @gzliudan in #559
- fix issue #377 and a bug in queue by @gzliudan in #563
- Increase txsize by @wanwiset25 in #550
- scale down devnet from 108 to 90 by @liam-lai in #571
- downscale devnet by @liam-lai in #579
- update devnet deployment script by @liam-lai in #580
- scale down devnet from 90 to 73 by @liam-lai in #581
- Merge from master by @liam-lai in #589
- Merge from master for reorg bug fix by @liam-lai in #593
- lower the devnet cert to recover devnet by @liam-lai in #592
- lower the devnet cert to recover devnet again by @liam-lai in #594
- Scale down devnet from 73 to 62 by @liam-lai in #582
- make eth_call not timeout during UpdateM1 by @gzliudan in #595
- fix database corrupt when UpdateM1 fails during reorg by @gzliudan in #596
- Fix some panic cuased by nil block, statedb, header by @gzliudan in #578
- make leveldb configurable by @gzliudan in #576
- Improve the performance of eth_getLogs by @JukLee0ira in #583
- support for golang tracers + add golang callTracer by @wgr523 in #558
- Fix writeblock by @JukLee0ira in #601
- reduce devnet from 63 to 53 for cost saving by @liam-lai in #602
- remove legacy testnet validate masternode logic by @liam-lai in #603
- upgrade devnet rpc seems its cpu is reaching 100 by @liam-lai in #605
- remove ecs rpc node as we have ec2 ones by @liam-lai in #567
- fix a bug in PR #583: snapshot is not updated by @JukLee0ira in #604
- support both input and data in eth_call, eth_estimateGas, personal_sendTransaction by @JukLee0ira in #597
- hardcode stable image for rpc deployment (temporary) by @wanwiset25 in #612
- change Signer reward to debug by @gzliudan in #600
- Dev upgrade merge from master to fix rpc nodes by @liam-lai in #615
- fix race conditions in txpool by @gzliudan in #617
- Revert EIP 2464 by @wanwiset25 in #619
- update fastcache to v1.12.2 by @gzliudan in #613
- revert fixed image by @wanwiset25 in #621
- implement EIP-2681 by @gzliudan in #609
- update package common/lru and implement generic LRU by @gzliudan in #611
- implement EIP-3541 by @gzliudan in #614
- add missing unlock before panic in package event by @gzliudan in #624
- improve function EnableEIP in package vm by @gzliudan in #625
- feat: GetEpochNumbersBetween API by @wgr523 in #606
- fix sync issue for testnet by @gzliudan in #631
- Dev upgrade fix merge for #635 by @wanwiset25 in #637
- Monthly Merge Dev-Upgrade to Master Branch: September by @wanwiset25 in #635
- intro new timeout by @liam-lai in #651
- add last block number for epoch api by @benjamin202410 in #681
- Mainnet v2.3.0 merge hot fix branch and new epoch api by @benjamin202410 in #680
- cherry pick epoch api from dev-upgrade by @benjamin202410 in #699
Full Changelog: v2.2.5...v2.3.0